All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 51 Ying Jiao, You Are So Kind

Chapter 51 Ying Jiao, You Are So Kind
The grilled fish was delicious.

Baked steamed buns are also good with mushroom beef sauce.

Ji Hanyu ate a delicious dinner, and returned to the place just now with Ying Jiao after eating.

Because Lu Yuan said on the forum that he would distribute the nutrient solution for free, many freshmen and a small number of senior students gathered here.

There were so many people who came to receive the nutrient solution, Lu Yuan Qi Shen wished Xingchen was too busy to touch the ground.

As soon as Ying Jiao came back, Zhu Xingchen grabbed and complained, "Ying Jiao, where did you go? We are so busy, why do you have the nerve to sneak away by yourself? The most important thing is that you didn't call me when you sneaked away. ! Do you treat me as a friend? Let me tell you, next time if you..."

Zhu Xingchen chattered endlessly, making a lot of noise.Before hearing a few words, Ying Jiao impatiently took out an unbaked steamed bun from the bag and stuffed it into his mouth, blocking his mouth that kept saying "ba ba ba".

Unheated steamed buns were dry and hard.

Zhu Xingchen took a bite hard and chewed carefully.

"Huh? It's actually a bit sweet!"

He was pleasantly surprised, and took another bite, "Well, although it's a bit hard and dry, it's not bad to chew after drinking too much nutrient solution."

Ying Jiao, who thought he was going to be dissatisfied and complained, was about to convince others with reasoning: "..."

Why didn't she realize that Xiao Zhu was so easy to deal with?
"What is this? Is it just for me?" Zhu Xingchen asked happily after taking a bite of steamed buns.

Ying Jiao replied: "Steamed buns...only for you."

It’s true that only you have it. What Xiao Ji ate was grilled, and a layer of mushroom beef sauce was added on the surface.

When Ying Jiao said that it was only for him, Zhu Xingchen was very proud.

——He is Ying Jiao's best friend, Ji Hanyu is nothing!

"You are so proud!"

Zhu Xingchen instantly felt that the steamed buns became more fragrant.

Fearing that others would see the steamed buns in his hand and try to snatch them from him, Zhu Xingchen secretly found a place where no one was around to eat them slowly.

Ying Jiao: "..."

Ying Jiao silently gave the grilled fish back to Lu Yuan and Qi Shen.


The next two days were uneventful and passed quickly.

Ying Jiao's team won No.1 in this event without any surprise.

The reward for No.1 is five pieces of advanced mecha materials. Ying Jiao had just read the notes of dozens of catties of mecha equipment, and knew that these five materials were not cheap.

"Five? We just happen to have one for each of us."

Zhu Xingchen didn't know much about mecha materials, but he still knew that the school would not use cheap goods to perfuse them.

The school is very generous and the materials it gives are very precious.

You only need to look at Qi Shen to know this point.

As the only mecha master present, Qi Shen changed his usual no-nonsense demeanor, looking at the mecha with fiery eyes.

Even Zhu Xingchen couldn't ignore his fiery eyes.

"How about you choose first?"

Zhu Xingchen gave up his position.

Anyway, it doesn't matter which one he takes, he doesn't know any of these materials.

"No, I can't." Qi Shen swallowed, trying to restrain himself.

He is a soy sauce hugging his thigh, so it is not appropriate to be the first to choose a prize.

It is lucky enough to be able to get the No.1 reward.

Qi Shen took a deep breath, tightly closed his eyes, "You guys choose first, the last one is mine."

Seeing that he was so resolute, Ying Jiao and the others didn't try to persuade him any more, they reached out and took one casually.

Although it was taken casually, everyone tacitly missed the one that Qi Shen had been staring at drooling just now.

When Qi Shen opened his eyes and saw that the material he wanted the most was left behind, his eyes turned red with excitement.

"Everyone, leave your mechs to me from now on! Whether it's repairs or maintenance, I can do it!"

"Really? That's great!"

Zhu Xingchen took out his mecha and handed it to Qi Shen on the spot, "Then I will entrust my wife to you, and I will get it from you when I come back from vacation!"

"Okay, don't worry!"

I wish Xingchen's mecha was not damaged, and Qi Shen only needs to give it a maintenance.

Ji Hanyu's mecha has just been maintained, so there is no need to fix it.

Ying Jiao Lu Yuan didn't have mechas yet, but he happily accepted Qi Shen's kindness.

Especially Lu Yuan.

Before his mecha was born, he had a reliable mecha master, and he wanted to be happy for his mecha.

Once the group expedition is over, it will be a ten-day long vacation.

Those whose families were in the imperial capital went back to their respective homes, and Ying Jiao and Lu Yuanyuan went back to school together.

During the ten-day vacation, Ying Jiao had no place to go back to. She planned to stay in the dormitory for ten days, while Lu Yuan planned to return to his hometown tomorrow.

Lu Yuan: "I'm going to buy a gift for my brother tomorrow morning, Ying Jiao, do you want to go out together?"


Ying Jiao had nothing to do, so he agreed casually.

"Miss Ying."

As soon as Ying Jiao entered the school gate, an officer in strict military uniform stopped her, as if she had been waiting for a long time: "Marshal wants to talk to you about something, I wonder if it's convenient for you now?"

Ying Jiao remembered the experience of talking with that uncle before, and didn't really want to go.

But this guy obviously wasn't asking for her opinion.

Just politely ask her to come over.

Lu Yuan was very winking, knowing that there was nothing wrong with him, so he broke away decisively, "Then Yingjiao, I will contact you tomorrow, goodbye."


Ying Jiao followed the officer to meet Ji Xun.

After bringing Ying Jiao, the man left.

in the conference room.

Ji Xun closed the photo album in his hand, and signaled Ying Jiao to sit down very accommodatingly.

Ying Jiao: "..."

Seeing that he took the photo album again, I really wanted to rush out.

Ji Xun has lived to such an advanced age that he is about to mature, of course he knows what Ying Jiao is thinking.

He wasn't angry either, and just said lightly, "There are also weapons arranged here."

Ying Jiao: "..."

OK, got it.

Ying Jiao sat obediently opposite Ji Xun.

This time Ji Xun didn't come up to show Ying Jiao the photo album, but first showed her a few video clips.

It's full of ugly criminal evidence.

Although there is no shadow of the ugly egg in the picture, the insects near Ying Jiao disappeared four times inexplicably.

The big and fat worms disappeared within a few seconds, without even a shell left.


"It's amazing." Ying Jiao praised without emotion.

"Amazing?" Ji Xun took a cup of tea and took a sip slowly, "That's all you want to talk about?"

Ying Jiao pretended to be stupid: "What else should I say?"

Ji Xun looked at her for a while, then put down his teacup.

For a long time, he smiled.

"In that case, so be it."

He couldn't wait to take out the photo album, and skillfully introduced to Ying Jiao: "This is the photo of Yuyu eating noodles for the first time, this is the photo of Yuyu eating cake for the first time, this is the first time Yuyu ate... ..."

Ji Xun introduced several photos to Ying Jiao one by one, and at the end of each photo, he would ask: Isn't it cute?
Ying Jiao has eaten with Xiao Ji many times, so he knows his tastes well.

She knew that Xiao Ji took every meal seriously, and even brought a little piety.

It does look kind of cute.


What the uncle showed her was Xiao Xiaoji, the super cute version of Xiao Ji's classmate eating.

Such a photo... how should I put it, Ying Jiao felt that if she was allowed to look at it for more than [-] hours this time, she would not be unacceptable.

(End of this chapter)

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