All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 6 Humanoid Monitor

Chapter 6 Humanoid Monitor

"What did you eat for me?!"

Zhu Xingchen coughed up tears from the corner of his eyes, looking very miserable.

Ying Jiao didn't feel guilty about his miserable situation, "The doctor gave me the candy."

"Candy from Ruan Yi?!"

Ying Jiao nodded, "If the doctor's name is that, that's right."

Zhu Xingchen backed away in fright, "You...don't come here! I warn you, if you let that bastard Ruan Yi called sugar approach me again, I will fight you hard!!"

"I just wanted to tell you that I have a sense of taste."

Ying Jiao's tone was very innocent, even though his expression was different, Zhu Xingchen still choked up.

The spicy and bitter taste that hit his forehead just now swept over his nerves again.Since the thing stayed in his mouth for a very short time, he hadn't tasted the sweetness yet.

But there is no doubt - the person in front of him has no problem with his sense of taste!
"Do you think... Ruan Yi's nutrient solution tastes good?" Zhu Xingchen's voice trembled.

Ying Jiao thought for a while and said, "It's sour, astringent, bitter, spicy, and a little sticky. After drinking it, it will stick to the esophagus for a while, causing the taste to linger for a long time, which is very irritating."

"..." Zhu Xingchen couldn't help giving Ying Jiao a thumbs up: "Amazing!"


For food, you should feel that you can eat enough.

Doesn't matter what the taste is.

Zhu Xingchen took a long time to recover, after this stimulation, he was no longer nervous.

It is also a blessing in disguise.


"Xiao Zhu, the time is coming, come here quickly! I'll check your equipment for you!"

As soon as Zhu Xingchen opened his mouth to say something, a logistician who was wearing glasses and looked a little dazed came trotting over.

Seeing that Ying Jiao was holding a few tubes of nutrient solution in his hand, and the clothes he was wearing had no pockets to put them in, he enthusiastically took out a waist bag and filled it with a few tubes of nutrient solution.

The logistician handed the purse to Ying Jiao:

"This is for you. The equipment of our [-]th Army is of good quality. Keep it as you like it!"


Ying Jiao hesitated for a while, Zhu Xingchen introduced to her very familiarly: "This is Xiao Yu——Yu Li, the support staff. He was the one who got the nutrient solution just now."

It took only 10 minutes for Zhu Xingchen to pass by just now, and in such a short time, he can be called a brother and brother with others, and he can even let them take the initiative to help check the equipment...

It's also great.

Maybe this is the legendary social talent.

"Xiao Yu, this is Ying Jiao." Zhu Xingchen introduced.

"Oh, hello, my name is Yu Li!"

"Hello, Yingjiao."

Ying Jiao shook hands with the other party, and accepted the pocket from him.

Seeing that Ying Jiao had nothing on his body, Yu Li stuffed a small knife into his pocket.It's small, but the material looks good.

Yu Li, who only dared to give a knife, blushed a little, "I can only give you this, don't dislike it."

Ying Jiao didn't dislike it, "Thank you."

"No thanks no thanks!"

Yu Li waved his hands again and again, "Then I'll go first, I wish you peace."

Zhu Xingchen also echoed, "Yes, Xiao Ying, be careful~" His tone was very awkward.

After speaking, the two left together.


Ying Jiao casually fastened her waist bag and waited quietly for the battleship to land.

When the warship arrived at its destination, Ying Jiao saw the war in this world for the first time.

The enemies of humans in the last days include zombies and mutants; but the enemies of interstellar humans are only Zerg.

Hundreds of millions of Zerg.

Ying Jiao glanced at the battlefield, and saw thousands of humans fighting in mechas and densely packed bugs.

The combat effectiveness of these human armies is not bad, and it is easy to kill these low-level Zerg.Ying Jiao can't figure out why they need support.

Is it just to test her?
Ying Jiao stepped on white slippers and casually followed the rescue team, thinking about the purpose of those people who threw her here.

And wish Stardust.

Why did you come with me?

Zhu Xingchen said that he didn't expect to be able to come, which shows that he shouldn't have come.But now he is here.


Yingjiao can't figure it out.

"Why are you walking so slowly?"

Ying Jiao regained consciousness, only to see Zhu Xingchen following behind her with a boastful face.

"You are this?"

Ying Jiao thought that Zhu Xingchen went to support the front line with the rescue army, but now it seems that this is not the case.


Zhu Xingchen was also left behind.

But he can't say.

He thought he was different from Ying Jiao.At least Ying Jiao didn't have anything, and he was wearing the uniform of the [-]th Army.

He thought he could finally go to the battlefield to kill the Zerg, but in fact he was not in the team at all!

He was left behind.

Same as Ying Jiao!
Zhu Xingchen was heartbroken, but he held back for the sake of face.He raised his chin, very arrogantly, "At least I'm an acquaintance, I'll stay here to protect you!"

Looking at him like this, Ying Jiao probably guessed something.

She stood still and scanned Zhu Xingchen up and down several times.

"What are you doing?!" Zhu Xingchen almost thought he had been seen through.

Ying Jiao kept thinking about the clothes of the regular army just now, and finally, she found that Zhu Xingchen's helmet was a little different from the regular army's - although both were pure black, but upon closer inspection their material was a little different, Zhu Xingchen's It doesn't seem that hard, and it doesn't look suitable for fighting.

And the buttons on his sleeves...

There is no doubt that this kid has surveillance cameras on him!

Ying Jiao pretended not to notice anything, and grinned, "It's nothing."

I wish Stardust didn't believe it.

Ying Jiao was too lazy to care whether he believed it or not, and stopped talking to him.

Because there were too many teams behind, Ying Jiao decided not to follow.She and Zhu Xingchen randomly found a stone and squatted down, only ten meters away from the battleship.If it wasn't for being asked not to stay on the battleship, Ying Jiao would rather go back and find a small bench to sit on.

I just don't know if there is such a thing as a small bench in StarCraft.

The two squatted on the boulder boredly.After a long time, Zhu Xingchen couldn't hold back anymore and asked, "Are we waiting here?"


Zhu Xingchen "squeaked" and stood up, "Finally on the battlefield, don't we go kill the Zerg?"

"Go if you want."

Ying Jiao wished that the humanoid monitor would stay away from him.

But Zhu Xingchen was unwilling.

He groaned and squatted back again, "I'm a genius with 3S mental power, and I can already drive a 3S mecha. Why don't you let me go?" His tone was even a bit aggrieved.

"Why can Ji Hanyu go, but I can't? Everyone is 3S, I am worse than him!"

"It's all 3S?"

Ying Jiao finally turned to look at him with a complicated expression.

Zhu Xingchen's mental strength is level seven, and although Ji Hanyu's mental strength is less than eighth level, it is still more than seven.Almost three times the strength of the seventh level.

It is extremely rare super 3S mental power in this world.

Not the same as this proud little fool.

Ying Jiao patted Zhu Xingchen on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Comparisons are not worthwhile." Especially since you don't even know his true strength.

"I do not have!"

Zhu Xingchen stiffened his neck to deny it, Ying Jiao nodded perfunctorily, "Yes, yes, you didn't."

Zhu Xingchen: ...

For the first time in my life, I wanted to kill the shark.

(End of this chapter)

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