All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 40 Our family can eat spicy food

Chapter 40 Our family can eat spicy food
Ying Jiao listened for a long time, feeling like he didn't hear anything, but he seemed to hear everything.

"So, the two of them actually had a good relationship at first, but then they broke up for some reason?"

"It's likely that Xingchen broke up unilaterally." Lu Yuan added.

"Oh." Makes sense.

"Why isn't Xiaozhu here?"

"I gonna go see."

Not long after Lu Yuan left, he came back with Zhu Xingchen, both of them were holding skewers in their hands, while Wei Zhuo was holding a skewer in one hand and Zhu Xingchen's new drink in the other.

There are a total of five skewers, and more than a dozen bottles of juice and soda.

"Come on, come on, let's go!"

Zhu Xingchen took a sip of soda and a sip of skewers: "If you don't have enough, order more, you are welcome!"

"How about Lao Lu, doesn't it taste good?"

Lu Yuan is not very good at spicy food, he was so spicy that he drank juice at the first bite, and then was mercilessly laughed at by Zhu Xingchen.

Ying Jiao moved a slightly spicy dish in front of him, "This dish is not very spicy, try it."

Lu Yuan tasted it, it was still very spicy.

Ying Jiao: "I can finish all these, why don't you order some non-spicy ones?"

"it is good……"

Lu Yuan let himself go, put down the skewers in his hand and re-ordered some non-spicy ones.

"Old Lu, you are hissing~~ no, you can't even eat such a little spicy food."

Zhu Xingchen had only eaten three skewers before he was so hot that he gasped. He laughed at Lu Yuan while drinking an iced drink.

Ying Jiao: "..."

Lu Yuan: "..."

Zhu Xingchen is still bragging: "Our family can eat spicy food so much, so it's just so-so for us."

Ying Jiao couldn't stand it anymore, "Why don't you order non-spicy ones too?"

"What are you kidding!"

Zhu Xingchen felt that he had been insulted, "That's how the grilled skewers are delicious! However, Yingjiao, you are very good, you can eat so much."

And he finished the spiciest plate without changing his face.

If others eat like this, Zhu Xingchen will definitely not accept it, and he will definitely eat a plate of extra spicy to compare with him.

But this person should be proud...

That's it.

Ying Jiao is someone who can even drink Ruan Yi's nutrient solution, he is not comparable to her.

Zhu Xingchen was so hot that he shed tears while praising the deliciousness of this skewer.Occasionally, he would eat the extra spicy grilled skewers in front of Ying Jiao, and then wipe his nose from being so spicy.

He drank more than a dozen bottles of iced drinks and only two remained.

Just like that, he kept laughing at Lu Yuan.

Ying Jiao felt that she had learned a lot.

Lu Yuanyuan ate the slightly spicy skewers in front of him, and he was glad-fortunately, he has always had a clear understanding of himself.

Halfway through eating the skewers, Ying Jiao received a text message from Ji Hanyu.

He promised to team up with them.

"Why, who sent you a message?"

I wish Xingchen asked the question knowingly.

Ying Jiao didn't beat around the bush to wheedle people's appetites, she turned off the optical brain after replying to Ji Hanyu, "Xiao Ji agreed to form a team with us."

"Hmph, we are so powerful, he wants to come."

Zhu Xingchen angrily took a bunch of extra spicy chicken wings, and bit down viciously.

Lu Yuan said: "I have something to do during the day on the weekend, and I'm going to practice mecha driving at night. I only have time tonight, so after we finish eating, do you want to go shopping together for the adventure?"

Ying Jiao: "Sure, what do I need to prepare?"

"Weapons and food, these two are necessary, the rest depends on the individual situation, the school has no restrictions. But it's best not to bring too many things, otherwise it's not easy to move in the wild."

"That's it."

Ying Jiao thought for a while and asked, "How's the environment at the event location?"

"It's okay, it's the school's private land, with mountains and rivers, but there will also be some Zerg that the school puts in as the topic of the competition." Lu Yuan said.

"Zerg? Aren't the Zerg polluting the land?"

"Most of the Zergs will, but there are also a few that are harmless to the land. The military department will provide schools with such Zergs for students to practice."


Afterwards, Ying Jiao asked some more questions, and after understanding the whole process of the event, the three of them finished their skewers.

"Wait, I'm going to the bathroom!"

Zhu Xingchen drank too much drink just now, and had to turn back as soon as he walked out of the store.

"Hurry up, the two of us are waiting for you at the bus stop ahead."

"it is good!"

Zhu Xingchen ran back to the kebab shop to go to the toilet.

Ying Jiao and Lu Yuan walked towards the bus stop ahead.

"Hey, the three of you."

Ying Jiao and the two were stopped by someone before they had gone far, "You three, we have been waiting for you for a long time. Just now you said that you want to show some color to us seniors?"

There were more than a dozen people in front of them. Judging from the tone, they should also be students of the First Military Academy.

Lu Yuan whispered in Ying Jiao's ear, "I remembered, these people were at the table next to us just now."

It was not easy for these people in the store to start, so they left the skewer shop one step ahead of them, and waited for them to come to the door on the only way to leave the skewer shop.

When he said this, Ying Jiao also remembered: when Xiao Zhu said that he was going to beat the seniors, someone slapped the table next door.

But after that, there was no movement between them. She thought that someone was drunk, but she just waited here for a while to settle the score.

One of the red-haired people walked up to the two of them, "Freshman brat, speak so aggressively? Huh?"

As he spoke, he approached.

Ying Jiao sensed that the red-haired man with the mental power was SSS, and he was probably someone on the Tianjiao list.So she turned her head and glanced at Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan whispered to her: "This is Lan Ye, a sophomore in the Department of Combat, ranked No. 11 in Tianjiao."

"Boy, so you know me? How dare you know me..."

As Lan Ye said, he stretched out his hand towards Lu Yuan, but Ying Jiao grabbed him before he could grab Lu Yuan's clothes.

Ying Jiao squeezed the other party's wrist, and said calmly: "Senior, please speak up if you have something to say, it's not good to use hands and feet."

"You actually—" Lan Ye pulled his hand hard, but couldn't pull it back.

He wrinkled his face and increased his strength, "You—" still couldn't break free from Ying Jiao's grip.

After a stalemate for a while, he became a little anxious and tried again.

Or not.

"Let go!!" Lan Ye yelled angrily.

Ying Jiao let go and stood in front of Lu Yuan.

Lan Ye, who was suddenly let go, took a few steps back because he couldn't withdraw his strength in time.

"Master Lan!"

The dozen or so people behind all stepped forward to support him.

Lan Ye was dissatisfied with being humiliated by the freshman, and he slapped the hand supporting him away irritably, "Get out, get out!"

Originally, Lan Ye just wanted these ignorant freshmen to admit their mistakes and apologize, but now, they succeeded in angering him.

"So good as a freshman? It seems that you have learned very well these few days. Then let me, a senior, come and teach you what you can do."

After speaking, Lan Ye shot at Ying Jiao.


Ying Jiao showed no mercy and kicked him over.

Before Lan Ye got up from the ground, Ying Jiao withdrew his feet and said calmly, "Thank you for your advice, senior."

Because Lu Yuan hasn't negotiated the price with the opponent yet, Ying Jiao is not interested in fighting him.

But for the sake of future business, Ying Jiao still specially left her name, "My name is Ying Jiao. From now on, seniors are welcome to come and give advice at any time."

(End of this chapter)

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