Chapter 355

Ji Hanyu wanted to say that big brother and the others wouldn't make things difficult for a child.

But when he met Shang Yingjiao's eyes.

Just know: Although they will not make things difficult, Ying Jiao is likely to be provocative.

Ji Hanyu: "..."

He silently took out a few suits of clothes suitable for Xi Qingke from the space.

Yingjiao accepted it.

The two went to the rendezvous together.

"Old Ying! Old Ying! Old Ying!!"

I wish Xingchen is like seeing a savior, please hurry up and ask Ying Jiao to leave this ancestor on his head.

Ying Jiao glanced at Ugly Egg.

The opponent shrinks back.

Hurry up and jump on Ying Jiao's shoulders in a flattering manner.


The tone is very dogleg.

I wish Xingchen a little toothache.

In the past two days, he bathed and fed the worm, and took it out for a walk whenever he was free.

Zhu Xingchen felt that he took care of it with all his heart, but what about it!Arrogantly instructing him to forget it, grab the furniture in the room if something goes wrong.

Sometimes, Zhu Xingchen felt that the other party was imitating a cat.

But when he saw that the ugly egg was grabbing metal furniture, he fell silent again.

The cat scratches the wooden furniture.

It's like this, there's no way a cat can scratch it!

"Are you still raising it?"

Ying Jiao ignored Ugly Egg, but looked at Zhu Xingchen as expected.

"No more." Zhu Xingchen wiped his face and said, "I don't deserve it."

Only Lao Ying can keep such a high-end pet.

He can't.


You should be proud to smack your tongue.

It's a wonderful thing to live a bug-free life with Xiao Ji for the past two days.Therefore, she enthusiastically told Zhu Xingchen: "If you still want to raise it next time, just tell me, don't be too polite."

"No, no need."

Zhu Xingchen doesn't want to keep pets anymore.

His dad was right.

He can't even take care of himself well and is not suitable for pets.

"Then what..." Zhu Xingchen didn't want to raise it, but Meng wanted to.

He rubbed his hands.

Ask: "Brother Ying, can you give me a try?"

Ugly is powerful.

It is not shabby to hold a worm's thigh.

Meng Si just wanted to establish a good relationship with it—maybe one day he could ask it to help kill insects or something.


You should be proud to let the ugly guy pass by.

"Hey~ I can't bear you, master!!"

The ugly egg has already experienced the days when cats and dogs were kept as pets at Zhu Xingchen.Now I have no regrets.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to hug the owner who will give pocket money.

"His family sells nutrient solution." Ying Jiao didn't even look at the ugly egg, and said lightly: "The grass nutrient solution was developed by his family."

Unexpectedly, this humble little vegetable chicken actually sells nutrient solution at home!
Montessori nutrient solution?
Every breed of ugly eggs in his family likes it very much!

Thinking of this, Ugly stood up shyly, and said with a look of reluctance: "I will miss you, Master~~"

side said.

One side climbed onto Mengsi's shoulder.

Meng Si also went on the road.

Immediately, I offered my remaining two concentrated grass nutrient solutions, "Concentrated version, Brother Egg, can you try it?"


The ugly egg nodded his noble little head.

Pick up the nutrient solution.


Ugly Egg, who usually has to drink more than a dozen boxes of nutrient solution to get full, is full with just one concentrated solution.

"Master, this is delicious!"

Ugly Dan stood on Meng Si's shoulder and shared with Ying Jiao excitedly, "It tastes stronger and more mellow than what we usually drink! I like it so much!"

Concentrated nutrient solution, human beings need to mix it with water in proportion to drink.

Even Ying Jiao.

Knowing that his master can't drink like this, the ugly egg gleefully drank the sip he managed to save.

Finish drinking.

Also burped.

Then he jumped into Meng Si's pocket with a satisfied face and went to rest.

There was absolutely no fuss in the whole process.

Former agent worm-keeper Zhu Xingchen: "..." Back then, even if he was full after serving it, it would still make trouble.

"Let's go, Stardust."

Liu Mianmian patted him on the shoulder, her tone more sympathetic than usual.

Not just him.

The rest of the group, as well as the students in the class who knew the details, and the junior seniors, all came over and patted him on the shoulder sympathetically.

In the end, even Meng Si said, "Think about it, brother."

Zhu Xingchen remained silent.

He lifted his feet and boarded the battleship returning to the First Army.

"Is... is he sad?"

Yu Yan looked at Zhu Xingchen's lost back and asked his brother.

Yu Ting said, "It will be fine soon."


Yu Yan nodded.

Not just him.

Everyone thinks so.

They didn't see Zhu Xingchen until they boarded the battleship.

At this moment, Zhu Xingchen was in the lounge, wrapped in a small quilt, hugging himself tightly.

"Is Lao Zhu all right?"

Xiao Yihe looked at the door of the lounge, a little worried, "Shall we go and have a look?"

"Need not."

Ying Jiao didn't want to see Zhu Xingchen crying.

Just let the ugly egg go.

The ugly egg who is a little stuffed doesn't want to move.

Should be proud of a look in the past.

"Obey Master, I'm going now!"

After speaking, he immediately opened the door skillfully and slipped in.


The ugly egg skillfully jumped onto the sofa where Zhu Xingchen was lying, and poked his face with his feet, "Are you all right? My master asked me to come and see you."


I wish Stardust back.

He sat up and said in a low voice, "I'm fine."

In order to show that he is really good, Zhu Xingchen tried his best to smile.As a result, the more you smile, the redder your eyes become.

Ugly: "..."

Although it is only a chicken, it has served me for so many days.

The ugly egg looked furtively at the door.

Then sneakily, he took out a candy from nowhere, handed it to Zhu Xingchen, and said, "This is for you. You don't have to be too sad. In fact, I think you are okay. But you also know that my master is the most powerful Yes, of course I want to follow her! Only by following the most powerful ones can you be popular, and none of you can do it!"

Will not work?
"What about Sisi?" Zhu Xingchen asked.

"He's just a passer-by." The ugly egg said like a scumbag, "When I get tired of drinking his nutrient solution, I will definitely go back to my favorite master!"


It turned out to be like this—compared to Lao Ying, they were all just humble breeders.It is absolutely impossible to leave any trace in the heart of the insect master.

Realizing this, Zhu Xingchen looked at Ugly Dan, his expression became a little indescribable.


The ugly egg said again: "But it's good to let you take care of you once in a while. You don't know, I don't even dare to quarrel with my master loudly at home! Not to mention that Sapo destroyed the furniture, I have to make the bed, clean and wash every day." Clothes, and occasionally washing dishes..."

Especially when living in dorms, there are no cleaning robots.

It's a bug that does everything.

Thinking of the previous days, Ugly Egg sighed.

Very vicissitudes: "You only see my glamorous appearance, but you don't know that I am also a worm carrying the burden of life."


What is this all about?
How bright is your appearance!
Zhu Xingchen complained in his heart.

But I have to say, the ugly egg comforted him.

Especially since he also got a candy!

As the owner of the ugly egg for several days, Zhu Xingchen certainly knows how protective the insect is.But now, it actually gave itself a candy!

I wish Stardust peeled off the icing.

I was very happy, and felt that I should still be quite suitable for keeping pets.It's just a normal pet, and its destructive power is stronger than his own, so forget it.

This is only suitable for old people.

"Thank you."

I wish Stardust a full resurrection.

He walked out of the room, and heard Ying Jiao say that he would not go back to school after school started, and that he was going to the [-]th Army.

(End of this chapter)

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