All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 471 Extra Story 3 Being Bullied

Chapter 471 Extra Story 3 Being Bullied

Shi Xinxin never thought of it.

There are really big kids in her class!
"Ying Ying Ying—Marshal Ying!" Shi Xinxin was startled.

Now this is the marshal, so the one who came before was not the second young master!
"I am sorry."

The parent of another child's face was stiff, and he pinched the child's waist in secret, "Yiyang, what's the matter with your face? Tell everyone clearly."

This man is a branch of the Meng family.

But even if it is a side branch, when the Meng family was in its heyday decades ago, there was no need to let children go to such a low-end school to pack themselves!

The reason why their Meng family became like this.

It was all because of the woman in front of her—Ying Jiao!
Just because decades ago, a pair of siblings from the main family had a little conflict with her who was unknown at the time, she let Yixian cut off the cooperation with the Meng family.

more excessive.

She also ordered people to develop a land purifier!Let the value of the Meng family's industrial chain plummet!Now in the entire interstellar world, a catty of rice is only worth three interstellar coins!
Three star coins! !
Now the grass nutrient solution is no longer the best and cheapest food in Interstellar, and you can find delicious and cheap meals on the street.

The entire catering industry.

Even Shangshanxiu lowered the price of its dishes and chose cheaper ingredients produced by Qianzheng!The Meng family suffered heavy losses. From a first-class family with unlimited star power in the imperial capital back then, it has now become a low-ranking family that can't even squeeze in the third-rate family!
There is no one in the entire Meng family who does not hate this person!
But no matter how much they hate this person, they must, like the people around them, praise her achievements and be grateful to her.Otherwise, there will no longer be a foothold for the Meng family in the entire interstellar world!
"I..." At this moment, Meng Yiyang also realized that he had offended the kind of person his family said he wanted to please.But he was so angry that he couldn't choose what to say just now, and scolded him!

Thinking of the punishment he would receive after returning home, Meng Yiyang was so frightened that he cried.

"To shut up!"

Even if it is a child, Ying Jiao will not let him escape responsibility by crying.

There was a gentle sound.

With the momentum of commanding subordinates back then.


Meng Yiyang was shocked immediately.

Ying Jiao gave the ugly egg a look, signaling it to pass the bottle of water to the child.

Meng Yiyang: "..."

Not sure what's going on here.

But he quickly drank the water under his father's signal.

"Yiyang, finish drinking."

Meng Yiyang heard his father say that, but he couldn't drink anymore...

"Your child can drink water like this?" Ying Jiao glanced at the adult, and then said to the child: "You don't need to drink if you can't drink it."

"Thank you, thank you..."

Meng Yiyang bowed his head in tears and apologized in a low voice, "I'm sorry. I, no... I scratched my face myself. But I was worried that my father would scold me when I went home, so I... blamed the ugly guy... I'm sorry ……I'm wrong……"

"Yiyang, what are you talking about? It's normal for children to be injured. How can the family blame you?"

Just polite and gentle parents.

Now pinch his son's waist hard.


Ying Jiao asked Shi Xinxin to take out all the records of his son asking parents before.

"Yuan, marshal, please!"

Although Shi Xinxin tried her best to restrain herself, her eyes were still bright.

Ying Jiao corrected: "I'm already retired, not a marshal."

"Sorry, sorry! Mom An'an, I'm so excited!"

Ying Jiao: "..."

Forget it.

She looked down at the documents.

Browse through in less than 10 minutes.

"Someone bullied you?" Ying Jiao lowered his head and asked the little brat in his arms.

"I... sorry, Mom..."

Ji An felt that he had humiliated his mother.

I feel so guilty.

The beautiful eyes turned red immediately, "I, I can solve it by myself, I have already made an agreement with my father."


The tears kept falling.

Even though the kid is already five years old, Ying Jiao is still not good at coaxing kids.This little kid didn't know what was going on, after he was three years old, he suddenly stopped getting close to her.

When they were very small, they still liked being hugged by her, taking a nap together on the rocking chair in front of the door.

Yingjiao still doesn't understand.

Why did I fall out of favor.

"Little master." The ugly egg took out a tissue from his space button, jumped on Ying Jiao's shoulder and handed it to Ji An.

"Thank you ugly bastard."

Ji An held back his tears and stretched out his hand.But before he got the tissue, the tears on his face were wiped clean.

It was his mother who wiped it for him.

Ji An blushed instantly.

Embarrassed, he moved closer to his mother and buried his face in her.

"thanks Mom."

"No thanks."

Yingjiao throws the tissue in the trash.

Then put the little boy on the ground, "How do you want to solve it?"

The little boy planned it himself, and Ying Jiao couldn't let his hard work go to waste, so let him do it himself.


Ji An took out the miniature recorder, opened it, and displayed the information he had collected.

It was the same as Ying Jiao wanted.

Before the child was invited as a parent, it was also related to Meng Yiyang.The boy's homework disappeared, and suddenly there were items lost by other students in the desk, and a scolding note was pasted on his body.

This was all done by Meng Yiyang, taking advantage of the fact that the ugly egg is a worm, to encourage other children to do it.

The evidence is complete.

Ying Jiao didn't expect that the little boy could do this at the age of five.

"Good job."

Ying Jiao picked up the little boy and stroked his little furry head.

Not surprisingly, Ji An's face turned red again.

Both shy and happy inside.

He, too, adores his mother and wants to get closer to her.

next to.

Meng Yiyang and his father turned pale.

Shi Xinxin looked serious.

"Little Yiyang. You did all of these?"

In fact, Ji An's evidence is already very complete.

But Shi Xinxin still hopes that the child can admit it by himself.It is not terrible for children to make mistakes, what is terrible is that they dare not admit it and try to evade it.

"I..." Meng Yiyang subconsciously wanted to deny it, but when he thought about what the teacher usually said, he knew that if he didn't admit it now, it would really be over.

So he gritted his teeth.

Muster up the courage, "I'm sorry, classmate Ji An. It's me who envies you for having the latest optical brain, the latest clothes for the little prince, and envying you for being the first in the exam every time... You have everything. Your father even gives you a gift every day." Come to school. I envy you, that's why I did something wrong. I'm sorry."

The child bowed deeply.

Seriously use the method taught by the teacher to apologize to Ji An.

His father felt that this was not enough and wanted him to kneel down.I was so anxious that I wanted to reach out and pinch the child.

But Ying Jiao glanced over, and he didn't dare to move.

Ji An was silent for a while.

Say, "I forgive you."

He glanced at Meng Yiyang's father.

Knowing that he will be severely punished when he goes back.

I took out a keychain from my pocket - this is the prize my mother gave me for being the first in the exam last time.

Although he was very reluctant, Ji An still said: "This is a reward from my mother, for you." His mother is very powerful, and the key chain she gave must be able to protect him.

Meng Yiyang was stunned.

He never thought that he would be forgiven and get a gift.

(End of this chapter)

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