Chapter 373
Even after Menglei reincarnated countless times, Xi Qingke's memory was not confused.

She clearly knew that she had never been to Y41.

Not to mention the lair in front of me.

But she is very familiar with this cave at the bottom of the lake.

Leaving the duck's eggs to the eleventh army, she followed her memory to the place where she found the red crow in her dream, and took a deep breath of oxygen.

Swing the shovel and dig.

Although the water in the lake has been drained, the water in the nest has not flowed out, and it is difficult to work underneath.Even when the Eleventh Army wiped out the insect eggs, they picked them up and stored them in baskets, and brought them to the shore for further processing.

But the water is not particularly deep.

And when Xi Qingke returned to the Imperial City, Sheng Ling gave her a lot of potions to replenish her body, and she kept drinking them.

Now the body is very strong.

The Red Crow can be dug out by one person.

"Lieutenant General, do you really need our help?"

The people of the Eleventh Army are quite pitiful for the children.

want to help.

But Ying Jiao lay leisurely on the chair, slowly took a sip of the fruit tea that classmate Xiao Ji made for her, and said, "No need, let her dig it herself."

Finally, there is an opportunity to let the children know that those dreams are not in vain.

So many deaths and despair.

There is always something to be gained.


Seeing that Ying Jiao, a teacher, is not in a hurry, they can't worry anymore.

But still carefully observe the situation at the bottom of the lake.

In order to avoid any accidents with the children.

"Nothing to do?" Ying Jiao saw that the members of the [-]th Army were so idle, so he said, "Then go pump the water below."

It's not that they don't help.

The members of the Eleventh Army nodded.

"Yes, we'll do it now."

Soon, the logistics department brought the pumping device.

In just two hours, the water in the cave below was pumped clean.

The real mud is beneath the Zerg lair.

At this moment, Xi Qingke's whole body was covered with mud.

But she still didn't see any trace of Red Crow.

The more I dug, the more confused I became.


it's dark.

Ying Jiao only left part of the Eleventh Army to deal with the rest of the affairs here, and the rest went back to the headquarters of the Eleventh Army.

Xi Qingke's hole has already been dug very big.

After several hours of continuous digging, the child had blisters on his hands.

Still haven't seen Red Crow.

But Xi Qingke didn't stop.

Ying Jiao didn't say anything to let her rest.

"Brother Ying..." Xiao Yihe couldn't bear it, and suggested: "Why don't you let Xi Xiaomei rest first, and dig tomorrow?"


Ying Jiao was still lying on the chair, without looking at the bottom of the lake, he just casually looked at the reed stalks flying by the wind.

Still in a nonchalant tone: "Let her dig."

"Okay, okay."

Xiao Yihe still has some things to do.

Even if you are worried, you have to go.

As he walked, he searched for a potion that could be used by Xi Qingke in the space button.

Ji Hanyu knew that Xi Qingke had a secret.

It may be the same as Yingjiao.

It could be another adventure.

So he didn't open his mouth to persuade anything.

He only asked Ying Jiao: "Do you want to drink more?"


Ying Jiao refused the nutrient solution.

Take out the small charcoal stove, meat, various vegetables and seasonings.

Is this for a BBQ?

The remaining officers of the Eleventh Army were shocked.

The look of pity in Xiaoxi's eyes became more and more intense.

Marinate the meat well.

Catch fire.

"Zi La~"

Not long after, the oily smell of meat wafted from the bank.

The Eleventh Army who had just finished drinking the nutrient solution couldn't help swallowing, let alone Xi Qingke who hadn't eaten yet.

Of course, there is nutrient solution in her space button.

Only she didn't drink.

As the light in front of her eyes became dimmer, she became more eager to find the red crow.

The sun dipped completely.

Take away the last ray of light.

The cave was no longer visible.

The Eleventh Army slapped their foreheads, "I'll get the lamp!"

Ying Jiao took a look, and it was indeed dark inside.

Just throw a group of supernatural flames.

My eyes lit up again.

Xi Qingke looked at the jumping flames beside him, and sniffed.

She let go of the shovel.

After roughly washing his hands, he drank two tubes of nutrient solution.

After gaining strength.

Another bang.



Xi Qingke dug the hole much faster.

After half an hour.

"found it!"

Xi Qingke, like Ugly Egg, likes to hold things high when presenting treasures.

But she didn't jump.

If it is an ugly egg, it will jump happily.

He will also secretly ask for credit.

Xi Qingke will not take credit.

She just handed over a large piece of... mud to Ying Jiao with full of joy.

"Teacher! I found it!!"

She wanted to hand something to Ying Jiao.

Just when she got close to her, she was blocked by a branch.

Ying Jiao swallowed the barbecue that classmate Xiao Ji had wrapped for her, and looked at Xi Qingke who had become a clay figurine with distaste: "Go, wash it up."

Xi Qingke looked down.

I found myself covered in silt now.Some have been killed, some have not.

Xi Qingke fell silent.

This is the clothes that the teacher gave me.

Not only that, but the ultra-rare material in her hand was also a mass of mud.

Xi Qingke: "..."

Full of joy, it instantly cooled down.

She has returned to the usual mature and stable child.

"Sorry, teacher."

She immediately went back to the dormitory, washed Red Crow and herself clean.

The steaming mist blurred in front of his eyes.

Xi Qingke looked at the red crow weighing several kilograms and wiped his eyes.


Fortunately, it was dug.

After washing.

In order to avoid being too ostentatious, Xi Qingke thoughtfully packed the red crow in two black plastic bags and handed it to Ying Jiao, "Teacher, here it is."


Yingjiao does not dislike packaging.

After accepting the red crow, he generously gave up a pair of chopsticks to Xi Qingke.

Ji Hanyu also poured Xi Qingke a glass of juice.

"Thank you...Master."


Xi Qingke is more up-to-date.

After yelling this, her treatment, which was barely grudging, improved a lot.

Not only did Ying Jiao add a plate of meat to her, she even taught her how to eat it.


Ying Jiao took two perilla leaves, sandwiched a piece of roasted meat, put a piece of garlic, brushed with sauce, and wrapped it up.

"Try it."

Xi Qingke never thought that he would be able to eat meat wrapped by his teacher himself in his lifetime.

Simply flattered.

She was stunned for a while before she realized, "Thank you teacher."

"Heh, just this time, next time I will take care of it myself."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and wrapped two copies for Xiao Ji.

Xi Qingke: "..."

The teacher and master on the opposite side just exchanged barbecue.

did not feed each other.

But Xi Qingke still felt that he had been shown off.

The teacher will not talk about it. Every time he feeds Master, the smile on his face never hides.Moreover, since killing the duck, Xi Qingke found that the teacher has become more clingy to the master.

Not sticky in action.

It's eyes.

Every time he is free, the teacher must only see the master in his eyes.

And every time she has a smile in her eyes.

It's not a threatening smile when you look at others, or a simple, liking smile.

Master is no different.

His expression has always been light.

There are few words.

However, Xi Qingke met him several times after making tea seriously, first poured out a little bit to taste, poured it out again, and brewed again.

Repeat several times.

Give it to the teacher after passing the test.


The teacher is obviously a ruthless person who can calmly drink the nutrient solution prepared by Dr. Ruan Yi.

Xi Qingke doubts whether the teacher can tell the difference between tea and tea.

(End of this chapter)

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