All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 62 But I Still Want To Eat

Chapter 62 But I Still Want To Eat
Ying Jiao had been waiting patiently, and seeing Ji Hanyu not moving his chopsticks, he thought he didn't want to eat noodles.

"Student Xiao Ji doesn't like it?"

She stretched out her hand to take her face back and do something else for him again.



Ji Hanyu pressed Ying Jiao's hand with some strength, "I... like it."

In the end, he still couldn't help but watch this bowl of noodles not be eaten by him.

He can't.

Only compromise.

Ji Hanyu picked up the chopsticks, picked up the noodles and took a bite.


The food that Ying Jiao cooks is always delicious.

When eating, Ji Hanyu has always had no distracting thoughts.At this moment, he only knows that this bowl of noodles is delicious, other than that, he doesn't think about anything else.

The scent of roses has finally returned to normal.

Ying Jiao breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that it was not easy.

Seeing that classmate Xiao Ji is eating deliciously, the corners of Ying Jiao's lips also unconsciously rise.

The noodles she made seem to be quite delicious.

Ying Jiao picked up her own bowl and began to "suck".

Well, it's really good.

After Ji Hanyu finished eating the noodles, Ying Jiao's cake was also ready.

Keep one in the fresh-keeping room for Mei Yan, one for Ji Hanyu as dessert, and pack the rest.

Ying Jiao: "Pearl milk tea and matcha red bean rolls, student Xiao Ji, try it?"

Ji Hanyu, who had already eaten noodles once, felt much less conflicted when eating dessert.

He has seen through himself - even though Ying Jiao looks down on him, he still wants to eat what she cooks.

Ji Hanyu wanted to cast aside his lack of ambition, but he knew clearly that he was hopeless.

So he only hesitated for a while, then said softly: "Thank you."

Then start to concentrate on enjoying the food.

"What is this?" Mei Yan had already smelled the aroma of milk tea, and seeing that she hadn't had it, she came over directly.She looked at Ying Jiao quietly, "Student Ying Jiao, what about my share, teacher?"

"Fresh room."

Seeing her being so upbeat, Mei Yan was very pleased.She leaned into Ying Jiao's ear and whispered, "Student Ying Jiao, don't worry, the teacher will let you through the back door later and arrange a very interesting after-school homework for you."

After speaking, she disappeared in a flash.

As soon as Ying Jiao raised her eyes, she saw her go to the fresh-keeping room.

When get out of class was about to end, Mei Yan really kept her promise and arranged a very interesting homework for Ying Jiao

——A semi-finished stinky tofu.

Ying Jiao never expected that Mei Yan would take such good care of herself.

When she came back with her homework just now, none of her classmates dared to approach her within three meters, and each of them had sympathy for her on their faces.

Ying Jiao took his time and covered the stinky tofu without seasoning.

Then heat up the oil.

While waiting for the oil to heat up, she also took some time to help classmate Xiao Ji finish his after-school homework.

"Why don't I write it myself?" Ji Hanyu felt a little sorry.

He also smelled the horrible smell of Ying Jiao's after-school homework. Ying Jiao was so unlucky this time, he was embarrassed to ask her to help with his homework.

"It's okay." Ying Jiao took his homework over.

The homework that Ji Hanyu got was not difficult, just a colorful scrambled egg.

Ying Jiao finished pawing in twos and twos, and quickly finished the [-]-word tasting report.

After finishing, the oil is almost hot.

Ying Jiao put the stinky tofu in and deep-fried, took it out after frying, poured chili sauce on it, and put chopped sour radish on it.

Due to time constraints, Ying Jiao just made a simple version.

"Student Xiao Ji, do you want to try it? The taste should be okay."

Although it is a simple version, it should not be too bad.

The fried stinky tofu didn't smell as bad as it did in the first place, but it was still horrible.

Ji Hanyu didn't really want to eat, but thinking that Ying Jiao had already helped him with homework twice, he couldn't abandon her now.

"it is good……"

It was extremely difficult for Ji Hanyu to say this word.

The scent of roses in the nose began to bounce back and forth between strong and weak. It seemed that Xiao Ji was really disturbed.

Ying Jiao didn't want to cheat him either, so he ate a piece first.

Well, it's ok.

"Not bad, Xiao Ji, you should try it too."

After finishing speaking, she picked up the remaining piece of stinky tofu with her chopsticks and put it into Ji Hanyu's mouth.

When the stinky tofu was about to enter, Ji Hanyu was scared to death; after the stinky tofu...

Mmm~ It's delicious!
Ji Hanyu felt relieved.

Regarding food, he can always trust Ying Jiao.

The stinky tofu is only two yuan, and one piece per person is gone. Ji Hanyu feels a little regretful.

However, he just ate the oil-splashed noodles with pearl milk tea and matcha red bean rolls, and he was already satisfied, so he didn't have that much obsession with stinky tofu.

After class, Ying Jiao gave Ji Hanyu a packed pearl milk tea and matcha roll, and asked him to take it home to eat.

Ji Hanyu likes pearl milk tea very much, seeing that Ying Jiao prepared one for herself, she was a little elated for a while.

Even though his expression was still light and indifferent, Ying Jiao still smelled the strong fragrance of roses in the air——Student Xiao Ji was very happy, and the black tea that Mr. Mei Yan collected was well deserved.

"Student Ying Jiao, come with the teacher."

"it is good."

Ying Jiao quickly called the campus express on the optical brain, and sent the extra milk tea and matcha rolls to Xiao Lu and the others.

After delivery, she had three copies left.

One for Senior Sister Sheng Ling, one for Ugly Egg, and one for myself.

When she entered Mei Yan's office, she was still drinking milk tea and eating matcha rolls.

"Gulu" took a sip of milk tea.

As soon as Ying Jiao sat down, Mei Yan wiped her mouth and asked directly: "Student Ying Jiao, do you sell the recipe for the chocolate you made earlier?"

Ying Jiao: "I'm ashamed to buy it for dinner?"

"Well, they like this kind of thing that can be packaged very expensively. Do you sell it? The price they give is quite reasonable."

The price should be proud but not very concerned.

She is not short of money now.

Mei Yan: "If you have a friend who likes to eat chocolate, then I suggest you sell it, so that your friend can buy it for himself when he wants to eat it."

When mentioning the words "I have a friend", Mei Yan suddenly smiled meaningfully.

She did see it.

A friend of Ying Jiao had two milk teas and cake rolls, and she also helped that friend write homework twice, and...


The chopsticks used by the little classmate picked up food for the friend and put it in his mouth.

Mei Yan was not sure about the relationship between the two before.

But now, she got it!

"Student Ying Jiao, come on!" I'll be waiting for the day when you win Ji Ershao!

Ying Jiao:?
What oil?

She wrote how to make chocolate and handed it directly to Mei Yan.

Mei Yan looked at it, "Oh, by the way, they also want a chocolate with content inside. Student Ying Jiao, will you?"

with content?


"Liquor chocolate?"

"It should be, you can try it first, the cooking classroom is up to you."


Mei Yan: "It would be great if I can make it at noon, so I can take it with me in the afternoon. What do you think, student Ying Jiao?"

Student Ying Jiao twitched the corners of his mouth, "Yes."

Mei Yan: "And that rice wine, teacher, I really like it..."

"Teacher, I'm going to make chocolate."

Ying Jiao got up and strode away.


Behind him, Mei Yan sighed long and regretfully.

(End of this chapter)

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