All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 60 1 Drunk to relieve anxiety

Chapter 60
Lu Yuan and Ying Jiao rushed back to the school in time before the school gate closed.

On the way back to the dormitory, Xiao Lu was obviously absent-minded.

"Ying Jiao," he stopped, "If it were you, what would you do after you became rich overnight?"

Get rich overnight?
Ying Jiao was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized that Xiao Lu really became rich overnight.

She thought about it, and said with some uncertainty: "What do you want to do?"

In fact, Yingjiao is not too clear.

After all, she was never rich.

"Then what wish do you have?" Lu Yuan asked.


"Yes," Ying Jiao kicked a stone in the middle of the road into the trash can, "I really wanted to go to school before."

"go to school?"

This wish is too simple.

Lu Yuan was silent for a while, and asked, "So, your wish has come true?"

"more or less."

"Then how do you feel now?"

Ying Jiao: "Not bad."

Much more comfortable than before.

Children should go to school.

"Ying Jiao, I'm a little flustered." Lu Yuan said, "My dad suddenly turned into a rich and powerful dad, I feel so unreal."

"Little Lu, you have to learn to face the reality." Ying Jiao patted Lu Yuan on the shoulder, and persuaded him in a slightly sad tone: "Accept the reality, Xiao Lu, you are actually a rich second generation."

Lu Yuan: "..."

Lu Yuan said: "I still feel unreal." I didn't feel anything at home before, but now when I leave his father, I feel very unreal.

"Then do you want to drink?"

"drink wine?"

"Yeah, I heard that getting drunk can solve a thousand worries."

"Do you have wine?"

"Teacher Mei Yan has it, and it's in the cooking classroom. It's okay to drink a little." Anyway, it will be too late when Teacher Mei Yan finds out tomorrow.

"Then... shall we have a drink?"

"Let's go."

Leave when you're done.

Ying Jiao took out Mei Yan's inventory from the cooking classroom and put it on the table.

"Drink, Xiao Lu, drink and sleep, and when you get up tomorrow, you will be able to accept your status as a rich second generation."

"it is good."

At first, Lu Yuan was a little restrained, but after drinking a bottle, he felt comfortable.

"Yingjiao, come, drink!"

There was a crisp "ding" sound when the glass wine bottle collided.

"Gollum Gollum-"

Another bottle was drunk by Lu Yuan.

"Gollum Gollum-"


After drinking eleven bottles in a row, Lu Yuan was finally drunk.

Start talking nonsense.

"Well——Ying, Yingjiao, I think of my mother, I can't remember it for a long time, I thought I forgot her."

"I thought I forgot what she looked like, forgot that she was a gentle mother, forgot that she used to adore my dad so much."

"But, if my dad is really that powerful, why, why did he let my mother die inexplicably? Huh - I didn't even see her for the last time, I only saw a cold corpse. woo woo woo woo……"

Lu Yuan cried while talking and poured himself wine.

Probably speaking of sadness, Xiao Lu, who is usually stable, began to cry bitterly.

Seeing him like this, Ying Jiao swallowed the words that reminded him that he would have class tomorrow and that the first class would be close combat.

Forget it.

It's better to bring Xiao Lu an extra tube of medicine tomorrow.

Lu Yuan drank a lot.

Probably drunk people will feel that they are not drunk and can still drink.

Lu Yuan just drank one bottle after another, and the empty wine bottles gradually filled the entire table.

"I, I want another bottle."

Lu Yuan stood up unsteadily.

He drank too much, and he was a little unsteady, so he took a step and fell back.

"Ding Ling Dang Clang" sounded.

An empty wine bottle on the table was poured.

Before Lu Yuan fell to the ground, Ying Jiao helped him up in time.

"Little Lu? Little Lu?"

Ying Jiao yelled twice, and what responded to her was steady breathing with a heavy alcohol smell.

Lu Yuan fell asleep.

Ying Jiao packed up the cooking classroom, then carried Lu Yuan to the downstairs of his dormitory.

She dialed Zhu Xingchen's optical brain number.

No one picked up.

Take a look at the time.

One o'clock.

Ying Jiao: "..."

Ying Jiao walked around the dormitory building a few times and found that there were surveillance cameras all around the dormitory.And unfortunately, there was no blind spot for monitoring, so she couldn't take Xiao Lu there quietly.

She put Lu Yuan on a chair by the side of the road, and opened the optical brain address book.

"Student Xiao Ji?" She should be asleep.

Xiao Ji doesn't seem like a person who can stay up late.

"Qi Shen?"

I heard that the sleep time of the mecha master has always been a mystery.

You can give it a try.



"Xiao Qi, do me a favor..."

Two minutes later, Qi Shen came down.

"How did he drink so much?"

Qi Shen was startled, "He won't have class tomorrow?"

Ying Jiao: "I will bring him medicine."

It means that there is class tomorrow.


"Bring medicine?" What kind of medicine?Hangover medicine?

"Well, our first quarter tomorrow is close combat."


Qi Shen was shocked, "Isn't Zhao Xinchong the teacher of your melee combat class?"

"Yes." That's him.

"Then he still drinks so much? Don't die!"

"It's okay, you take him up to rest."

Ying Jiao's tone that there was no problem left Qi Shen speechless.

Maybe combat animals are just that fierce.

Even a frail mech master doesn't understand.

the next day.

It's almost time for class.

Lu Yuan was still a little confused.

"Old Lu, are you okay? What did you do last night!"

Zhu Xingchen looked at Lu Yuan, who was still in a hangover, with a terrified expression.


Lu Yuan couldn't remember clearly either.

It seems that he drank with Ying Jiao last night.

He must have drunk too much, and he doesn't even remember how he returned to the dormitory.

"Old Ying, you're here! What did you want from me last night? It's already one o'clock, and I'm already asleep."


Ying Jiao was delayed a little while waiting for Sheng Ling to help with dispensing the medicine, and when she came, it was almost time for class.

"Drink some, Xiao Lu." She handed the medicine to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan knew that it was supposed to be a hangover, so he drank it immediately, "Thank you."

"how do you feel?"

"much better."

Lu Yuan put the test tube into the recycling bin, and when he came back, he looked much more energetic.

At least not as sluggish as before.

Zhu Xingchen: "What the hell did you guys do behind my back last night!"

This is obviously something to do!
"It's nothing, I drank some wine." Ying Jiao replied indifferently.

"Drinking? You don't call me drinking!" Zhu Xingchen was very indignant.

Ying Jiao said, "Aren't you already asleep?"

Zhu Xingchen: "..." That's true.

I wish Stardust will stop making trouble.

eight o'clock.

Zhao Xinchong started class on time.

It is also less than 10 minutes of theory, and then group training.

"Yingjiao, come out."

Before Ying Jiao had time to find Xiao Ji to form a team, she was called out.

Ying Jiao:?
Zhao Xinchong: "Group exploration first?"

Ying Jiao: "Our indeed number one." What's wrong with this?
This is no problem.

Zhao Xinchong tossed a wooden sword to Ying Jiao, "You cut Liang Wenxun's trick, show it to everyone."

Beheading Wenxun?

Should be proud to think about it.


She used the trick of the power system ability in the group expedition last time.

Ying Jiao raised the wooden sword, copied the previous action, and slashed at the stone Zhao Xinchong said.

"Boom! Crack—"

The stone shattered and the wooden sword cracked.

(End of this chapter)

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