All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 54 Sister is so amazing

Chapter 54 Sister is so amazing

Ying Jiao has been in StarCraft for so long, and it is the first time that he has used a supernatural power without any scruples.

No way, no need.

There are too many bugs.

More than I have seen on the frontline battlefield before.

The most important thing is that the red-tipped scorpion is not like the bugs provided by the military to the school before. The bugs provided by the military are not poisonous, and its juice will not cause any problems if it splashes on the body.

But the red-tipped scorpion is different.

The red-tipped scorpion is poisonous, and its juice can corrode a piece of black sand when it falls on the sand.

This is the case in the sand, not to mention that she is only wearing an ordinary sports suit today. This suit has no protective effect. Once the juice gets on her clothes, it will corrode her clothes and cause her skin to fester.

So now she not only needs to kill the insects, but also prevents herself and the pendant on her arm from being stained by the juice splashed by the killed insects.

The power of the tenth-level power system cannot be underestimated.

Even if Ying Jiao's equipment is not enough now, and there is a pendant on her arm, she can still kill insects with ease.

While Ying Jiao was killing the insects, Lu Xingyao kept holding her arm and staring at her.

His eyes are very hot.

Ying Jiao feels more and more that this kid is not right.

"Sister, you are amazing~"

Lu Xingyao's voice was soft, and the swaying tone sounded like a baby.

Ying Jiao: "..."

Sure, something is really wrong with this kid.

"Sister, why are you so powerful? Sister, this bug is so ugly. Sister, do you like to drink nutrient solution? Sister, sister..."

Lu Xingyao's questions were very jumpy and endless.

Ying Jiao suddenly felt tired.

However, what made her feel even more tired was that the lightsaber in her hand was almost out of energy.

She didn't recharge this lightsaber in time after participating in a group expedition last time, and she didn't replace it with a new energy source, so now... it's dying.

"Lu Yuan, do you have a lightsaber energy source?"

You should ask proudly.

Lu Yuan is now surrounded by a group of bugs, but those bugs are far away from him, and those who are close to him are eaten by ugly eggs.

There is a safety circle around him, as long as a bug steps into it, it will disappear within five seconds.

In order not to be thrown away, Ugly Egg really worked very hard.

As soon as Ying Jiao asked for the energy source of the lightsaber, Lu Yuan knew that the lightsaber in her hand was about to run out of energy.

This is bad.

They don't have any weapons in their hands except lightsabers.

But his lightsaber energy source and salute fell on the car just now!
And the self-driving car just now...

It is estimated that it is almost leaving the desert now.

There was no other way, Lu Yuan had no choice but to throw the lightsaber in his hand to Ying Jiao: "Ying Jiao, catch it!"

Ying Jiao received a lightsaber.

Give her a lightsaber for what?
"You don't have an energy source!"

No way, so unlucky?

"Use mine first, I'm safe now!" Lu Yuan replied.

When Ugly heard this, he instantly became angry: "Safe ass, sir, I'm full!"

If it wasn't worried about being thrown away, it really didn't want to eat it anymore.

Good hold!

It's dying! !

Ying Jiao decisively threw the lightsaber back to Lu Yuan: "Little Lu, catch it!"

At the same time, the lightsaber in her hand also officially declared off duty.

There is really no way out now.

The fire ability has to be used.

The moment the energy of the lightsaber was exhausted, Ying Jiao led Lu Xingyao to avoid the attack of a 3S Zerg by turning around.

The 3S Zerg has wisdom, and when Ying Jiao lost his weapon, he immediately became rampant.

Doomed to attack Ying Jiao.

Ying Jiao took a deep breath and asked Lu Xingyao, "Little Brother Lu, can you close your eyes?"

"No, sister~" If I close my eyes, I won't be able to see you~
Ying Jiao knew that this child was different from ordinary children, so he didn't waste his words and forced him to close his eyes.


With the scream of the 3S bug, a field of fire burned blazingly on the vast desert.

A large area of ​​the Zerg that could not be killed or killed just now was wiped out in the blink of an eye.

"The master is mighty!!"

Ugly shouted.

At the same time, it is also complaining in its heart - there is such a powerful trick, if you don't use it early, you have to wait for me to eat it!

Ugly had known for a long time that Ying Jiao had the ability to make fire out of thin air, so he wasn't surprised at all.

But Lu Yuan had never seen it.

Seeing the sea of ​​flames suddenly appear in front of him, the lightsaber in his hand fell from shock.

"Yes, should be proud..."

Lu Yuan turned his neck stiffly, looked at Ying Jiao, and said with a slightly trembling tone, " did it?"

Is this too far-fetched?
This is no longer the level that human beings can do, it is completely beyond the scope of human beings!
Although the fire ability has been released on a large scale, due to too many bugs, there are still some corner bugs that have not been completely killed.

Ying Jiao used the remaining fire ability to condense an ancient bow and arrow.


Dozens of rockets were fired.

Fortunately, the remaining corner Zerg also became ashes.

"Huh~~" A gust of wind passed by.

Now the ashes are gone.

Lu Yuan: "..."

Now Lu Yuan had to believe that this sudden fire was really Ying Jiao's masterpiece.

"You should be proud..."

He thought for a long time and didn't know what to say.

Until he heard his younger brother cheering loudly: "Sister is awesome!! Sister is amazing!!"

The bugs have been killed, and there is no danger now, so Ying Jiao immediately tore Lu Xingyao off his hands.

Lu Xingyao, who could no longer cling to Ying Jiao, had tears in his eyes, and called out very aggrieved: "Sister~"

Unmoved, Ying Jiao turned around and asked Lu Yuan, "What did you just say?"

"I said..." Lu Yuan paused for a long time, and then he smiled lightly and returned to his usual attitude, "I said it's getting dark, and it's time to go to my house for dinner." In the end, he chose not to ask fire. thing.

They are friends.

Since Ying Jiao didn't say anything, then he didn't ask.

Ying Jiao was a little surprised by his reaction, but it's fine if he doesn't ask.

Save her from making excuses.

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Lu is quite understanding.

"Well," Ying Jiao nodded, "Let's go."

After using so many abilities today, she is really hungry.

"Sister, my toys are still over there, I'll take you!" Lu Xingyao was very active.

He pulled Ying Jiao to the toy that had been overturned just now, turned on the light brain and tapped it with his fingers.


The overturned chariot can be started again, and it can even be automatically reversed and corrected.

Ying Jiao: "..."

This is a toy?

Is it because she has never seen the world or the two brothers have seen the world too much?

"Sister, come here!"

Lu Xingyao graciously opened the co-pilot seat for Ying Jiao, "My toy is great, sister, come and try it!"

Ying Jiao sat up.

After the chariot started driving, Ying Jiao discovered that this car was also driving automatically.And the car is very stable, even in such bad road conditions, it is no different from driving on ordinary roads.

This is a toy?

She wants it too!

I don't know where they bought it, can you tell me the way, and she will buy one when she has money.

Lu Xingyao: "How about it, sister, are my toys still available?"


That's great.

Let her know a lot.

"Does my sister like it?" Lu Xingyao's eyes lit up: "Then shall I give it to my sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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