All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 394 What Can Be Seen

Chapter 394 What Can Be Seen
When asked about his elder brother's mental strength, Wei Zhuo was obviously taken aback.

But soon, he restrained his mind.

Answer truthfully: "2S. Ten years ago, my brother insisted on violating the ancestral precepts and leaving Y41 star to venture outside because of the high-level mental power measured."

With 2S mental power, it's normal not to be reconciled to doing nothing on a remote planet.

There is nothing wrong with Wei Yi's thinking.


Ying Jiao looked out the window——Wei Yi's current mental strength is 3S.

She didn't speak.

This made Wei Zhuo's heart suddenly raised, "Is... is there any problem?"

"You will know later." Ying Jiao turned around and looked at Wei Zhuo.Suddenly, she asked, "Wei Xian, do you know him?"

As soon as Ying Jiao said Wei Xian's name, Wei Zhuo's pupils dilated instantly.

A trace of panic flashed across his icy face.

It seems that he knows.

Ying Jiao's heart sank.

It seems that she will soon know the truth.

"I..." Wei Zhuo really wanted to say that he didn't know.But the person opposite was Ying Jiao, he couldn't lie calmly in front of her no matter what.

will be spotted.

"Wei Xian..." Wei Zhuo lowered his head and said with a difficult voice, "It's the name of my ancestor."

He took a necklace from his neck that he always carried with him and handed it to Ying Jiao.

Said: "If I hand it over, you, can you save my brother?"

Ying Jiao: "What counts as salvation?"

"Just keep him from being caught again."

Wei Zhuo's wish was simple.

He just wants his brother to be safe.

Ying Jiao: "You can apply for protection from the military." This is the safest way.

She was a little absent-minded.

But Wei Zhuo was also in a mess, so he never found out.

"Then, I'll give it to Second Young Master."

"No need." Ying Jiao stretched out his hand: "Give it to me."

Wei Zhuo still trusts Jiao Jiao.

After handing over the necklace, he became a little more relaxed.He knew that if Ying Jiao could ask such a question, then she knew almost everything she should know.

The curse of confusion is not a curse.

It's revenge.

Those who survived thousands of years ago launched equal revenge on all those who participated in the chaos plan and their descendants.

Even though Wei Xian's ancestors had no choice but to participate in it.

But he did commit a sin.

In fact, when Wei Zhuo first found out the truth, Wei Zhuo was still a little bit resentful and unwilling—why, the other party must kill everyone’s offspring?
Until he opened the information in the necklace and glimpsed the tip of the iceberg of the experiment.

Only then did he understand.

Compared with the researcher of the messy plan, the person who launched the revenge is extremely merciful.

"Let's go, class is about to start."

Ying Jiao put the necklace in his pocket.

Let Wei Zhuo, who was wandering outside the sky, come back to his senses.

They also have a Zerg anatomy class this afternoon, and the class time is only a few minutes away.

The two ran over together.

Fortunately, I caught up at the last minute, got dressed, and walked into the classroom.

They are not late.

Instead, Xia Feng, who has always been rigorous, arrived about half a minute late.

"Feel sorry."

Xia Feng's face turned red.

Not only because of the shyness of being late, but also the hardships of running all the way.He stood in a darker corner of the classroom, thinking that the students below couldn't see him, so he began to pant secretly.

Class A1 saw this scene clearly: "..."

Teacher Xia, what's wrong?
Could it be that their pre-class preparation was not perfect enough to make him so angry that he couldn't breathe?


They know they are wrong!

I beg Teacher Xia Feng not to be angry again!Quickly collect your expressions!

It's really scary!
Most of the students in class A1 were shaking with fear.

Only the members of the Yingjiao team were a little helpless.

They wanted to tell Xia Feng: Teacher, we can see it.

Not only can you see, but you can see very clearly!
"Teacher, I'll help you distribute the materials!" Zhu Xingchen, as the leader who took care of Xia Feng, volunteered to help him distribute the materials.To give him more time to catch his breath.

"Okay, thank you."

Xia Feng was panting heavily from exhaustion.

The expression on his face became colder because of the difficulty of speaking.

Class A1: "..."

Even more scared.

Today's class content is to dissect the insects that are common in the interstellar world and are everywhere.

After they entered the military headquarters, most of the people they wanted to kill were like this.

Of course, they followed Ying Jiao before and killed a lot of weird bugs in the Seventh Army.

At that time, they were also taught by military doctors how to dissect the worms to be killed, so as to better understand their weaknesses.In this way, they can kill insects with twice the result with half the effort.

Xia Feng had already written down the dissection steps in detail on the materials.

Wait for everyone to read the information.

Xia Feng finally recovered.

He picked up the scalpel and dissected his worm proficiently and smoothly, while explaining to the students in detail and professionally what was the condition of the part dissected by him and how to break it easily.

He's done.

The next step is for the students to do it themselves.

Ying Jiao's method is as clean and neat as ever.

After quickly solving her class assignment, she puts down the scalpel.Leaning against the wall next to him, he closed his eyes and meditated.

Ji Hanyu also finished her homework almost at the same time.

He put down the scalpel.

Seeing Ying Jiao who was not energetic, after pondering for a while, he went to find Wei Zhuo who had just talked with Ying Jiao alone.


After class in the afternoon, Ying Jiao rejected Zhu Xingchen's invitation to eat with everyone in the cafeteria, and went back to the dormitory alone.

She is lying on the bed.

Holding Wei Zhuo's necklace in his hand.

"Master~ What's wrong with you?"

As soon as the ugly egg came back from the cafeteria, he saw his master staring at a necklace.

Didn't even notice it jumping in through the window.

"It's nothing."

Ying Jiao sat up, contemplated for a while, and then sent a message to Qi Shen, asking him to help make an old-fashioned computer.

Qi Shen didn't live in Qianzheng like everyone else, but went back to school with Qu Fei.


He happened to have an old computer handy.

"Is it for Ying Jiao?"

Qi Shen had just pulled the computer out of the corner of the dormitory when he heard his roommate talking to him.

"Yes, yes." Qi Shen nodded, "Ying Jiao said she wanted to buy one. I happened to have a lot, so I said I would give her one. Second Young Master, do you want it too?"

"No." He said, "I'm going to find her, and I can take her there."


Qi Shen swiftly canceled the delivery order on campus, and handed the old-fashioned computer he found to Ji Hanyu.

"Thank you."

Ji Hanyu thanked him, and then went out.

He walked downstairs to Ying Jiao's dormitory.

Turn on the optical brain and call the ugly egg down, let it send things up.

"Master~~~" Ugly Egg jumped in through the window with something on his back, put the transparent computer on Ying Jiao's desk, and said, "I saw your package down there, so I brought it up for you!"


Ying Jiao sat on the table and turned on the computer.

Turn on.

An old-fashioned memory chip inserted into a necklace.

As the data is read.Little by little, the crimes of the scheming plan of thousands of years ago spread out before her eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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