All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 36 Ying Jiao, Don't Be Fooled

Chapter 36 Ying Jiao, Don't Be Fooled

"Lu Qingyang?!"

Ying Jiao saw Lu Yuan's pupil earthquake for the first time.

Quite novel.

Ying Jiao: "You know him?"

Lu Yuan's expression became a little indescribable, "How do you know this name?"

"Student Xiao Ji said that this person is good at making mechas. I want to ask him to customize mechas when I have money."

Ying Jiao said while searching the Internet for the name Lu Qingyang.


how come?
How can a mecha master with such a good mecha craft be so unknown?
"Ying Jiao..." Lu Yuan grimaced for a moment, and then spit out a few words, "Don't be fooled, how could he..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly realized that it was Ji Hanyu who said it.

Although he doesn't know Ji Ershao very well, he still knows that he is not the kind of person who just talks about it.

But Lu Qingyang...

"I think Er Shao might have misunderstood something." Or...

Lu Yuan hesitated for a while, "I do know a Lu Qingyang, but he doesn't know how to make mechas. It should not be the same person you are asking."

If his father knew how to make mechas, how could his family live in the poor and remote star K13?
And his dad can't do anything but dream, brag, and give him information.Not to mention making money, he didn't know how to drink the milk that Xingyao had to drink when he was a child, it all depended on him.

A person who is almost a hundred years old will cry when he dislikes him.

Lu Yuan couldn't stand it.

Lu Yuan disliked it very much.

"Oh, that's it. Then I'll go up first." Ying Jiao picked up the nutrient solution, "I have something for you, you wait here first."


Ying Jiao returned to the dormitory with the nutrient solution on her shoulders, but Sheng Ling hadn't returned yet, and the three boxes of nutrient solution she had taken out before she left had already been consumed.

She glanced into the metal box, where the ugly guy was sleeping peacefully.

Ying Jiao searched in the drawer and found the business card that Zhu Xingbai had given her before.

Downstairs, Lu Yuan was communicating with the person on the other end of the optical brain, and when he saw her coming down, he hung up.

"Give you."

Ying Jiao handed him the business card, "I won't go to Xiao Zhu's house tomorrow, as long as it's not Lu Qingyang's custom-made mecha, everything else is the same to me, so it's meaningless to go. Xiao Zhu's brother owes me a favor If you want to pay it back, this favor should be more than enough to exchange for a few mechas, so you can take it."

Change a few mechs...

What kind of favor can exchange a few high-level mechs?

Lu Yuan felt that the business card was a bit hot, so he didn't take it.

Ying Jiao: "Take it, Xiao Zhu is Xiao Zhu, his home is his home, it's not good to take it for nothing."

Makes sense.


"Isn't this your favor?" Your favor was given to me and I took it for nothing.

"Didn't we cooperate? We are both on the same boat. And it's just a favor, and it's useless for me to use it."

no use?

Lu Yuan fell silent.

"Ying Jiao, this... is the favor that Young Master Zhu owes." Young Master Zhu is not the same as Xingchen who has just grown up, he can talk in Zhu's family.

And Young Master Zhu himself also served in the Eleventh Army.

His favor, not to mention making people soar into the sky, can make him rich overnight.

It's still useless?

Lu Yuan was suddenly a little curious, why is this partner struggling as much as himself?She can obviously get rich!

Does she see money as dung?
not like...

Ying Jiao: "Oh, take it."

Ying Jiao really didn't know that this business card could make people get rich, she just felt that it was really useless for her to use it.

It's better to use it for mecha now.

And if she hadn't said that she was going to Zhu's house before, Xiao Lu would definitely not have agreed to go.Now that she's not going, Xiao Lu can't let Xiao Lu get it for nothing alone.

"You should be proud..."

"Take it!"

Ying Jiao patted the business card on Lu Yuan's hand and waved his hand, "I guess they are also eager to return this favor, just remember to give it to them."

Her identity is unknown now, and the Zhu family definitely doesn't want to default on her favor.If she knew that she wanted to exchange this for a mecha, she would probably wish to send the mecha to her dormitory.

"it is good……"

Lu Yuan felt that the development of the matter was beyond his expectation.

Obviously at first he wanted to borrow the mecha, but now...

Lu Yuan put the business card in his pocket.

Forget it.

So be it.

As soon as the next morning's class was over, Lu Yuan and Zhu Xingchen asked for leave to go to Zhu's house, while Ying Jiao and Ji Hanyu went to the cooking classroom.

There was no one in the cooking classroom when they arrived.

Ying Jiao prepared the spices and asked Ji Hanyu to wash the vegetables, "Student Ji, go wash the vegetables, wash whatever you want to eat, after I boil the soup base, put it in and cook it before eating."

"it is good."

Ji Hanyu is good at such simple tasks as washing vegetables. He washes the vegetables one by one and puts them away neatly.

Ying Jiao's actions were quick, and it didn't take long for the smell to spread in the classroom.

Ying Jiao cooked a big pot of hot pot ingredients, except for what she and Ji Hanyu wanted to eat later, she put the rest in a box, and put the recipe on it, and put it in the cooking classroom in the food storage cabinet.

When the bottom of the pot started to bubble, Ying Jiao signaled to Ji Hanyu: "You can eat classmate Xiao Ji."

She first set an example for Ji Hanyu.

As a senior foodie, Ji Hanyu knew how to operate it after reading it.

He picked up a piece of Yingjiao marinated beef, cooked it, took it out, and dipped it into a saucer.

The strong aroma of roses hits the nostrils.

Classmate Xiao Ji is very happy.

Ying Jiao was relieved, and helped Ji Hanyu cook the dishes while eating.

While eating, Ying Jiao's brain flickered twice.

Someone sent her a video chat.

Ying Jiao put down the bowl and turned on the optical brain to take a look.

It's Zhu Xingbai.

After connecting, Zhu Xingbai's voice came out, "Miss Ying Jiao."

"Is there something wrong?" Ying Jiao asked perfunctorily while cooking Ji Hanyu's dishes.

Zhu Xingbai was silent for a while, and then asked: "About the business card in Mr. Lu's hand..."

"I gave it to him. Why, you are not in a hurry to take it back?"

Zhu Xingbai: "...Thank you, Miss Ying."

"That's it, hang up."

After speaking, Ying Jiao hung up the communication and concentrated on eating hot pot.

The two of them ate this hot pot together for more than an hour.

Ji Hanyu's lips turned red from the heat, and at the end of the meal, he was so hot that he couldn't breathe.

Ying Jiao looked at him, smiled, and thought that next time he wanted to eat, he must remember to make some iced drinks for him.

"Drink some milk, classmate Xiao Ji."


Ji Hanyu took a big sip, and the burning feeling in her mouth finally eased.

After eating, the cooking table was cleaned up, and the two went back to the dormitory.


As soon as Ying Jiao opened the door, the ugly egg jumped onto her shoulder and grabbed her clothes tightly, "Master, you are finally back! I'm hungry, master~~~"

"..." Ying Jiao tore the worm off his shoulder, and took out the twenty boxes of nutrient solution he bought earlier, "When you're hungry, drink it yourself."

This is what Ugly Egg waited for, "Thank you master!"

Ying Jiao moved the ugly egg, took out a pen and paper and began to silently write the recipe.

She wrote very fast, and she wrote a lot in a short time.She has three classes tomorrow, and she can only write in the evening, but there is no class on Friday morning the day after tomorrow, so she should be able to finish writing.

(End of this chapter)

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