All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 327 Cycle, start

Chapter 327 Cycle, start

Liang Xu?

Xi Qingke frowned and thought for a while.

Then he shook his head and said, "I've never heard of that name."

Xi Qingke cycled through the dream hundreds of times and knew many things.

Only Liang Xu.

She hadn't even heard the name in her dreams.

She only knew: "After the Zerg race broke out, the Liang family suddenly stopped all activities against the Ji family, and went to the front line to kill a primitive bug mother. I have never heard of the name Liang Xu, but the leader at the time People from the Liang family, all the Liang family members call him 'Mr.'."


That person should be Liang Xu.

Ying Jiao thought for a while and asked her, "Where's Liang Si, do you know the name?"


Xi Qingke said: "This is the personal assistant of that 'sir'. If the husband is not here, all Liang's family members must follow his instructions."


Ying Jiao ate another nut that was a bit broken.

She thought: probably in Xi Qingke's dream, no one was angry with Liang Si and told about Kou Hong.So it was a bit late for Liang Xu to come out of the mountain again.

There was no time to prevent the Liang family from being used by Fu Xingyuan.

"One more thing." Xi Qingke said: "The disappearance of the descendants of the personnel related to the Chaos Project...they were all sent to the Liang family's laboratory. At first, only the relevant personnel were persecuted, but since the Liang family began to have problems, As a result, some innocent people have suffered disasters one after another.”

The disappearance of people related to the chaos plan began 1000 years ago.

In other words.

The Ji family called a halt to the plan of infidelity, but the Liang family, as one of the victims, never let it stop.

at this time.

Ying Jiao's hand for peeling the nuts paused.

She thought, she probably knew who Liang Xu was.

"What is the original worm mother?" Ying Jiao asked.

Xi Qingke: "The worm mother has existed for more than 3000 years and has many dependents. We call this kind of worm the original worm mother. Except for the one killed by the Ji family thousands of years ago, there are three more—Quyu, Taiqiu, Manjiao. Manjiao was later beheaded by the Liang family, and the remaining two worm mothers have been following the bully and killing countless humans."

The reason why the interstellar insect mother is difficult to kill is because it has many dependents, and humans cannot kill it for a while.

This gives the worm mother sufficient time to escape.

Ordinary worm mothers are still like this.

Not to mention those few that have existed for such a long time.

Ying Jiao: "Do you know where those worms are?"

"I don't know." Xi Qingke shook his head: "Before the full-scale outbreak of the Zerg, humans didn't even know their existence."

However, some people have speculated before that there may be such terrible insects in the interstellar world.

It's just never been confirmed.

After that, Ying Jiao asked Xi Qingke some more questions.

Xi Qing Kequan answered honestly.

A few hours later, Ying Jiao almost understood Xi Qingke's dream.

At the end.

She asked Xi Qingke, "If you don't have the spiritual nutrient solution brought by classmate Xiao Ji this time, what will happen to you?"

"Brain domain damaged."

Xi Qingke said: "Xiao'an will drink concentrated grass nutrient solution for me. Although the spiritual nutrients in Monteggia nutrient solution are more than other nutrient solutions, it is still not enough to provide the nutrition my brain needs. Although after Sheng Yu With the doctor's treatment, most of the damage to my brain has healed, but the root cause of the disease still remains."

not only that.

"Because there are too many nutrients in the concentrated grass nutrient solution, my body can't digest them for a while, so I was still asleep when the mound worms attacked me and Xiao An."

These three, except for Xi Qingke who is stronger.

The other two small ones had little fighting power.

The three were attacked by the Zerg, and the consequences can be imagined.

Xi Qingke's tone was a bit sad: "In the previous dreams, both Xiaoan and Ningning passed away unfortunately, but I was protected by them, but I survived like luck. Although the injury was serious, after the treatment of the third army, My body has recovered from the damage."

Those times, she felt guilty all her life.

After more cycles later.

It was only then that Xi Qingke slowly figured out a way to save Xu Chengan's brothers and sisters.

——After drinking the nutrient solution and getting better, she would force herself to wake up, kill the few bugs in front, and flee to the third army with Xu Chengan and Xu Chengning.

But doing so comes at a price.

Xi Qingke's brain injury will be more serious.

Under such circumstances, Xi Qingke's mental strength level was only A.

Not even as good as Xu Chengan and Xu Chengning.

If she didn't tell her secret, the Third Army would definitely not mobilize people to ask Sheng Yulai to treat her; but if she told the truth...

Basically, everyone who knows will die.

Xi Qingke has cycled hundreds of times, although there will be new progress each time.

But every time, she failed to save mankind.

She can only start again after experiencing pain and despair again and again.

until this time.

She opened her eyes and saw Ying Jiao.

Xi Qingke soon discovered that what she drank was not the concentrated grass nutrient solution, but the spiritual nutrient solution she needed most.Then, she also saw Ji Ershao and Lieutenant General Lu who should not have appeared here—the two should be students of the First Military Academy at this time.

This is not a dream.

After learning that Yu Shen became the adjutant of the Marshal, Xi Qingke finally realized: This is not a dream!
Xi Qingke got rid of the dream.

She was finally free.

"Since you have done so many tasks in your dream." Ying Jiao suddenly asked: "Then you can go to work directly?"

Xi Qingke:?

At first, I didn't quite understand the meaning of Yingjiao.

Ying Jiao didn't pretend to be a joke, and said directly: "I plan to lead the entire army in the future and lead them to destroy the Zerg. If you want, you can come and help me now."

Commanding... the entire army? !

Xi Qingke:! !
Even though he was used to seeing strong winds and waves in his dreams, Xi Qingke was still shocked.

"Teacher..." She hesitated and said, "Marshal, only the Ji family can—"

Xi Qingke wanted to say: If it wasn't for the Ji family, it would be very difficult to get the approval of other officers even if he sat in that position.

Hearing this, Ying Jiao sneered.

Showing off his ring proudly, he said, "Even Xu Chengning knows that classmate Xiao Ji is mine. Why is your look not as good as hers?"

The tone was a bit contemptuous.

Xi Qingke: "..."

She didn't expect it either.

A person like Er Shao would like someone like Teacher... She always thought that this was just a defensive ring of the same style.

"Can your mental power be upgraded?"

Ying Jiao has already peeled more than ten cans of nuts, covered them all, and put them into the space button.


I will give it to classmate Xiao Ji in a while.

I can't finish eating so much, and I can make small cakes for him with the rest.


Xi Qingke knew that Ying Jiao also had a secret, so it wasn't surprising that she knew about her mental power, and she honestly confessed: "It's just that the leveling up was too slow after the brain was damaged in the dream. I have died so many times, and my mental power has only been upgraded to 4S at most. .”

4S - eighth level of mental strength.

It's a little bit worse.

Ying Jiao asked: "How do you usually level up?"

"In the beginning, it was through continuous use of mental power—every time I broke through the limit, the power would increase a little bit. Later, I found that there was an energy material that could also improve my spiritual power, but the improved mental power was not as powerful as The former method improves greatly.”

Moreover, because of the damage to the brain, Xi Qingke's mental strength not only slowed down, but also restricted to a lower level.

It can only reach 4S at most.

And it will take at least 30 years to do so.

But now her mind is fine.

Xi Qingke predicted: This time, it should only take 15 years for her mental power to be upgraded to 4S.

(End of this chapter)

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