Chapter 76
Early the next morning, Sheng Ling's alarm clock rang.

Ying Jiao looked at the time—five o'clock?
Is this time a little early?

"Sister, my sister can't get into the school. I'm going to her side. Do you want to come with me?"

Although Sheng Ling's words were a question, her eyes kept saying: Junior girl, come with me!School girl with me! !

Ying Jiao felt that Sheng Ling seemed a little too excited.

It's just eating a hot pot, it's not enough...

Still she got up.

"Senior sister, are you going to put on makeup so early?" Although Teacher Mei Yan told them to go early, it was just that they had better arrive before ten o'clock.

It's only five o'clock.

It's five o'clock, five hours before ten o'clock, the senior is just putting on makeup, how long does it take?

"Well," Sheng Ling had finished washing and changed into a red dress, "My sister said that she would help me pick out some jewelry as accessories, and she also has an event to attend today, so there is not enough time."

Ying Jiao: "Oh."

Forget it, let's go wash up first.

Five minutes later, the two closed the dormitory door.

"Oh, that's right." Sheng Ling stopped just two steps out of the door, "Sister, wait a minute, I still haven't brought an important thing."

She wanted to open the door and go back to get it, but she couldn't find her admission card.

Seeing this, Ying Jiao opened the door.

"Sister, let's go."

"Yeah!" Sheng Ling nodded, went in and took a small notebook from her bookshelf.After opening the book and reading it several times, Sheng Ling solemnly put it into the small bag.

"Let's go, junior."


This time the two went out smoothly.

On the way, Sheng Ling's joy was visible to the naked eye.

"My younger sister is called Chi Yiyi, she is very beautiful and cute, she can act, sing, and play many kinds of musical instruments. And she calls me older sister, she is very obedient..."

Ying Jiao listened quietly, always feeling that these words seemed familiar.

Sheng Ling's younger sister lives in a prosperous area, a bit far from the First Military Academy, but Ying Jiao and Ying Jiao left early, and it was only six o'clock when they arrived.


When the two arrived at the gate of the community, they saw Chi Yiyi who was waving her hands hard, and a group of people stood behind her.

Seeing his sister, Sheng Ling's face continued to be cold, but his pace was much faster.

"Sister, this is my younger sister, Chi Yiyi." Sheng Ling introduced: "Yiyi, this is my roommate Ying Jiao, a junior from the Combat Department."

Chi Yiyi has a sweet appearance, with crooked eyes and two dimples when she smiles; she looks somewhat similar to Sheng Ling, but not as cold as Sheng Ling.

Ying Jiao felt that Chi Yiyi looked familiar, but for a while she couldn't remember where she saw her.

As soon as she was about to say hello, she saw Chi Yiyi clasped her hands in front of her, her eyes adored: "Battle department? Sister Ying Jiao, you are amazing!"

Ying Jiao: "It's okay..."

Chi Yiyi: "I heard that this year's Er Shao and Zhu Er Shao are both in the combat department, is it true?"

"Yeah." Ying Jiao nodded and replied, "It's true."

"Oh my God!!!"

Chi Yiyi clutched her little heart, "It's a pity, I didn't pass the first military academy, otherwise I would be in the same school with them next year and be their junior!" Chi Yiyi looked regretful, "Sister Ying Jiao , have you seen Ji Ershao and the others? Are they handsome and powerful?"

"Hmm..." Ying Jiao hesitated.

Student Xiao Ji is really good, and as for Xiao Zhu...if I have to say that, maybe there is nothing wrong with him.

"Wow!!! Sister Ying Jiao, can you see them every day?" Chi Yiyi looked envious.

"Um... not at all."

I haven't been with them before the holiday.

"Then you should be proud, sister..."

"Yiyi," Sheng Ling felt that her sister would not be able to stop if this went on, so she interrupted in time, "I'm hungry, do you have breakfast ready?"

As soon as Sheng Ling opened her mouth, Chi Yiyi finally realized that she had accidentally said too much: "I'm sorry, sister Yingjiao, I'll take you to breakfast now."

Chi Yiyi prepared a rich breakfast.

There are noodles and many other signature dishes.

Entering Chi Yiyi's house, Ying Jiao finally remembered why she looked familiar.

This Chi Yiyi was the actress in the movie she watched with Xiao Ji last time.Played the heroine in "Rose Love Letter", and also the second female lead in the horror horror film later.

There are many beautiful photos of Chi Yiyi projected at her home, and the still photo of "Love Letter from a Rose" is even bigger.

Chi Yiyi: "This noodle is delicious, so I ordered an extra one. Sister, try it!"

There is also a brand mark on the noodle bowl, but it is not shameful.

"This noodle shop is newly opened. It seems to have something to do with Lan's. I'm going to participate in their brand's new store opening event today." Chi Yiyi asked Ying Jiao and the others to be polite. If there is not enough, you can order more soon. can be delivered.

Afterwards, she complained while talking: "I don't know what my manager thinks, but I have to go to that event, otherwise I can go to eat hot pot with my sister and you guys today. I haven't eaten hot pot yet." Well, I don’t know what it tastes like, I must try it later..."

"My manager may have been a devil in his previous life, he deserves that he couldn't catch up with his wife..."

"That Jiang Feixue, I don't know why she stares at me every day, she said that I don't lack that resource, it's really annoying..."

"Sister, my birthday happens to be Saturday this year, can you join me, sister?"

"Yeah." Sheng Ling who was eating noodles took the time to reply, "I will go."

Satisfied with Sheng Ling's affirmative answer, Chi Yiyi turned to invite Ying Jiao sweetly: "It's my birthday next Saturday, sister Ying Jiao, can you come too?"


Ying Jiao was a little uncertain.

After all, we just met for the first time today. Although she is the younger sister of Senior Sister Sheng Ling, she is not very familiar with her.

But if she didn't go, she couldn't find a suitable reason to refuse.

"Sister Ying Jiao, come here, there will be a lot of delicious food, and there will be many celebrities in the show business and singing circles. Sister, do you have any favorite artists? If not, you can also go to see handsome men and beautiful women. I know a lot Top notch beauty!"

Because of Chi Yiyi's warm invitation, Ying Jiao still agreed.

After breakfast, Chi Yiyi led Sheng Ling to get busy.

The two choose jewelry, make-up, shoes and bags to match the clothes...

After they were fully dressed, it was 09:30.

"Sister, hurry up! I'm going to be late!"

Chi Yiyi's manager has already urged her no less than three times. Although Chi Yiyi is not afraid of him, she has no habit of being late for work.

After getting in the car, Chi Yiyi said: "Fortunately, the place where I'm going to work today is very close to where you are going, otherwise I wouldn't be able to see you off."


The place they are going to is really close, because it is the same place.

Ying Jiao turned on the optical brain and looked at the progress report that Teacher Mei Yan had sent her earlier.

That's right, the mark on the noodle bowl just now is the brand mark "carefully" drawn by Teacher Mei Yan.

"Great sister!"

Chi Yiyi was very happy, "We can have dinner together in a while!"

After getting off the car, Chi Yiyi opened for business.

The little mouth that had been busy "patta-patta" finally stopped, and became a quiet and elegant sweet girl.

(End of this chapter)

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