Follow the officer into the Seventh Army's garrison.

It was very depressing inside.

There are wounded everywhere, and the military doctors are all busy.

Moreover, it was not only the military personnel who were injured, but also the residents.But the latter was placed in an inconspicuous corner, and the military doctors didn't care at all.

But it doesn't matter at all.

Occasionally, one or two military doctors will take turns, and under the cover of their colleagues, they will secretly treat residents who need emergency treatment.

The process is very careful.

Fear of being seen by anyone.

"Go and help." The commander of the First Army ordered in a calm voice.

He was very angry at this scene, but for the sake of the overall situation, he still held back and didn't attack immediately.

"Who should be proud!"

Wu Yuanzhong was driving the mecha.

His mecha was holding a machete on one side and one on the right, and it was still stained with black Zerg slime.Just 1 minute before, Wu Yuanzhong was still killing insects on the battlefield, but when he heard that the first army's rescue had arrived, he immediately left the whole battle behind and couldn't wait to come to Ying Jiao to settle the score.

During the mission, absent from duty without authorization.

Ying Jiao pulled her lips and smiled coldly.

She stepped out of the line.

"You should be proud?"

Wu Yuanzhong's tone was very disdainful.

Before Ying Jiao could reply, he shot directly and slashed at Ying Jiao with a knife.

"Be careful!!"

The Seventh Army exclaimed.

On the other hand, the First Army: very calm.

Even a little gloating.


Wu Yuanzhong's knife penetrated half a meter into the ground.

He was extremely ruthless, without any scruples at all.Seeing that Ying Jiao escaped his own attack, he also said: "It's just a normal exchange of ideas, your first army won't hold grudges, right?"

"of course not."

Ying proudly smiled.

Then he took off the gravity belt, "We have a grudge, and it is usually resolved on the spot."

After finishing speaking, he flew forward and kicked Wu Yuanzhong's mecha in half.

"Bang! Boom—"

Seventh Army was shocked.

Although they have heard that this person's fighting power is against the sky, they have never imagined that it is against the sky to such a degree!

The First Army was very calm.

I thought in my heart: It’s a trivial matter, it’s all a trivial matter.

Their major general can be even more powerful!
Ying Jiao: "Just in time, when I got off the battleship, I also wanted to find someone to compete with."

The smell of blood in this place is not the smell of Zerg corpses.

is human.

Ying Jiao discovered it from the very beginning.

After she arrived in Interstellar, she has been on the battlefield many times, but she has never encountered such a situation.

Human casualties are even more severe than Zerg!

There are countless injured residents.Even if they are brought back to the station according to the regulations, it is forbidden to treat them.

No wonder, the death rate of residents in the Seventh Army's jurisdiction is so high.

It turned out to be the case.

Ying Jiao smiled coldly.

Go straight forward and drag Wu Yuanzhong out of the broken mecha.

Wu Yuanzhong was very tall, even bigger than Cao Tong, the strongest in the group.Being dragged out by Ying Jiao, his eyes sharpened, and he saw that Ying Jiao's hand was about to destroy it.


Ying Jiao punched him in the stomach, and the sprayed tomato juice added to the smell of this planet.



Before Wu Yuanzhong could accuse Ying Jiao, his jaw was removed.This time, he couldn't even utter the words of surrender.

Ying Jiao dragged him to an open place outside.

"Major General Ying, this..."

The people of the Seventh Army reacted and wanted to stop it. After all, the admiral's trip seemed to be more ominous than good.

"do not worry."

Ying Jiao smiled slightly, took out the medicine and squeezed Wu Yuanzhong's chin and poured it down for him.Before the other party screamed, Ying Jiao stuffed the black-spotted bandage that he had just picked up and was going to throw away into his mouth again.


Ying Jiao pointed to the wound on Wu Yuanzhong's body, and said, "Isn't it going to heal?"

The members of the Seventh Army watched silently.

The wounds on the admiral's body were healing at a high speed, and the speed even made them feel sorry: it would be great if such a good medicine was given to their injured companions.

The men of the Seventh Army withdrew.

After 3 minutes, Wu Yuan fully recovered from his serious injury.

He can stand up again!
The first thing after recovering from the injury, Wu Yuanzhong sent a battle post to Ying Jiao: "I want to challenge you!"


Wu Yuan challenges her seriously, but Ying Jiao has no reason not to agree.

Therefore, Wu Yuan made another move.

With the mech gone, he took out a custom-made lightsaber—the same type of weapon as a lightsaber, but with a different shape.

Wu Yuanzhong: "I will use the weapon my friend gave me today to avenge my friend!"


Ying Jiao also took out a lightsaber.

Her calm look stimulated Wu Yuanzhong, her friend lost everything because of her, yet she still showed no apology.


Wu Yuan glared and gnashed his teeth.

But before he started, he still opened his mouth to say the statement Jiang Hongfei taught him: "I am always serious. Even if it is a battle, I will definitely go all out like a battlefield! Swords have no eyes, if you get hurt, you will be responsible for the consequences! Of course , if you are afraid, you don’t have to challenge.”

Wu Yuanzhong said this many times.

Because of these words, every time he seriously injured someone to death, Jiang Hongfei was always able to exonerate him.


Ying Jiao smiled slightly.

Everyone felt the cold, only Wu Yuanzhong didn't know it.

"Of course." Ying Jiao said, "I think so too."

After speaking, both sides shot at the same time.

Wu Yuanzhong followed Ying Jiao's head.

But without the gravity belt, Ying Jiao's speed is beyond the reach of ordinary people.She dodged directly, and everyone didn't even see her movements clearly, they found that the knife in Wu Yuanzhong's hand flew out heavily, and penetrated deeply into the ground not far away.

At this time, Ying Jiao had the weapon advantage.

Just when the Seventh Army thought that the general was going to lose at last, and learned a lesson, he saw Ying Jiao put away his lightsaber.

While dodging to avoid Wu Yuanzhong's attack, she moved her wrist.


"Bang bang bang!"

She held Wu Yuanzhong's shoulder with one hand, preventing him from moving, and beat him hard in the abdomen with the other hand.

After beating.

She let go of people.

A spinning kick.


Wu Yuan ascended to the sky again.


Xiao Yihe looked very comfortably, she tilted her head, and whispered to Zhu Xingchen next to her, "The last time I saw Brother Ying make such a move, it was against Kou Hong. I didn't expect that after such a long time, someone else won the prize."

"I've long expected someone to do this." Zhu Xingchen said.

"Me too."

Yu Yan agreed, and even Yu Ting nodded.

So did Liu Mianmian, he said, "It's the right thing to do."

Except for a few of them.

Others who have heard of Wu Yuanzhong feel very relieved.

Ying Jiao played for an hour in this match.

An hour later, she handed Wu Yuanzhong to the military doctor of the First Army.

Hand it over to the First Army?
The members of the Seventh Army hesitated.Should they go and bring the admiral back?

While everyone was thinking, Ying Jiao took out the documents he asked for from Ji Xun before leaving.

Said: "The Marshal made an urgent dispatch. The Seventh Army suffered heavy casualties. As a general, Wu Yuanzhong was suspected of dereliction of duty. He is now suspended from his post and appointed Ying Jiao of the First Army to take up the post temporarily."

The file is pretty much that.

And the documents are real.

The Seventh Army had nothing to say.

Therefore, Ying Jiao successfully obtained the command of this battle.

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