All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 387 A17's Father

Chapter 387 A17's Father

Liang Xu has no partner.

It's a pure single dog.

That's it?

Give her advice?

Ying Jiao felt that Liang Xu had to face up to himself.

"I've seen a lot." Liang Xu was not offended by Ying Jiao's contempt, he smiled calmly and explained: "Sometimes, the authorities are obsessed."

Bystanders are clear.

Liang Xu thinks he still has a little sense of seeing people.

He said: "If you only use mood swings to judge, you should only know whether the other party is lying. But you may not understand the others. I can teach you."

"You know? Tell me."

Ying Jiao took another photo of her excellent work, and then put on a posture of listening attentively.

Liang Xu changed the scene of the simulation room.

He also wore a pair of glasses for himself.

It's the same as teaching.

His voice is steady.

People are also very patient.

After listening.

Don't say it.

It's really rewarding.

"See you tomorrow."

Liang Xu sent Ying Jiao to the door, and said goodbye to her with a light smile.

Ying Jiao waved his hand and drove away.

She arrived at the place agreed with Lu Yuan to meet.

"The black bandit stone is not easy to buy?"

Lu Yuan was a little curious, why Ying Jiao took so long to buy a material.

"Is there an ultra-rare material that is easy to buy?" Ying Jiao asked.


However, he heard from his father that Ying Jiao had recently obtained another ultra-rare material, which was used to configure defensive weapons for those on the list who could not afford the material.

It is not easy for other people to buy ultra-rare materials.

Yingjiao is probably a good buy.

Lu Yuan: "What request does the Liang family have?"

Should be proud of doing things neatly.

It must be the Liang family's problem that this matter will drag on for so long.

"It's nothing." Ying Jiao took a sip of the juice, drank the entire package, and threw the rest of the package into the trash can.She raised her feet and said, "I think... Liang Xu may be A17's father."

Lu Yuan:? ? ?
It took him a while to understand what she meant.

He glanced at the place where the number was printed before Ying Jiao.

"You..." Lu Yuan took a breath, trying to calm himself down.

He looked at Ying Jiao.

The other party looked relaxed.

But if she really behaved like this, she wouldn't mention it to him.

"What...what do you think?" Lu Yuan asked.

"What can I think?" Ying Jiao sat on the bench, curled his fingers, and said, "It's just a guess."

She told Lu Yuan the purchase conditions of the black bandit stone.

I briefly mentioned what I just did in the simulation room.

Lu Yuan: "..."

Unexpectedly, Ying Jiao can play with snow.

"What kind of eyes do you have?" Ying Jiao gave Lu Yuan a sideways glance, "Don't tell me you haven't played?"

I really haven't played it.

He lived in the desert when he was a child, where did he get snow for him to play with?
I saw it when I was in the imperial capital a long time ago.

But he won't play with it.

will catch a cold.

"Then you..." Lu Yuan felt that Ying Jiao would not let the Liang family go.But now she bought the black bandit stone and wanted to get close to Liang Xu.

This is not a good thing.

He had met Liang Xu a few times.

As long as that person is willing, he can make everyone who gets along with him feel like a spring breeze, without feeling bad towards him.

Lu Yuan frowned.

Some worried that Ying Jiao would not be able to make a choice when faced with a choice in the future.

He thought for a while and said, "My dad said before that A17 has existed for thousands of years. If Liang Xu is really the father of A17, then he..."

"He should be the real person in charge of the Liang family." Ying Jiao had guessed before that Liang Ke might be afraid of someone in the Liang family, so he didn't dare to tear himself apart with the military.

Now it seems.

Liang Xu should be the one who makes Liang Ke scruples.

If Liang Xu also lived for thousands of years.

That can easily explain why the Liang family has been working hard for more than 900 years, keeping the interstellar world in good order.But in recent years, it has been secretly making small moves.

Liang Ke was in charge of the Liang family, and there was no problem in the past few years.In the following years...

Ying Jiao felt that something might have happened to Liang Xu, so he retired.

That's why Liang Ke's ambition broke out of the cage.

Ying Jiao: "What do you think, if this is true, what should I do?"

Lu Yuan felt that this was very difficult to handle.

Although Ying Jiao doesn't like to mention the past, she doesn't like to cover it up either.

Judging from her performance.

Probably the previous family failed to give her any love.

But Liang Xu definitely can.

But Liang's laboratory is absolutely inseparable from Liang Xu, so he was worried.

"This is just a guess, and it may not be true." Lu Yuan said this, and he didn't know whether to comfort himself or Ying Jiao.

He was silent for a while.

Proposed: "Should I ask my dad? He should know something."

"Need not."

Ying Jiao chewed rose jelly, put aside this topic: "Don't talk about that. How is the Lan family?"

"I found out that the industry I took over has a batch of goods whose origin and whereabouts cannot be found."

When it came to business, Lu Yuan restrained his mind.

Start to report to Ying Jiao about the situation of Lanjia Medicine.

Before Lan Teng got on Shengling, the Lan family's pharmaceutical industry had been tepid.But Lan Qi wanted this industry very much, and even proposed to exchange it with a more promising industry under his own hands.

Lan Teng and Lan Qi have always been at odds.

Lan Qi wanted so much, but Lan Teng naturally firmly refused.

What's more, Lan Teng had Sheng Ling as his trump card later on. With Sheng Ling around, Lan's medicine would not worry about making money.In this way, it is even more impossible for Lan Teng to change with Lan Qi.

to be frank.

After reading the accounts of the Lanjia pharmaceutical industry, Lu Yuan was still surprised that Lan Teng would donate it.

"He dare not refuse to donate." Ying Jiao took another box of orange juice in his hand.Xiao Lu is not an outsider, so she told the other party how she got the Lanjia medicine.

Very simple.

Coercion and inducement.

And that profit was given out casually.

It is also remarkable that Lan Teng was not blown by the air.

"He should thank me." Ying Jiao said: "If the Seventh Army hadn't taken over, then it's hard to say whether there will be a Lan family in Interstellar."

Lan Teng is indeed a talent.

But above him there is another Patriarch of the Lan family who has not retired.

If Lan Cheng doesn't hand over the pharmaceutical industry, as long as the head of the Lan family speaks, it will be difficult for him to retain the pharmaceutical industry.

At that time...

Ying Jiao narrowed his eyes.

Said: "Check that batch of goods carefully. If you need anything, just ask Ji Huhu."

"I see."

Lu Yuan stood up and shook his body.

He hasn't had a good rest for a while, and he's a little tired.


Ying Jiao gave Lu Yuan a box of the meeting gift given by Sheng Yu earlier.

This is a medicine for nourishing the body.

It can also soothe the body and mind.

"What is this?" Lu Yuan opened it suspiciously, and the sign belonging to Sheng Yu was very eye-catching.

Lu Yuan: "..."

He was silent.

Question: "When did you meet Teacher Sheng Yu?"

With so many potions, Lu Yuan felt that Senior Sister Sheng Ling hadn't given them them.She usually only sends potions made by herself.

"Just yesterday." Ying Jiao said: "Mr. Xia Feng told him that I would give him a duck worm mother. When I came back, he was waiting in Mr. Xia Feng's laboratory."

(End of this chapter)

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