All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 322 Parent-child clothes are also prepared

Chapter 322 Parent-child clothes are also prepared

After the haircut, the three children will be sent to the orphan rescue center.

Neither Xu Chengan nor Xu Chengning wanted to go.

Because the rescue center will separate them, if so, they would rather continue to wander outside.They showed resistance to the members of the third army, but neither of them spoke, just looked at Xi Qingke.

Xi Qingke said: "We want to apply for adoption by the military."

The military also has a special orphan support department.

Any child can apply if they wish.

"Yes, it is possible." The third army said: "But it will take a month to adapt. If you can adapt to the life of the military, there will be no problem."

The officer took out a document.

Ask Xi Qingke: "Are you literate?"


Xi Qingke nodded, and the officer handed all the information to her.

Even though he already knew the general content inside, Xi Qingke still read the whole document completely.Then, she returned the materials to the Third Army and said, "Thank you, I want to apply for adoption by the First Army."

First Army?
The officer smiled and told her: "This requires an application from the commander of the First Army. If there are officers above the rank of major general to apply for you, it will be no problem."

Generally speaking: the adoption by the military follows the principle of proximity - the child within the jurisdiction will be raised by whoever.But if the child is a rare and good seed, people from other armies will also like it.

At this time, everyone will start to grab.

Pull out all the stops.

Let the children choose their own regiment.

Of course, the adoption application still needs to be approved by the First Army.But this kid directly applied to go to the First Army, and the last step would be saved.

Although Xi Qingke hasn't done a mental appraisal yet, judging from the child's performance, he is smart.

The Third Army wanted to keep it for a while longer, "Children, the First Army is very good, but it has high requirements for adoption. Our Third Army will volunteer to adopt children within its jurisdiction. If you want to join the military, come to our Third Army The army is also very good."

"no need."

Xi Qingke said: "I want to be her student, which should only be possible for the First Army."

She glanced at Ying Jiao.

It's obvious that he went there in response to arrogance.

Third Army: "..."

Yes, they really can't do this.

But the marshal may not be able to do it!
They've heard that this man does whatever he wants, but he doesn't necessarily follow the command of the marshal!


The officer wanted to persuade him again, but Xi Qingke said, "Please, please help me apply."

Xi Qingke's desire to join the First Army is very strong.

And firm.

The Third Army couldn't persuade them, so they had to agree, "Then let's help you do a mental power appraisal first."

"Thank you."

Three children were taken away.

Ying Jiao also heard what Xi Qingke said just now, and she scoffed at it.

"Be proud."

Ji Hanyu turned her head, looked at Ying Jiao, and asked her: "You, don't you like children?"

Ying Jiao:?
Why did you suddenly ask her this again?

Ying Jiao thought for a while and said, "It's okay."

Probably not annoying.

But I didn't like it much.


Ji Hanyu lowered her eyes and thought: It's okay—does it mean that you don't like it?
As for herself and hers, does she also...

"That's right." Ying Jiao remembered the clothes Xu Chengning and the others were wearing, and asked him, "Why do you have children's clothes?"

And it's quite complete.

Boys and girls, big and small, all of them.

Even the little tiara hair accessories.

Ying Jiao felt that this was not something Xiao Ji could use normally, and it felt a bit strange to put it in his space button.

Ji Hanyu glanced at Ying Jiao, and said softly, "I bought some before."

"What are you buying this for?" Ying Jiao looked puzzled.She remembered: Xiao Ji's family seems to have no children, because Ji Chunsi is still single up to now.

So what did Xiao Ji buy these for?

"It's nothing."

Ji Hanyu tilted his head unnaturally, and the tips of his ears were a little red. He excused, "I just think it looks good."

It's one of the reasons he buys clothes.

In fact.

These things were recommended by the designer when Ji Hanyu was making clothes for Ying Jiao.

Some are still parent-child clothes.

so cute.

Ji Hanyu, who didn't have this idea at first, was planted immediately, and as a result, he was more fully prepared.

"Oh." Ying Jiao immediately believed this, nodded and said, "It's quite beautiful."

Ji Hanyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Yuan at the side saw something else.

Unexpectedly, the two of them are not married yet, and the second young master...

"Brother Lu!" Lu Yuan was still thinking, and Meng Si took a small stone with a strange shape to show off: "Look! Look!!"

Afraid that Lu Yuan could not see, the stone in Meng Si's hand was about to touch the other's face.

Lu Yuan took half a step back.

After seeing the things in Meng Si's hands clearly, he was momentarily speechless.


Is it a stone?
"Brother Lu, have you seen it? It was the stone that Xiao Ningning gave me! Say thank you for the nutrient solution I gave her!"

Meng Si looked silly.

He held the stone in both hands, with a smug expression on his face, as if what he held was some great treasure.

Lu Yuan: "..."

He smiled and said, "Congratulations, classmate Meng Si, for getting such a commemorative treasure."

"Yes, yes! I also think it is very memorable!"

Meng Si joyfully put the small stone into her pocket.

In the eyes of him and the little friend Xu Chengning who gave away the treasure, this is something of equal value to the nutrient solution that costs tens of millions.


After Xi Qingke was taken to the rescue center, he was given a mental test.

Then the third army present was stunned.

"Super, super 3S!"

Now, even if Xi Qingke doesn't apply, they still need to report the situation to the marshal.

It was Yu Shen who connected to this emergency communication.

When he learned that a child with super 3S mental power wanted to join the First Army, he immediately put down his work and carefully asked about the situation there.

"So it is."

After hearing that Xi Qingke wanted to be Ying Jiao's student, he felt that it was a bit difficult to handle.

It's not that the procedures are difficult to handle.

It's Yingjiao's side.

Yu Shen talked with Xi Qingke for a while, and then decided: the chance is very slim.

Judging from his understanding of Jiaojiao, she might not like such a tough, serious, responsible, responsible, gentle and delicate child.

Compared with seemingly perfect people, Ying Jiao is more tolerant of eccentric people, such as: Sheng Ling, Xia Feng, Ruan Yi, Lu Qingyang, Lu Xingyao...

Yu Shen can assure you: If this child is a paranoid lunatic, Ying Jiao will be happy to teach her to be a human being.

But only if she didn't do anything bad.

Otherwise, teaching to be a human being would mean another level.

Yu Shen: "Can you tell me why you want to be Ying Jiao's student? You should know that she is still in school."

This question made Xi Qingke slightly pursed her lower lip, she lowered her eyes and said, "Because she is very strong."

Yu Shen: "..."

Don't tell the truth.

This is even more difficult.

Lying is taboo in Ying Jiao.

Yu Shen guessed that the impression of this child in Ying Jiao's place might only be a little bit, maybe not as good as the little girl with golden curly hair next to her.

Yu Shen tapped rhythmically on the table with his fingers.

He thought for a while, and then said: "If you tell the truth, we may try our best to let you stay by Ying Jiao's side for three months; if not, even your application to join the First Army will be a little troublesome."

(End of this chapter)

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