All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 391 Harvesting Materials Overnight

Chapter 391 Harvesting Materials Overnight
There will be class tomorrow.

After Ying Jiao came out of Liang's house, she drove back to school directly.

"Sister!" Sheng Ling took out more than ten boxes of potions from the space button, "Sister, you are finally back."

Ying Jiao was almost absent last semester, and Sheng Ling felt a little lonely.


Ying Jiao also gave Sheng Ling some souvenirs she bought at the front line.

Said: "There should be nothing to do recently, and I will stay at school."

"That's great!"

Sheng Ling opened a package of dried mangoes.

Quite fragrant.

While eating, she asked, "Father said that you gave senior brother Xia Feng a duck and insect mother, is it true?"


Ying Jiao had just taken out a new set of toiletries, before reaching the balcony, she met Sheng Ling's sparkling eyes.

Ying Jiao: "..."

Tonight, there may be no way to go to bed early.

"That... junior girl..." A blush appeared on Sheng Ling's ice-cold face, and she asked a little embarrassedly, "I also want to meet the duck mother, can you accompany me?"

Because only the insect mothers cut off by Ying Jiao will not regenerate, so if they take materials, they need Ying Jiao.

Sheng Yu and Xia Feng collected some before.

But doing research requires a lot of material loss.

There was nothing left of the pile they collected, so naturally there was not much to distribute to Sheng Ling.


Ying Jiao put the toiletry set back.

"Junior girl, do you also use this brand of facial cleanser? I also use this brand, it's really good! But where did you buy the set? I haven't seen it before." Sheng Ling tidied up neatly while talking with Should be proud to chat.

"Huh?" Ying Jiao looked at the things on the table and said, "Student Xiao Ji prepared it for me."

She herself prefers to wash with water directly.

But classmate Xiao Ji prepared it for her, so I still use it when washing my face.

Sheng Ling seems to like it very much.

Ying Jiao took out a few sets from the space button and handed them to the other party: "I have a lot, do you want it, sister?"

"Yes! Thank you!"

The suit Sheng Ling received not only included toiletries, but also skin care items.

Skin care Yingjiao has never used it.

Classmate Xiao Ji doesn't need it either.

It's just inside when you buy it.

The two of them don't need it, but Sheng Ling likes it very much: "This one doesn't seem to be very easy to buy, I haven't bought it before. Originally, I planned to study a set by myself when I have time."

Sheng Ling is not a rough beast of the combat department, so he doesn't care about these.When she is free, she is still happy to take care of her skin.

"Then I'll ask classmate Xiao Ji, where he bought it."


Ji Hanyu sent a link to Sheng Ling.

Sheng Ling clicked in and looked.

I placed dozens of orders all the way, and didn't stop until the door of Xia Feng's laboratory.

After a lot of identity verification, Ying Jiao saw Sheng Yu and Xia Feng with messy hair and some wrinkled research uniforms.


The ugly bastard jumped onto Ying Jiao's shoulder with a "swoosh" and leaned tightly on it: "I miss you so much, Master~~~"

Ying Jiao took out two cans of sugar for it.

"Thank you master~~"

The ugly bastard jumped from Ying Jiao's shoulder into her pocket.

"Teacher Sheng Yu, Teacher Xia Feng."

Ying Jiao greeted the two of them.


Sheng Yu nodded, and took out more than a dozen boxes of medicine, "Here."

Seeing this, Xia Feng followed suit.

Ying Jiao: "..."

Under Sheng Ling's urging, put the potion into the space button.

The mother duck worm was locked up for a few days.

Looking a little wilted.

Ying Jiao opened the cage.

"Shua" the huge tentacles struck again.

"Pa Chi Pa Chi Pa Chi"

Experimental materials are falling crazily.

The three researchers all beamed with joy.Everyone has equipment in their hands, ready to go up and pick it up after Ying Jiao's permission.

Ying Jiao is a tool person who harvests materials today.

After slashing several waves in a row, he retracted the lightsaber and switched to using the fire ability to cut the tentacles on the ground in half.Let it lose the ability to regenerate into a complete individual, and become the material of the three people on the side.


Ying Jiao took a step back so that it would be easier for the researchers to pick up things.

All three of them had sharp hands, and there were laboratory assistants. Within a few minutes, the thick layer of duck-footed materials accumulated on the ground was put into the experimental container.

Ying Jiao has to go to class these days.

Just cut them a little more, lest a few people are not enough.


after an hour.

The footed duck insect mother with strong regenerative power failed to grow tentacles again.

"It's over."

Sheng Yu's words were only two words, so concise that most people could not understand them at all.

But both Xia Feng and Sheng Ling understood.

Qi Qi nodded.

"Then, plus?" Xia Feng asked.


Sheng Yu nodded in agreement.

Xia Feng turned around and told his assistant to bring something over, carefully placing it next to the worm mother.

Xia Feng explained to Ying Jiao: "This, yes, feed."

Zerg special feed.

It needs to be proudly cast to the ducks.

Of course, ugly people can do this too.

"I'm coming!!" Ugly Egg volunteered.The worm, which is less than the size of a palm, easily lifted more than 100 kilograms of Zerg feed with only two slender feet, and even ate a lot of it on the way.

More than 100 catties of feed, only a few dozen catties are left in the mouth of the foot duck insect mother.

Not quite enough.

Xia Feng asked another two barrels to be brought in.

The ugly egg is directly ignorant of most of it.

After three barrels, the worm mother was finally full.

Slowly, the material grows out again.

this time.

The worm mother no longer aimed her tentacles at Ying Jiao, but directed at Sheng Ling and the others.

"Pa Chi Pa Chi Pa Chi"

It's another cycle.

It wasn't until one o'clock in the morning that the material warehouse was full, and the three researchers finally reluctantly bid farewell to the duck-footed insect mother and continued their respective research.

"Master~~~ I want to go with you..."

Ugly doesn't like the atmosphere in the lab very much.

I want to go back with Ying Jiao.

"Let's go."

Should proudly reach out.The ugly egg jumped up happily, obediently stayed in Ying Jiao's pocket, and went back to the dormitory with her.

After one person and one worm washed up, they went to bed and rested.After Sheng Ling blew up the dormitory before the ugly egg's nest, he bought a new one for it.

Bigger and softer than before.

Ugly loves it.


Early the next morning.

Ying Jiao's first class was close combat.

In the simulation room, many students are already warming up.

"Have you heard? Today the marshal will come to the school to give a speech!"

"I heard! From 10:30, I asked friends from other departments to help me get a good seat!"

"You also asked someone to help occupy it? What a coincidence! Me too!"

Ji Xun is going to give a speech at the school.

Everyone is talking about it.

Ying Jiao has no interest.

She looked at the get out of class schedule and found that her food cooking class from 10:30 to 12:30 had been moved to [-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m.

Lunch is gone.

There is only supper today.

"Old Ying!!!" After Zhu Xingchen saw Ying Jiao, he stopped discussing with the people around him, and ran over to ask her, "What did you do on weekends? Why can't you get an appointment?"

On the weekend, Zhu Xingchen wanted to ask Ying Jiao to go racing together.

As a result, he made appointments four times a day, no matter whether it was morning, noon or afternoon, Ying Jiao was not free.

"What do you know?" Xiao Yihe said, "Brother Ying is free, so he must be playing with Er Shao. Which round will I get you?"

(End of this chapter)

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