All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 368 No one can refuse

Chapter 368 No one can refuse

The most difficult step in dissecting a duck foot.

It is the first knife.

Because it is extremely difficult to cut open a complete duck foot, countless medical masters can be stopped by just this one knife.

But this knife is completely fine with Ying Jiao.

She only needs to accurately cover the surface of the scalpel with the fire attribute ability, and she can easily break the worm and prevent it from regenerating.

After dissecting one smoothly.

According to Xia Feng's request, she packed up all the parts.

After Ruan Yi arrives, he will conduct the experiment.

Ying Jiao moved quickly.

According to legend, the most difficult-to-dissect leg duck came to her, no different from other insects.

In less than an hour, she dissected all the worms she caught.

Since the research of new medicines requires a lot of materials, Ying Jiao asked Xi Qingke to catch a few more batches.After she finished the autopsy, Ruan Yi also arrived.

"Lieutenant General Ying, that's amazing!" As soon as we met, Ruan Yi gave Ying Jiao three big boxes of nutrient solution, and exclaimed, "You are the fastest promotion I've ever seen!"

It's only one semester.

He went from an ordinary student to a lieutenant general.

This speed is truly unprecedented!

Ying Jiao said a simple and modest sentence, then opened the nutrient solution and took a sip.


This time the taste has also reached a new level of complexity.

"How is it?" Ruan Yi looked expectantly: "This is an improved product I researched. It can not only strengthen the body, but also nourish the brain!"

"Brain supplement?"

Ying Jiao paused for a moment while drinking the nutrient solution.

Is it the brain supplement she thought of?


Ruan Yi said that it was improved based on the spiritual nutrient solution prepared by his teacher.

Not only can Ying Jiao be full, but it can also quickly replenish her spiritual power!

Nutrients that supplement human mental strength are not generally expensive.

For example, the one that classmate Xiao Ji gave Xi Qingke to drink before cost 3000 million yuan.

Ying Jiao looked at the three big boxes in his hand.

Expressed surprise at Ruan Yi's financial resources.

"It's nothing!" Ruan Yi waved his hand, and then said to Ying Jiao familiarly: "I haven't thanked you yet, the defensive weapon made by Lu Qingyang, after wearing it, my sense of security will be full."

Ruan Yi has been working in the military.

It can also be vaguely known that StarCraft has not been very stable these years.

He originally planned to ask someone to help him make a defensive weapon, but he didn't know if Qu Fei would accept such an order.

it's good now.

The top defensive weapons made by Lu Qingyang can be owned directly.

Ruan Yi also knew something about Lu Qingyang.

Great is great.

But he didn't have this way to ask for help before.

"As long as Dr. Ruan likes it."

Ying Jiao drank the remaining half of the nutrient solution, and put the rest into the space button.

She has already dissected the worm.

Now these should be enough for the teacher for a while, and she should have nothing to do here.

"Of course I like it." Ruan Yi said while changing the equipment, "As long as you know Lu Qingyang, there is no one who doesn't want the defensive weapons he made!"

Especially their crispy researchers.

I like it even more!
"I heard that there are ultra-rare materials used in it?" Ruan Yi knew that this thing is not cheap, and Ying Jiao gave it to the teacher and his brothers and sisters, so he said: "It happens that the teacher has a piece of ultra-rare material at home, which is the one from before. We don’t have much use for the patients who send them to pay for their treatment. I’ll go to the warehouse to find them for you another day.”

Sheng Yu didn't care about these things.

I don't even remember what's in the warehouse.

Fortunately, Ruan Yi would tidy up occasionally, and he had a rough idea of ​​the items inside.


Ruan Yi wanted to give materials, but Ying Jiao didn't refuse.

After all, it is an ultra-rare material.

Who can say no to ultra-rare materials?

Anyway, I should be proud.

"If you don't have enough ducks in a while, Dr. Ruan can tell you."

"I will, I will!"

Ruan Yi is not very interested in worms, but he is still very active to do research with Xia Feng.

After putting on the equipment, he walked into the temporary laboratory set up by the First Army.

Ying Jiao leaves the laboratory.

The detection team of the Eleventh Army has already assembled the instruments.

While she was dissecting the worm, Xiao Ji arranged for everyone in the [-]th Army in an orderly manner.

"Be proud."

He wrote all the arrangements he had made into a report and handed it to Ying Jiao, "Here."


Should be proud to look at it.

As expected of someone who has also taken courses in the conducting department, Xiao Ji's arrangements are impeccable.Even some places that she didn't expect, he arranged everything clearly.

Previously, Ying Jiao had left these matters to Lu Yuan.

Xiao Lu has been doing very well.

However, compared with classmate Xiao Ji, Xiao Lu is still a little bit worse.

But this is not to say that Xiao Lu is not good, it is that Xiao Ji did too perfectly.

"Thank you."

Ying Jiao is not very good at these things, so it's great that Xiao Ji can help her do it!

"Then I'll leave it to you for the next meeting."

The detection data has not yet come out, and the insects in the water are not easy to kill for the time being, Ying Jiao is going to take people to kill the other poisonous insects first.

Ji Chunsi's people are not given for nothing.

Anyway, it was all about exterminators, so he asked Ying Jiao to kill all the insects on Y41.

Yingjiao agreed.

So the poisonous insects over there are also her work.

"it is good."

Ji Hanyu nodded.

Ying Jiao took half of the people to the other side of the planet.

It is different from the soft duck.

The worms here are hard worms with shells, which look a bit like giant cockroaches that have mutated in the last days.

The shell is extremely hard.

It is also difficult to break open.

Killing this kind of insect is skillful, and you need to kill it from the cracks in the carapace, otherwise you won't be able to break through its defense at all.

You should be proud and know this skill.

It's just that she didn't do it.

Because this kind of sword can only kill one, if you cut it directly, although you can't kill more than a dozen like Qiu Yinchong, you can still kill two or three.

Ying Jiao spent two days leading people to kill all the bugs here.

Even the worm mother who had been running around and couldn't be caught by the eleventh army was killed by her.

Let the Eleventh Army admire.

This bug is poisonous, and ugly eggs don't like to eat it.

Ying Jiao packed all the worm mothers for Teacher Xia Feng.

Return to the station on this side of the lake.

The detection team has worked overtime to survey the general environment under the lake.

Under the deep lake.

There are mudholes everywhere.

Due to the large number of openings, the team has not yet detected where they lead.

But one thing is for sure: the bottom of the lake is not a lair for ducks.


Yingjiao was a little surprised.

However, the model of the lake bottom has been clearly described.

Under the lake, there is nothing but one hole after another.

Not to mention the nest, there is not even a duck.

"Yes." The captain of the detection team nodded and said, "This lake may be just an exit, not the lair itself."

Judging from the current data.

Indeed it is.

But Xi Qingke said that the lair is under this lake.

Ying Jiao stared at the simulated lake for a while, and then she asked, "Can you collect samples from the bottom of the lake?"

"Yes." The team leader said, "We can send collection robots down."

"Then test the mud sample."


The squad leader nodded, and quickly organized his subordinates to start working.

(End of this chapter)

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