All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 68 Boss, drink tea

Chapter 68 Boss, drink tea

Kou Hong lowered his head and deleted all his comments with a gloomy face.

"Is this okay?"

He didn't dare to look up, for fear that his dissatisfaction would be seen by Ying Jiao.

Ying Jiao took a look at the forum, Kou Hong did delete all the comments, "Yes." She turned off her optical brain, "Apologize again, and you can leave."

"Yes... I'm sorry!"

Kou Hong gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, and said this in a low voice.

After finishing speaking, he rushed away from here with grief and indignation, for fear that Ying Jiao would embarrass him.


The people in the audience didn't hear anything, they saw Kou Hong running away with a humiliated expression.

Immediately sighed.

"This is Tianjiao ranked ninth? I can't tell."

"Don't you think it's not that he is weak, but that Ying Jiao is too strong?"

"Ying Jiao? She's a freshman!"

"What's wrong with the new students? Can't the new students be amazing?"

"Ying Jiao is so handsome! My God, what kind of boy does she like? Do you think I have a chance?"

"I don't think you have."

"I think she must like the boys of plant agriculture, and many girls of combat department like it!"

"I don't know if she minds boys older than her..."


Ying Jiao still has class this afternoon, so he is too lazy to drag Kou Hong back to beat him up again.

She stepped off the stage, and Zhu Xingchen was so excited that he wanted to give her a victory hug.

Ying Jiao dodges and dodges.

Zhu Xingchen didn't mind, put his hand on her shoulder, and said happily: "Old Ying, you are really amazing! Unfortunately, I was worried that you would deal with him as gently as you did with Liang Wenxun. I thought about it before." I taught you how to beat people hard. Now it seems that you don't need me to teach you at all!"

Not only do not.

He even wanted to worship Ying Jiao as his teacher!
Zhu Xingchen was so excited that even Lu Yuan handed Ying Jiao a cup of tea: "Boss, drink tea."

Ying Jiao: "..."

Did Xiao Lu hang out with Xiao Zhu for a long time and was assimilated?
Lu Yuan raised his head, and other spectators also rushed forward, surrounding Ying Jiao.

"Should be proud! Should be proud!!"

"Sister, look at me!!"

"Junior girls drink soda!"

"Sister, do you like flowers? I can grow flowers!"


Ying Jiao was surrounded by people.

Ji Hanyu, who originally wanted to go up and talk to Ying Jiao, stopped in her tracks.

He wanted to say thank you to her.


Too many people.

Ji Hanyu silently retreated to the side, planning to save what she wanted to say until the afternoon class.

"Student Xiao Ji?"

Ying Jiao finally escaped from the siege, and saw Xiao Ji standing calmly on the periphery, "Xiao Ji, I was able to fight just now, right?"

She was too lazy to catch Kou Hong just now, and didn't ask him to apologize seriously. I don't know if Xiao Ji will be dissatisfied.

Although she felt indifferent, the person Kou Hong offended was not her.

She is just an ordinary challenger.

Ji Hanyu didn't expect Ying Jiao to come out.

He froze for a moment, and didn't have time to answer Ying Jiao's question, causing Ying Jiao to think that he was dissatisfied.

How to do?
Do you want to find a sack to put Kou Hong back and beat him again?
"Thank you."

Ji Hanyu said: "Thank you, Ying Jiao."

In fact, he didn't know about the post last night.

He has classes in the evening, so he doesn't have much time to pay attention to other things, and he doesn't visit the forum much.The reason why he knew this was because he was stopped by someone in the cafeteria in the morning.

Only then did he know Kou Hong's speech on the forum.

The campus forum is managed by the school. He contacted the administrators, but it turned out that his brother called and told him not to take care of it.

He asked his brother what happened.

His brother only said that they had other arrangements and asked him not to interfere.

Kou Hong was targeted by the military.

He can't startle the snake.

He can't, but Yingjiao can.

He was very happy and Ying Jiao invited him to watch the battle.

"What's there to thank for that?"

Ying Jiao was a little uncomfortable by Ji Hanyu's seriousness, she turned her head and put her hands in her trouser pockets, "I just don't like him."


Ji Hanyu smiled slightly, "Thank you anyway."

This is the first time Ying Jiao sees Ji Hanyu smile.

The smile of the flower of Gaoling.

So beautiful.

Ying Jiao lost his breath for a short time, and was almost addicted to it.

"No, it's okay." She stammered suddenly.

"Should be proud! Should be proud!!"

Ying Jiao who escaped from the siege was soon discovered, and someone chased after him.

Ying Jiao came back to his senses: "I'll leave classmate Xiao Ji first!"

After speaking, she ran away.

Running all the way back to the dormitory, Ying Jiao took a 10-minute nap before getting up to go to class.

Their first class in the afternoon was mech combat.

This time, as soon as Ying Jiao entered the simulation classroom, the simulated fireworks exploded on her head.

Red and green fireworks, plus two rows of big characters shining brightly in front of the classroom.

——Congratulations to Yingjiao from my class for successfully defeating Kou Hong and contributing to justice!

Another firework exploded overhead.

And this time, it also has sound effects!
Ying Jiao: "..."

Zhu Xingchen was the first to applaud and shouted: "Yingjiao! Yingjiao!"

Other students also shouted: "Ying Jiao! Ying Jiao!"

Ying Jiao is expressionless.

so awkward.

It's not that she hasn't been greeted by people.

But this is the first time she has experienced this embarrassing scene.

She lowered her head and asked Lu Yuan, the only normal person present, "What's going on?"

Is it too exaggerated?
Although Lu Yuan didn't shout, he also applauded.

He whispered to her: "Ying Jiao, you underestimate the Ji family's position in the hearts of interstellar people."

In Interstellar, the glory that the ancestors of the Ji family exchanged for their lives was far greater than what Ying Jiao imagined.

Because of the sacrifice of the Ji family, the interstellar humans have gained stability for thousands of years.

Most people in Interstellar respect the Ji family.

People like Kou Hong are very few.

Ordinary people in Interstellar, even if they don't have that lofty respect for the Ji family, they will at least respect those military seniors who sacrificed for the stability of Interstellar.

Amidst the cheers of everyone, Zhao Xinchong also walked into the classroom.

All the cheers came to an abrupt end.

Ying Jiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Xinchong walked up to Ying Jiao, and suddenly stretched out his hand.

In the past, he used this action to guide and beat people, but this time, he patted Ying Jiao's shoulder with his hand.

"here you go!"

His voice was full of relief.

It can be seen that he also watched Ying Jiao's challenge at noon, and was very satisfied with Ying Jiao's performance.

Ying Jiao: "I'm sorry teacher, the medicine you gave, I..."

"I know," Zhao Xinchong didn't mind the fact that the medicine he gave was given to Kou Hong, "You did a good job!"

He didn't mind, but he regretted it a little - if he had known that she would use it like this, he should have asked Teacher Sheng to help make more of that medicine!

"……Thank you, teacher."

Ying Jiao felt that Zhao Xinchong seemed a little too happy.

It was Lu Yuan who whispered something in her ear: "Before Teacher Zhao retired, he was a major general of the First Army."

The First Army is the army under the command of the Star Marshal.

It is also the core of the Star Army.

So Teacher Zhao is the uncle's former subordinate?

Then his reaction now can be explained.

Ying Jiao nodded, "I see, I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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