All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 340 For Early Retirement

Although Ying Jiao felt that saving the world was very tiring, she never had the idea of ​​letting go of the burden.

She didn't think that because she was capable, she had to take on heavy responsibilities.


As a member of the human race, she would not feel better if the human race disappeared.

Temporary leisure and long-term comfort.

You should be proud to choose the latter.

work first.

After the interstellar is stable, she will find someone to take over, and she will retire on her own.

Ying Jiao: "I'm working now so that I can retire early in the future."

A very homely idea.

People who think about retiring at such a young age don't seem to be very common in Interstellar.

But Yingjiao thinks so.

Of course, she didn't go to work entirely for retirement.

Ying Jiao also said: "Even if StarCraft can't do without me, I can't hide behind others. I can't let others throw their heads and blood to defend my peace."

To go to war means sacrifice.

Because of these sacrifices, Interstellar can achieve stability.

Ying Jiao feels that she is capable, so she can't hide behind others and let others sacrifice while she enjoys it with peace of mind.

This doesn't work.

If so.

Ying Jiaojue couldn't have a clear conscience.

"The conditions are much better now than I used to be." Although Ying Jiao's former teammates are also good, but in the end of the world, whether it is transportation, medical treatment or weapons and equipment, they are not as good as Interstellar.Recalling the difficult life in the past, Ying Jiao clicked his tongue, and then said in a very confident tone: "I can win under the same conditions before, let alone now!"

Ying Jiao is very confident that she can lead mankind to victory.


Ji Hanyu watched Ying Jiao silently for a while.

But last time, Ying Jiao also sacrificed.

She achieved victory for mankind, but she didn't have time to get even a day of leisure.

Ji Hanyu hugged Ying Jiao tightly, feeling a little scared in her heart.

"Ying Jiao." Ji Hanyu said, "You want to live."

"Must be alive."

If you're gone, then I won't be able to survive in your peaceful interstellar world.

He will leave with her.

This is not enough.

Ji Hanyu recalled his own materials, and was ready to immediately ask Lu Qingyang to make a defensive weapon that could absolutely guarantee Ying Jiao's safety.

He stood up immediately.

"Xiao Ji, where are you going?"

Ying Jiao was still thinking about how to answer Xiao Ji's words just now, but he had already arrived at the door.

Ji Hanyu opened the door, "Wait for me, I'll go find my father."

After speaking, he left.

Ying Jiao: "..."

No, what about movies?Don't you want to watch a movie...

It was the first time Ying Jiao saw an elementary school classmate in such a hurry.

As soon as Xiao Ji left, Ying Jiao lay on the sofa, waiting quietly.

After a while, I felt bored, and sneaked to his bed again.

Ah~ it smells so good!


When Ji Hanyu arrived at Ji Xun's office, Ji Xun was sharing the biscuits brought back by Zhu Yi with his confidants who had just finished the meeting.

Ji Xun: "Xiaoying's child knows how to be grateful. I just gave her some small things, and she immediately sent so many things over. I made it myself, and the taste is not bad."

Ji Xun was very reserved.

No pride at all.

But the confidantes all felt that the tea in their mouths had turned sour.

It's just that there is a future Ji family who is stronger, has more connections, and cooks better food. What's so embarrassing about the marshal?
But this biscuit is really delicious.

It is very fragrant when served with tea.

"Xiaoying, this child. Tell me, I don't know how she found it. She can find and destroy even hidden nests. It's also those children who listen to her and follow her when they dig holes. dig."

Speaking of this, Ji Xun finally couldn't hold back, the corners of his lips curled up.

Confidants: "..."

We haven't forgotten that you used to despise others.

There are too many achievements to be proud of.

Ji Xun kept saying that he couldn't stop at all.

The confidantes feel more toothache the more they listen.

If this is not their own marshal, they really want to recall for him how he treated others last month.

"dong dong dong"

The door rang.

Ji Hanyu walked in from the outside.

After greeting the elders, he said, "Father, I have something to discuss with you."

"Since the marshal has something to do, let's go first."

The meeting is already over.

If it wasn't for the biscuits, they wouldn't have wanted to stay here and watch the marshal snarl.

Zhu Yi, who had been drinking tea and eating biscuits silently, stood up, packed everything in front of him and took it away.

Others who were originally reluctant to leave the biscuit behind: "..."

Immediately imitate the example.

Soon, the conference room was empty.

Ji Xun: "..."

Fortunately, what he took out to share were small biscuits that could not be eaten in half an hour.He hasn't brought out other more fragrant ones yet.

"Is something wrong, Yuyu?"

Seeing that his precious son seemed anxious, Ji Xun poured him a cup of tea and asked him to sit down and talk slowly.


Ji Hanyu said: "Those things of mine...I want to take them out and customize a defensive weapon for Ying Jiao."

He didn't know what kind of danger Ying Jiao would encounter, so he wanted to take out everything and make the best one.

That's why he found his father, because the things his grandfather left him are still with his father.


Of course, he knew what was in the things Ji Xun kept for his son.

At the beginning, his father left before he could see his little grandson. Before leaving, he specially prepared a gift for Yuyu who was not yet born.

It is the ones that exist here now.

His father loved Xiao Si the most during his lifetime.

But even the share that Xiao Si received was not as rich as Yuyu's.

and so……

Ji Xun pondered for a while, then asked, "Have you thought it all over?"


Ji Hanyu nodded lightly.

He had already made up his mind that Ying Jiao would join the army, and he would definitely be the most feared existence by the Zerg in the future.

The Zerg will definitely try to get rid of her.

Yingjiao is more dangerous than anyone else.

She is the one who most needs a defensive weapon.


Unexpectedly, Ji Xun did not persuade him.

After confirming that his son had made up his mind, he simply handed over everything to him, and told him, "Be careful when negotiating the price with Lu Qingyang, and don't let him cheat you."

"Yeah." Ji Hanyu said, "I'll ask classmate Lu Yuan to ask for help."

"That's good."

Ji Xun nodded.

not worried.

Ji Hanyu came out of the conference room and listed all the materials she had on two lists, one detailed and one rough.Then he took them to find Lu Yuan.

"Second Young Master?"

Lu Yuan, who had just finished memorizing the interstellar secrets, was a little surprised when Ji Hanyu came looking for him, "What can I do for you?" He asked.


Ji Hanyu handed the sketchy list to Lu Yuan, and said, "I want to customize a defensive weapon for Ying Jiao, so I would like to ask for your help."

It turned out to be the case.

Lu Yuan understood.

He picked up the list and looked at it.

only one glance.

Surprised inside

Although he knew for a long time that the No. [-] family in the interstellar family had a profound background, Lu Yuan never expected that it would be so thick!
Lu Yuan is not a professional equipment engineer, so he doesn't know some things on the list.

But among the ones he knew, none of them he could afford.


Maybe after selling Qianzheng's shares, he could barely buy one or two.

Lu Yuan: "..."

What to do, suddenly a little envious and proud.

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