The equipment lent to them by the Third Army can destroy the eggs of 3S without any problem.

But the one in front of Liang Wenxun couldn't be sold.

"Brother Ying, Brother Ying!" Liang Wenxun hurriedly called Ying Jiao, and after demonstrating to her that this coin cannot be destroyed, he asked her, "Is this the 3S bug mother?"


Ying Jiao let the ugly egg recognize it.

"Yes master, that's it!"


The shell of the insect mother is harder than other insects, so the equipment lent to them by the third army can't do anything about it.

Ying Jiao asked Xia Feng, this kind of worm can't be like the one just now, after getting rid of its weakness, it will be safer.Just in case, it's better to solve it directly.

It was enough for him to study the safe worm mother.

Ugly Egg doesn't like to eat such chewy things either.

So Ying Jiao directly raised his hand.

The tenth-level fire ability was used.

"噗~" once.

The insect eggs that were still extremely strong just now are gone.

Liang Wenxun: ...

Liang Wenxun:? ? ?

Liang Wenxun:! ! !

He was shocked.

Everyone else in the group was seriously exterminating the insects, but he was the only one who saw Ying Jiao raising his hand and releasing the flames.

After being shocked, Liang Wenxun became afraid again.

"Ying, Brother Ying—" He wanted to say that he would keep the secret.

Brother Ying, don't shut up!

In the end, Ying Jiao smiled slightly and said, "Surprised? It's a new weapon made by Lu Qingyang."

Lu Qingyang?
As a member of the Liang family, Liang Wenxun had heard a little about Lu Qingyang's legend.

Since it is Lu Qingyang.

Then, then it really is Lu Qingyang!

Liang Wenxun nodded fiercely, and said, "No, as expected of Lu Qingyang! That's amazing!"

As he said, he closed his eyes and hypnotized himself: that fire was made by Lu Qingyang's weapon, that fire was made by Lu Qingyang's weapon, that fire was made by Lu Qingyang's weapon!
It has nothing to do with Brother Ying!

It doesn't matter!

Liang Wenxun took a deep breath, and after slowly letting it out, he opened his eyes.


Brother Ying is still human, so it's impossible for him to become angry out of thin air.

Liang Wenxun convinced himself that he is a sensible person, and he would never dare to say things that should not be said.So Ying Jiao just glanced at him indifferently, and then went to check the progress of other people's missions.


As soon as she left, Liang Wenxun breathed a sigh of relief.

Not many worms left.

It took the team another 10 minutes to destroy all the eggs.

Gong Hui also saw the insect eggs in the ground hole. If there is no accident, those things will break out of their shells in a short time, and then let this planet fall into the difficult situation before.

"Good job!"

Gong Hui happily praised Ying Jiao, and then asked how she knew there were insect eggs here.

This problem should have been expected in advance.

She took out the ugly egg and said, "My pet overheard it from other bugs."

This reason is okay.

Anyway, Gong Hui agreed.

Regardless of the truth, Ying Jiao has made another contribution.

After returning to the ground, everyone was exhausted.

When the car's automatic driving mode is turned on, only one person is left to guard the car, and everyone else is staggering and tired.

Many of them were so sleepy that they fell asleep on top of their classmates.

After returning to the station in Nanyuan City, Gong Hui explained the situation to the third army.Then he gave them the work report that was driven out on the road.

"Major General Ying."

Nie Yang has something to ask Ying Jiao.

Before the conversation, he gave a gift first.

Another gift.

Ying Jiao twitched the corners of her mouth, feeling as if someone always liked to give her presents recently.

Nie Yang said: "Thank you, Major General Ying, for taking care of our little He."

This is a thank you gift.

But Ying Jiao didn't want it, just said: "I didn't take care of her."

Being rejected by Ying Jiao, Nie Yang did not take back the gift.

The sloppily packaged rare material was still placed on the table.

Nie Yang paused.

Said: "Actually, Yihe was relatively quiet when she was a child. But later, during a mission, her mother unfortunately died. That mission was supposed to be for Yiyun's mother, but at that time Yiyun had a fever and dragged her mother to death. They were not allowed to leave. So Yihe’s mother went there on her behalf, and she never returned.”

At that time, Xiao Yihe's father had just finished his mission and hadn't had time to rest.

Because I was in a hurry to see my dead wife for the last time.

He was in a car accident on the way back in a hurry and died.

Having lost his father and mother one after another, everyone was wary of Xiao Yihe.

Especially Xiao Yiyun.

She felt that her cousin lost her parents because of herself, so she always wanted to make up for her.

Xiao Yihe doesn't need to make up.

She knew from an early age that every time her mother separated before going to the battlefield, it was likely to be a farewell.

It's not anyone's fault.

"Probably because he didn't want to be treated so carefully again, so Yihe gradually became what he is now. Knowing that Yiyun wanted to make up for her, Yihe would intentionally cause trouble for Yiyun and let Yiyun go help."

Speaking of this, Nie Yang let out a long sigh.

After a while.

Nie Yang said: "Although Yihe is sensible, no one needs to make up for it. But everyone hopes to do something for her—we heard that Qianzheng now has a defensive weapon produced by Lu Qingyang..."

Ying Jiao: "..."

around so far.

That's what I wanted to say.

Xiao Yihe is not on the list, Ying Jiao really has no plan to equip her with defensive weapons.

Nie Yang also saw it.

He said: "Actually, the Xiao family also has a piece of ultra-rare material. The general asked the family members, and everyone agreed to take it out and make it a defensive weapon for Yihe. Although the Xiao family is not as good as the Ji family and the Zhu family, one piece is one catty. There are still a lot of ultra-rare materials. If Qian Zheng can be flexible, the Xiao family can donate the leftovers."

Ultra-rare materials, even scraps are precious.

In order to get this spot, the Xiao family also spent a lot of money.

The Xiao family, Xiao Yuandao.

General of the Third Army.

This guy was already on the list.

Every general in the basic army, except the one in the Seventh Army, Ying Jiao planned to equip one for him.

The Xiao family has the materials, so it belongs to the part that wants him to customize the defensive weapons himself.

It's just that Ying Jiao didn't expect that Xiao Yuandao wanted to make a defensive weapon, but he didn't make it for himself, but Xiao Yihe.

Ying Jiao sat opposite Nie Yang.

After thinking about it, he said, "If Admiral Xiao is free, you can talk to me alone."

It's fine if we can talk.

Nie Yang immediately notified Xiao Yuandao.

Xiao Yuandao was also busy, but in order to make a very reliable defensive weapon for his granddaughter, he also tried his best to squeeze out time, and connected the video with Ying Jiao.

"Major General Ying."

Xiao Yuandao's eyes are more similar to Xiao Yiyun's, deep and tough.

"General Xiao."

The spaceship for the students of the First Military Academy to return to the station of the First Army is about to take off.

Ying Jiao doesn't talk too much.

He said bluntly: "The admiral knows that Interstellar has not been peaceful in recent years. Turmoil may break out at any time. The reason why Qianzheng did this is to hope that when there is turmoil in Interstellar, there will be no important department because of the chief Falling into chaos."

What she meant was obvious.

The person Qianzheng wants to protect is Xiao Yuandao.

Xiao Yuandao was silent for a while.

Say: "Three pieces."

Xiao Yuandao wanted to customize three defensive weapons.If he needs configuration, the two granddaughters should too.Of course, if the things weren't too expensive and the Xiao family couldn't afford them, he would have wanted five.

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