All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 360 It's Not Fighting, It's Dog Food!

Chapter 360 It's Not Fighting, It's Dog Food!

"do not know."

Gong Hui shrugged and said: "I only know that Lu Qingyang has not only gone to work in a safe and sound manner, but is also striving to compete for the outstanding employee of the year."

Employee of the Year...Excellent?

Is this a title that can be associated with Lu Qingyang?
Gong Huan fell into silence again and again.

Finally, he nodded.

Say, "I see."

Ultra rare material.

He does have one at home.

It's also good as a defensive weapon.


"Is this okay?" Gong Huan also knew Lu Qingyang's name.He felt that this was not an apology, but a request for help.


Gong Hui nodded and said, "Dad, you can just spread the word to other generals later."

Of course, the emphasis was on several other generals.

and no one else.


Gong Huan nodded in understanding.

Now this occasion is not suitable for talking about things, so he plans to ask in private later.

"Is it almost over?"

The two finished talking.

There is no one on the stage to challenge.

nothing else.

The people in the other army were all pressed and killed three times, and they couldn't get up.

But now it's only 07:30—half an hour before the start of the challenge!
In less than half an hour, everyone saw Ying Jiao's strength against the sky, and no longer challenged him.

Ying Jiao waited for quite a while but did not see the next group of challengers.

I just planned to say a few words casually and call it a day.


"No one? No one, then it's our turn!"

The men of the First Army stood up.

There are still two and a half hours, and they don't want to waste it.

So gearing up to go forward.

"Lieutenant General Ying, I am one of my own! I have been on missions in the past few times, and I have never met you, but I have long heard that General Ying is extremely talented, and he is a perfect match with the second young master! Before that, I Believe it or not, I finally saw it today—as expected! For a character like General Ying, he and the Second Young Master are a match made in heaven! Except for you, the entire interstellar..."

blah blah blah...

This person memorized the words for a long time, and praised Ying Jiao for nearly 2 minutes without stuttering.

Only then said.

"I'm here to ask Lieutenant General Ying for advice! I hope General Ying can give me some guidance!"

As soon as this word comes out.

The whole place was silent.


This is a challenge today, not a mentoring meeting! Hey!
It's fine to ask for guidance, why is your first army still flattering? !
The point is... will this work?
Proof: it works!
Ying Jiao listened to Rainbow fart, and actually eliminated the person without coming up, but guided the other party very reliably.

Although he still suffered a brutal beating, at least he gained something, right?
Everyone: "..."

As if they had seen some wealth code, they began to follow suit.

At the beginning, the first few haven't touched the essence yet.

Thinking that Ying Jiao only likes to listen to good things, she praised the other party vigorously.As a result, his speech was interrupted within two sentences, and he was kicked back.


The people in the audience finally grasped the rules: It turned out that General Ying didn't want to listen to Rainbow farts, she wanted to listen to the wedding speech!
Say no sooner!
Those who are literate edited a long paragraph on the spot, and those who are uneducated searched on the interstellar network.

Soon, everyone on stage was instructed.

Everyone: "..."

how to say.

Just, very subtle.

Ninety-nine out of ten singles present felt seriously hurt.

Even the students in class A1 who knew the inside story a long time ago were a little choked.

And they know more than anyone else.

So it is also more supportive.

Freshman Class A1: "..."

"Second Young Master..." Zhu Xingchen used this title for the first time since he was five years old.He looked at Ji Hanyu solemnly, and asked, "Do you want to go up and try?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ji Hanyu to answer, he boldly pushed him onto the stage.

Ji Hanyu, who was a little embarrassed because of Ying Jiao's actions, said, "..."

"Second Young Master, come on!"

Zhu Xingchen shouted frantically.

Everyone in Class A1 dared not agree.

But they all secretly gave Zhu Xingchen a thumbs up.


It's time to let other people see it, and it's nothing to secretly poke and want to hear blessings-Ying Jiao, who is never soft on others, doesn't dare to hit the second young master at all!This is a bigger portion of dog food!

It is now nine forty.

There are still 10 minutes to the end time set by Ying Jiao.

"Then what..."

Ying Jiao said to the judge in the audience—Ji Xun, "Student Xiao Ji doesn't count? He was..."

Why not?

Ji Xun thinks this is great!
"I don't think it's a problem."

Ji Xun ignored the fact that his son was pushed up.

He announced the start with a serious face.

Ying Jiao: "..."

After two hours of fighting, Ying Jiao, who had been attacking so fast and ruthlessly, stopped making moves and began to dodge around the field.

Ji Hanyu attacked for a while.


Pursing his lips, he said, "Make a move."

Others watched, the Second Young Master was still deserted, but Ying Jiao knew—Xiao Ji was not happy.

He hadn't liked himself letting him do it.

Ying Jiao hesitated for a moment.

Finally ended the dodge and began to take the initiative to attack.

She backed away, then rushed over quickly.

Ying Jiao picked up Xiao Ji and put him outside the court before the other party could react.

Everyone: "..."


Everyone burped in unison, feeling that they were full.

Still, can you still do this? !

Is this too young a couple?You, are you worthy of your status as a combatant!
Others disagree.

Started in groups and challenged Yingjiao again.


"Bang bang bang!"

In the last 10 minutes, Ying Jiao killed hundreds of people.

Each one is a one-hit kill, without any mercy.

This contrast made the resurrected people resentful.

However, Yingjiao ignored everyone's gaze.

Smile very frankly.

He also asked: "Guys, do you still want to try again?"

"No, no!"

Everyone clutched their sour teeth and retreated.

Well, the time has come.

Ying Jiao said: "It seems that everyone should have no objection to my promotion?"


What promotion?
Everyone who was dazzled by the young couple was at a loss for a while.

Then I remembered—oh, yes, this challenge is to let the group of local dogs experience super 3S spiritual power!

It turned out to be the case.

It turns out that this is not a show of affection!


"Lieutenant General Ying is well-deserved!"

"Lieutenant General Ying deserves his name!"


All generals expressed their views.

Beyond that, there was a distant voice.

——"When will Lieutenant General Ying get married?"

This question touched the hearts of many people.

Everyone looked at Ying Jiao.

Ying Jiao: "..."

I really want to see who is not opening which pot and carrying which pot.

But forget it.

Ying Jiao thought for a while, and replied seriously: "July next year. I will bring everyone a hundred and ten insect nests to celebrate."

End of the Worm's Nest to celebrate?

Pretty hardcore.

However, thinking about it makes me feel hot-blooded!
Although General Ying likes to spread dog food, her strength is unquestionable!With such a heaven-defying super 3S mental power, I feel very safe when I fight bugs with her!

Now, they can finally imagine why the Seventh Army was able to calm down so quickly.

With such a god of death, there is no reason to be unhappy!

(End of this chapter)

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