Chapter 4
Ying Jiao felt that the world was illusory.

Looking at the familiar face reflected on the metal bracelet, she questioned the scientific nature of this world for the first time in her heart.

This face is already eight points like his own.

But she always felt that this body didn't look like this before.

Ying Jiao wiped her face irritably, got up and walked around a few times.

I don't know if there is not enough land in this interstellar space or what, the prison cell is so narrow and narrow that Ying Jiao's long legs can be filled in two steps.

Lying back on the bed again, Ying Jiao let out a long breath.

Forget it.

So be it.

It doesn't matter whether his world is metaphysics or science, as long as he can keep her alive.

On the other side, Ji Chunsi has already obtained Ying Jiao's mental strength test report.

"Quadruple 3S?"

It is really strong.

Whether it is now or before, there has never been such a powerful mental power in the entire interstellar world.

There are seven levels of interstellar spiritual power from D to 3S, and the highest level of spiritual power is generally defaulted to 3S.The spiritual power beyond 3S is not without, but looking at the 7000-year history of Interstellar, there are very few examples of super 3S records.

Among the human beings with spiritual power beyond 3S level in history, which one is not a well-known genius with outstanding demeanor?

But they caught this...

No, to be precise, it was picked up by my own brother.

Also a little too shabby.

Ji Hanyu also read the test report.His thinking is a little different from Ji Chunsi's. Ji Chunsi thinks that Ying Jiao doesn't seem like a person with such a high mental power, but Ji Hanyu thinks that Ying Jiao's mental power may be far more than four times 3S.

"When will father come?" Ji Hanyu asked.

Speaking of his father, Ji Chunsi straightened his expression: "I have already sent someone to notify him, and he should be there the day after tomorrow."

"En." Ji Hanyu responded lightly.

Ji Chunsi knew his younger brother's temperament, and didn't expect him to say a word.

In order not to let his dear brother feel left out, Ji Chunsi skillfully picked up the topic, "Is the first military academy going to start? Have you prepared all the things you need to start school? Have you thought about what to learn?" Lessons? Do you want my brother to give you a staff officer?"

"There are still fourteen days, no need."

"Is it really not necessary? Yuyu, you don't need to be polite to your brother! Although my brother has graduated for many years, I still know a lot..."

"Well, no need."

"Then Yuyu, you..."

Ji Chunsi wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Ji Hanyu in time: "I still have something to do, brother, you should do your work first."

As soon as Ji Hanyu left, Ji Chunsi's serious expression immediately disappeared, and he turned to say with a happy face: "Yuyu let me go first, Yuyu loves me!"


The adjutant at the side pushed his glasses, but his cold expression remained unchanged.

It was really shocking when he first saw the general's virtue, but now he is used to it.

He was even a little thankful - his younger brother was a mischievous ghost, so he didn't have to worry about going down the road of no return for his younger brother's accusation.


On the second day of Ying Jiao's recovery, the entire prison was still very quiet.

She felt a little strange.

——Zhu Xingchen hasn't spoken for more than ten days.

It doesn't fit his personality.

For the first time, Ying Jiao took the initiative to speak, "Dude, haven't you been interrogated yet?"

Qian Rang has been guarding Ying Jiao, not paying much attention to the people next door to her.

Just know that it is also a "suspected spy".

However, the risk factor is not as high as the one he guarded, and it is not as cooperative as this one during the interrogation.

Regarding Ying Jiao's sudden "concern", Zhu Xingchen only felt that the sky was about to collapse, and he shrank in the corner of the wall with a bloodless face, thinking silently:
Don't notice me, don't notice me, don't call my name, don't call my name! ! !

The more you are afraid of something, the more you will come.

Seeing that Zhu Xingchen didn't answer, Ying Jiao raised his eyebrows and called out with "concern":
"Brother Zhu Xingchen, what's wrong with you? Haven't you been interrogated yet?"

While speaking, Ying Jiao has been quietly observing Qian Rang's expression.Sure enough, as soon as Zhu Xingchen's name came out, Qian Rang immediately showed a look of shock.

Of course, he didn't take half a step away from Ying Jiao's door, but turned on the optical brain and called out the surveillance in the next room.

"Stardust? Why are you here!"

When Zhu Xingchen heard his name from Qian Rang's mouth, Zhu Xingchen felt that the sky was falling.

He couldn't figure it out—why did he tell Ying Jiao his name in the first place?Let yourself be pitted so badly by her!
"Xingchen, how long have you been here? Why didn't you contact Adjutant Zhu?"

After all, he is the younger brother of his colleague, Qian Rang turned on the optical brain very kindly and prepared to notify the other party to pick him up, "Don't worry, Xingchen, I will notify your brother to pick you up."

"Do not!!!"

Zhu Xingchen yelled in horror, trying to stop him.

"No!! Brother Qianrang, please! Don't!! Don't tell my brother!!!"


The whole floor fell into silence.

After a long time, Zhu Xingchen asked with trembling lips, "Brother Qianrang, you... have you..."

"Sorry, Stardust."

Qianrang is very sorry.

He is fast.He very carelessly notified his colleague and let the other party know that his own brother is currently being locked up on the seventh floor of their prison.

I wish Xingchen's heart is as dead ashes.

"Xingchen, are you alright?" Qian Rang asked with concern.

Good luck to Stardust.

But he can't say.

"It's okay, brother Qianrang... thank you." Zhu Xingchen's eyes shed tears of gratitude.

This is the end of the matter, there is no escape.

Zhu Xingchen squeezed his own skin——yes, it's very firm.Even being severely whipped can guarantee that he will not die.

Soon, Ying Jiao saw a handsome guy with air-conditioning walking outside.The other party and Qian Rang briefly greeted each other, and then led Zhu Xingchen, who resembled him to a three-pointer, out of the prison.

Zhu Xingchen, who was walking behind the handsome air-conditioned boy, drooped his head, and looked carefully at the child, whose legs were trembling slightly with fright.

It seems really scary.

Also, if he wasn't afraid, he should have left long ago.

Ying Jiao casually opened a tube of nutrient solution and drank it one after another.

When the doctor tested her mental power yesterday, she maintained her mental power at a little over seven levels, which was only half a level higher than Zhu Xingchen, but from the doctor's shocked expression, she knew that this level seemed to be a little higher.

After that, she got some words out of her little assistant, and she probably knew about the division of interstellar mental power.

There are seven levels of interstellar spiritual power: D, C, B, A, S, SS, and SSS. D-level power is about the same as the last level, and 3S is almost the same as the seventh-level mental power.

Interstellar's official highest mental power level is only 3S.

Level seven and a half is indeed high.

But that's fine too.She fully released her mental power "before she died". At that time, she wanted to whip the Zombie Emperor to ashes, but now it seems that she was already in Interstellar at that time.And since Xiaoxianzi was nearby at that time, her mental strength might have suppressed the other party.

Little Fairy's mental strength is not low, her mental strength measured must be at least higher than his, otherwise he will become suspicious.

The doctor's assistant said that the little fairy's name was Ji Hanyu, and Ying Jiao thought the name sounded pretty nice.

Ying Jiao lay on the bed, remembering Ji Hanyu's face, couldn't help but click his tongue.

It's so beautiful.

Human beings in the last days have undergone evolution, and their appearance has improved a bit, and everyone looks good.The interstellar humans are also good-looking, and Ji Hanyu is even more outstanding.

As far as that face is concerned, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a peerless beauty.

Ying Jiao felt that they would be able to let him go around tomorrow, and he didn't know if he would be able to see him.

(End of this chapter)

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