Chapter 358 Show off


Ji Hanyu looked at Ying Jiao and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I don't know, maybe just talk casually."

After Ying Jiao finished drinking the nutrient solution, he wiped his mouth indiscriminately.Get up, pick up the plate: "I'll go first, classmate Xiao Ji."


Ji Hanyu nodded slightly.

"See you tonight."

After Ying Jiao finished speaking, he strode away.


When Ying Jiao found Ji Xun, he had just finished eating with the generals.

"Xiao Ying."

At this time, Ji Xun's face had lost the majesty of the ceremony.

He kindly asked Ying Jiao to sit next to him.

He will introduce everyone present to her one by one: "This is General Yu, this is General Xin, this is General Xiao, and this is General Gong..."

Ji Chunsi was busy and didn't come to the First Army, so Liu Hengjing went to conduct simulation training.

Except for the two of them.

The remaining [-] generals of the entire military department have all arrived.

Ying Jiao probably knew what Ji Xun was going to do, so he cooperated politely, no matter how the other person reacted, he greeted him with a calm smile.

The General of the Seventh Army was chosen by Ying Jiao himself, so she naturally knew him; the General of the Ninth Army was Zheng Xuan, who was also quite familiar.


General of the Second Army, Xin Xi.The attitude is lukewarm.

This one is very similar to Teacher Zhao Xinchong, with a rigorous personality and first-class combat effectiveness.

General of the Third Army, Xiao Yuandao.One of Qianzheng's clients.

Compared with other black-hearted people, this one is more simple.Although the attitude towards Jiaojiao was not as enthusiastic as that of the Seventh Army and the Ninth Army, it was still friendly.

General of the Fourth Army, Gong Huan.

When shaking hands with Ying Jiao in front of Ji Xun, he couldn't even force a smile.

In addition to these few more distinctive.

The other dozen or so generals are either Ji Xun's confidantes of the First Army, who regard Ying Jiao as his "family";

Not only greeted Ying Jiao with a smile, but also praised her a few words.

Give Ji Xun enough face.

"Although we Xiaoying didn't have many tasks to do, our achievements are unquestionable. If we officially join the military department in the future, I hope everyone will take care of us."

Ji Xun said so.

People who don't know are a little confused.

This is a lieutenant general, how else do they need to take care of him?

Could it be that they want them to give up their positions and make this a general?

But their term of office has not yet expired!

"Why didn't the marshal call the second young master?" Xiao Yuandao asked.

What did you call Er Shao to do?
Those who didn't notice the ring were very confused, but those who noticed smiled slowly, and said something light-hearted to ease the atmosphere: "I thought the marshal called us here to introduce the second young master's partner to us, so it turns out ?”

How could it not be!

Ji Xun's purpose this time is to pave the way for Ying Jiao's future.


Show off again.

How powerful he is in the future Ji family.

"It seems that I don't need to say it, everyone has discovered it."

The smile on Ji Xun's face became a little more smug and proud, "Xiao Ying is my family's Yuyu's future partner, and from now on, just like Yuyu and Xiao Si, he is a member of our Ji family!"

The Ji family?
The weight of these words is not light.

Moreover, the Marshal avoided Er Shao and introduced this...

What do you mean?
Thoughts have turned a thousand times.

shallow minded.

Open your mouth and congratulate.

"Lieutenant General Ying's ability is so outstanding, could it be that he has super 3S mental strength?"

Someone asked tentatively.


Ying Jiao nodded without hesitation.

He said lightly: "It is indeed Super 3S."

No wonder so crazy.

It turned out to be Super 3S.

When she heard that Ying Jiao was Super 3S, Xin Xi, who had been calm and silent all the time, became a little interested.

She opened her mouth and asked, "Can I watch the video of the Lieutenant General fighting?"

"Yes." Of course!
Ji Xun had a reserved expression.

But when he turned his head, Yu Shen took out the things he had prepared a long time ago and projected them in public.

first paragraph.

It is the video of Ying Jiao's first shot when he first came to StarCraft.

HD quality.

Ying Jiao's clean and neat action of killing insects is displayed in all directions without dead ends.

But this Ji Xun only played a small clip.

The others are Yingjiao's projection when doing tasks.

These things don't make much sense.

Should be proud of the lack of interest.

Those who had never seen Ying Jiao make a move felt that their cognitive system had been severely impacted.There is no other reason - these things are really outrageous!

If this is a film made of bright stars.

That's fine.

Very normal.

But this is the battle projection of the new lieutenant general that the marshal showed them!
So after everyone saw it, they felt very complicated.On the one hand, they knew that Ji Xun would not fool them with fake things; on the other hand, they felt that such fighting power was too unrealistic and too fake.

True or false.

Fake and true.

For a moment, everyone was a little confused.

Ji Xun has watched these projections no less than ten times, but today when he watched them with everyone, he still enjoyed them.

After reading it, I still did not forget to praise, "Xiaoying is not only good at killing insects, but also considerate, and the key is to cook. My Yuyu loves her cooking!"


That's pretty cool.

But... aren't they talking about super 3S spiritual power?
Everyone was silent.

Even if there were doubts about the projection, no one raised it.Anyway, at seven o'clock in the evening, you can see this shot on the spot.

At that time, whether it is true or false, you will be able to tell.

"I don't know what kind of dishes Lieutenant General Ying will cook?"

Without asking about the projection, everyone followed the topic Ji Xun wanted to discuss.

"A little bit."

Ying Jiao didn't expect Ji Xun to say this.

She didn't intend to show these people her cooking skills, not to mention that there was no need for it, and her cooking skills were not for everyone to enjoy.

But it looks like Ji Xun wants to show off so much.

Ying Jiao still brewed two pots of tea.

The movements are smooth and flowing, and the gestures are not inferior to the tea ceremony masters of StarCraft.

Everyone was shocked.

Even Ji Xun didn't expect that Ying Jiao would do this!
Tea ceremony and pride?
As long as you know who Ying Jiao is, there is no way to link them together!

"Everyone, please."

Ying Jiao opened his mouth, and everyone returned to their senses.

Not many of you know this, but you can still drink this tea with a slightly better taste than others, sweeter and longer aftertaste.

Ji Xun also took out the dim sum that Ying Jiao had made before.

"Come on, everyone, try it. Xiaoying made this before and brought it to me. The taste is not bad."

It's easy to tell whether dim sum is good or bad.

There is no doubt that the dim sum brought out by Marshal is delicious.

After everyone tasted it, they nodded unanimously.

It's just that the sense of unreality in my heart is even heavier.

The combat power is against the sky, and the cooking skills are still so good.

Such a person really exists?
Everyone was suspicious.

Ji Xun smiled, knowing what they were thinking, and didn't explain it.

Anyway, the time is almost up.

At that time, anyone with a shrewd mind will know his plan.

"Marshal, there are still 15 minutes."

Yu Shen reminded.

It's almost seven o'clock.

"Then." Ji Xun got up and glanced at everyone: "Let's go and have a look together."

(End of this chapter)

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