All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 79 The ignorant is fearless

Chapter 79 The ignorant is fearless

Mei Yan stepped forward to negotiate with Jiang Feixue, and Sheng Ling walked up to Ying Jiao: "I'm sorry, junior."

"There's nothing to be sorry about, senpai."

Ying Jiao took a drink and handed it to Sheng Ling, asking her to take a sip to breathe.

Just now when Sheng Ling came over, he heard someone scolding her sister, and immediately got angry from his heart, stood in front of Chi Yiyi, looked at Jiang Feixue with sharp eyes and shouted to shut up.

Sheng Ling was very imposing, and really bluffed Jiang Feixue at that moment.But soon, Jiang Feixue scolded her.

Sheng Ling spent nearly 20 years in the laboratory, she had never seen such a scene before.After she came to her senses, Chi Yiyi, who originally didn't want to pay attention to Jiang Feixue, had sex with Jiang Feixue.

Then Ying Jiao and the others came.

"That's right, senior, this woman was obviously ordered by someone to find fault, and it's none of your business." Zhu Xingchen spoke in the usual tone, but handed out a handkerchief for Sheng Ling to wipe his hands in a very gentlemanly manner. sweat on.

"Sister, don't worry, we won't let anyone bully you for nothing!"

"Thank you, Junior Stardust."

Sheng Ling took the handkerchief and wiped the sweat off his hands nervously.

Her hands trembled slightly, and Chi Yiyi wiped them off for her.

"Sister, don't be nervous. It's just a red-eyed monster who has found a backing. When I go back, I will let Dad take care of her."


Sheng Ling half-closed his eyes and responded.

As a mecha master, Qi Shen understands her current psychology very well, "Senior sister, just treat them as potions. I didn't get used to it after staying in the laboratory for a long time, but I later treated them as medicine. It’s a mecha part, so it’s much more friendly after looking at it. Why don’t you try it too, senior sister? This trick is very effective.”

"Okay, let me try..."

Sheng Ling closed his eyes, trying to tell himself that these were test tubes filled with medicine.

When he opened his eyes again, these strange and hideous faces were indeed much kinder.

Sheng Ling was pleasantly surprised, "It's useful, thank you junior!"

"No thanks, senior sister will be fine once she gets used to it."

After being comforted for a while, Sheng Ling finally felt relieved.

Seeing that she had stabilized, the few people began to discuss in a low voice.

Zhu Xingchen: "You tell me, who does this Jiang Feixue belong to?"

Lu Yuan has always been well-informed. He said: "It should be Lan Qi. Lan Qi and Lan Teng have always been at odds with each other. Lan Teng is the only investor in Yiwei. Lan Qi definitely does not want Yiwei to develop smoothly. There are often scandals about Lan Qi and Jiang Feixue, and now it seems that the two of them are indeed related."

"Lan Qi is Jiang Feixue's new backer." Chi Yiyi affirmed Lu Yuan's words.As Jiang Feixue's colleague, she is very clear about this matter.

"She just climbed up Lanqi, so she dares to find fault?" Zhu Xingchen felt that Jiang Feixue was very brave.

After all, the people who came here today are all famous people, everyone is either famous or very rich.

These people, even Lan Qi himself, dare not provoke them casually. Jiang Feixue dares to show off her power here just with a few bodyguards?
Sure enough, the ignorant have nothing to fear.

Qi Shen also said, "Maybe she doesn't know many people present."

"I suddenly remembered something." Lu Yuan said, "Did you all come with Wei Zhuo?"

Wei Zhuo?

Upon hearing Wei Zhuo's name, several people fell silent.

Ying Jiao looked at the time, it was 10:[-], [-] minutes had passed since the time they agreed upon.

Turning on the optical brain, only Wei Zhuo asked a few questions in the group she just formed today.

——Wei Zhuo: Everyone, are you here yet?

——Wei Zhuo: I'm here, why didn't I see you?

The first message was sent at 09:30, when Ying Jiao had just left Chi Yiyi's house.The second time is ten ten.

Ying Jiao: "..."

She raised her hand and sent Wei Zhuo the location of the box, asking him to wait for them there.

Zhu Xingchen was also shocked to realize that they had forgotten Xiaowei, and immediately blamed him: "Old Lu, you share the dormitory with him, why didn't you come with him!"

Lu Yuan excused with a little embarrassment: "I went home last night, and I came with Xingyao today."

Zhu Xingchen: "I also went home last night..."

Qi Shen nodded: "Me too."

Ji Hanyu: "..." Actually, he wanted to ask just now, but he never found the right time.

After a few people were silent for a while, the conversation on Mei Yan's side finally collapsed.

She walked over to Ying Jiao's side with a "da da da" on her high heels, looking a little angry.

"Xiao Ying, go on, just hold your breath."

Ying Jiao knew that this would happen, so she immediately took out her lightsaber.

"Sister, this stick is just the right length, try it!" Lu Xingyao took out a metal stick from nowhere, and handed it to Ying Jiao eagerly.

"..." Ying Jiao put the lightsaber back. Compared with the lightsaber, the metal stick is indeed more suitable.

"Thank you." She stroked Lu Xingyao's hair.

Satisfied, Lu Xingyao squinted his eyes and smiled, and said, "As long as my sister likes it!"

Seeing this, Zhu Xingchen also put the lightsaber back, "Where did you get this stick? Little Xingyao, do you have any more? Give me one too."

"No more, Brother Xingchen." Lu Xingyao shook his head: "This is a toy my dad made for me, and this is the only one."


Once he heard that it was a toy, Zhu Xingchen didn't want it anymore.

Or use a lightsaber.

When Ying Jiao heard that it was a toy, his hand immediately shook.But she quickly regained her composure, and walked up to several bodyguards with a stick in her hand, "Since you don't want to stand up today, you can change your posture later."

At the same time, Jiang Feixue, whose eyes were reddened by Mei Yan's ridicule, also ordered her bodyguard: "Smash me!"

As soon as she gave the order, the four SS bodyguards did not hesitate, and they were about to smash the scene immediately.


"Boom!" With a muffled sound, the bodyguard was knocked to the ground by Ying Jiao before his hand touched anything in the field.

Not to be outdone, Zhu Xingchen tore apart a bodyguard's clothes with a lightsaber.

"Sister is awesome! Sister is amazing!" the little fan cheered from the sidelines.

The mech master who had no power to restrain the chicken asked Lu Yuan: "Aren't you going to help?"

It refers to Lu Yuan and Ji Hanyu.

Lu Yuan said: "The two of them are enough. And I, a 2S, can't help much. Ji... It's not good for students to influence."

2S can't help much.

Is this some other kind of show off?
As the only normal person in this group, Chi Yiyi suddenly realized that all the juniors her sister knew seemed to be very good.

"That's right." Qi Shen nodded, agreeing with Lu Yuan's words.

If Ji Ershao makes a move, this trivial matter can directly rise to a big event that sensationalizes the interstellar world.

While the two were talking, Ying Jiao and Zhu Xingchen had already dealt with five bodyguards, and only the last one, He Xian, remained silent.

"The First Military Academy, from the Combat Department—" He Xian looked at Ying Jiao's school uniform and asked, "A freshman?"

The opponent didn't make a move from the beginning to the end, and Ying Jiao was not in a hurry, "One thousand students of the First Military Academy, combat department, Ying Jiao."

"The [-]th class of the First Military Academy, Combat Department, He Xian." After He Xian introduced himself, he added, "I also..."

He wanted to say that he was also a student of Teacher Zhao Xinchong.

Because he saw the gravity belts on Ying Jiao and Zhu Xingchen's wrists.

He also has them on his wrists.

But before he opened his mouth, he swallowed back the words that followed.

Now, what qualifications does he have to call himself Teacher Zhao's student.

(End of this chapter)

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