All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 330 I still have to go wholesale

Chapter 330 I still have to go wholesale
This meeting gift is really too generous.

Let Ying Jiao realize her poverty again.


Classmate Xiao Ji nodded and said, "Dad gave it to you."

Since it was given as a gift, it is natural to receive it.

"Then..." Ying Jiao actually didn't intend to send the things back—it was all in her hands, how could she return it!So he put away all the things in a hurry, and sighed: "Uncle is such a good man!"

"As long as you like it."

Ji Hanyu helped Ying Jiao open the nutrient solution, and drank two and a half bottles himself—the remaining half couldn't be drunk, so Ying Jiao gave it to him.

After Ying Jiao processed all the nutrient solutions, he said to Ji Hanyu, "The things in the buttons, I want to wait a while and ask Uncle Lu to help make them a defensive weapon and give them to my seniors."

After listening to Xi Qingke's dream.

Ying Jiao made a Zerg assassination list.

It is full of people who have been targeted by the Zerg and are in danger.

Because there was no such condition before, part of it, Ying Jiao originally planned to let Ji Hu... no, Uncle Ji, send someone to protect it, but now that there are materials, it is better to make a weapon.

Produced by Lu Qingyang.

As long as you wear it, the possibility of being assassinated is very small.

"These are from Dad." Ji Hanyu said, "You can do whatever you want with your things."

There is no need to ask him.

"I know."

Ying Jiao said: "But husbands and wives should discuss with each other before doing big things, so that the family can be harmonious!"

The voice just fell.

The scent of roses in the air has turned into a nice sweet smell again.

Ji Hanyu was already relaxed because of Yingjiao's harmonious relationship with his father, and now he is even happier.

He took the list from Ying Jiao.

In addition to some important military officials, there are also many leaders in important interstellar industries.

Even he was on it.

Ji Hanyu was stunned for a moment, and said, "I have already received the previous one."

Lu Qingyang wanted his precious son to have more guarantees when he went to the battlefield, so he worked overtime to finish the two weapons.As for Ji Hanyu's piece, Lu Yuan had already given it to him that day.

"How is one piece enough? Make one more!"

Ying Jiao also wished to give Xiao Ji a few more clothes.

At that time, no matter what happens, his life will be guaranteed.

"Why without you?"

After reading the list, Ji Hanyu found that Ying Jiao's name was not on it.

He took out a pen and added it, and said: "If there are not enough materials, I have some."

After thinking about it, he immediately took out a piece of ultra-rare material.

——Although it is not as big as the one I gave her before, it is still more than enough to make a few super high-level defensive weapons.

Ying Jiao: "..."

She gets it.

The best food in the whole world is really soft rice!

For a moment, Ying Jiao's mind flashed countless plots from the end-of-the-world storybook: Bai Fumei cheated on the poor boy; …

No no no.

Can't think about it.

The more I think about it, the more pictures I have.

"Should be proud?"

Ji Hanyu pursed her lower lip when she saw Ying Jiao's delay in accepting him.

Just about to take back the things, he was going to find Lu Qingyang to make them himself.


Ying Jiao saw what Xiao Ji was thinking, and quickly stopped him: "Don't, don't! Just give it to me! Just give it to me!"

Ask Xiao Ji to find Lu Qingyang by himself, and the other party will definitely speak loudly.

Not cost-effective.

It is better to go wholesale.

"But I don't need it, so I might as well make a few more for you."

Ying Jiao felt that it was impossible for her to encounter a fatal crisis that even she could not solve.

So don't want to waste.

But Ji Hanyu said: "If you don't want it, then I don't want it either."

Ying Jiao: "..."

She tried to explain: "You also know that I have a power-based ability, and my defense is already better than this..."

The more she said, the colder the rose fragrance became.

Ying Jiao simply shut up.

Okay, okay.

She also has one.

Ying Jiao counted the materials on hand, and it was almost there.

Although classmate Xiao Ji said he had it there, Ying Jiao still didn't want to use him.

He said hello to the other party, and then went to Zhu Yi.

"A defensive weapon made by Lu Qingyang?"

Zhu Yi paused while drinking tea leisurely.

I looked over.

Obviously, he was also interested in this.


Ji Xun's gift to Ying Jiao also contained tea. Ying Jiao took out the bag and skillfully brewed a cup for Zhu Yi.

Zhu Yi: "..."

I want to say that I can't afford to drink.

But this one seems to have some skills - the tea seems to be brewed very well.

Ying Jiao pushed the teacup in front of Zhu Yi and said, "Actually, it's not a big deal. I just want to use the name of Adjutant Zhu to reassure those people."

Ying Jiao's plan is: Let the people on the list generate their own demand for defensive weapons, and ask her, the middleman, to help Lu Qingyang make defensive weapons with money and materials.

Of course, Ying Jiao's reputation is not enough to make people feel at ease to hand over their family property, so Ying Jiao attracted Zhu Yi.

Ying Jiao: "If Adjutant Zhu also has this intention, I can give you a back door, Adjutant Lu, and let Director Lu make your order first."

Zhu Yi: "..."

As soon as he took a sip of tea, he almost choked.

Zhu Yi put down the teacup.

Even the sweet lingering fragrance in his mouth didn't bother to savor it carefully.

When he saw Ying Jiao approaching, he knew that this person was here to plot against him.However, he thought that he was only going to lose some money, but he really didn't expect that what he was going to lose would be his reputation.

Zhu Yi wanted to return the tea.

Losing money is a small thing, Zhu's family's reputation...he can't afford to lose it.

"Adjutant Zhu thinks it through." Ying Jiao said confidently, "The interstellar world is about to become unsettled—it's not always an opportunity to buy defensive weapons made by Lu Qingyang."

Of course Zhu Yi knew how good the defensive weapons made by Lu Qingyang were.

It's about buying things.

To be honest, Zhu Yi was also very moved.


"I wish the adjutant don't worry too much." Ying Jiao said: "Just please send a message to inform them. We have Teacher Qu Fei in Qianzheng, so others will not worry about the level."


This guy even calculated Qu Fei.

So far, many good seedlings who admire Qu Fei have been fooled and joined Qian Zheng.And those people, even if they didn't see Qu Fei inside, they would not be willing to leave if they saw a Lu Qingyang who was more talented than Qu Fei.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yi picked up the tea again.

Anyway, whether he drinks or not will be calculated, so he should not waste this good tea.

"How about this."

Seeing that Zhu Yi hadn't agreed yet, Ying Jiao acted like I was taking another step back, and said, "You don't need to be too obvious, Adjutant Zhu, as long as the adjutant publicizes the weapons you bought on your optical brain account That's good. It's best to let these people see it by chance."

Of course, some of the people on the list are not so wealthy, and they really can't afford such defensive weapons.

But there are not many people in this group.

Yingjiao can send it.

It's just that the name needs to be found well, otherwise things will easily go wrong.

It's over.

Ying Jiao's optical brain also received a message.

——The defensive weapons that Ying Jiao just mentioned, both the Meng family and the Qi family will buy them.

Especially the Qi family.

Bought four.

One for a family of three, and one for their collection.

It's not a deposit, they pay the full amount directly.

Materials and money are fully prepared.

But Ying Jiao still replied: No, buy as much as you need; but if Qijue needs it, Qianzheng can send a design drawing.

As for design drawings, Lu Qingyang always threw them away after they were used up.

Do not care.

It just happens to be used as a favor.

In the end, both parties were happy. The Qi family bought the defensive weapons and blueprints made by Lu Qingyang, and Ying Jiao also ensured that Qijue would not collapse.

Then came the Meng family.

The Meng family is not in this industry, they have only heard a little about Lu Qingyang's reputation, but they don't know exactly how powerful he is.

Meng Junfeng was so forthright because he probably heard some gossip from Meng Si.

Although the Meng family is not as good as the Qi family, it is still possible to make a few defensive weapons.

The Meng family bought four pieces.

A family of four, one piece for each person.

(End of this chapter)

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