All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 92 Give me your medicine

Chapter 92 Give me your medicine
"Senior sister, can you help me make a potion? Xiao Ji's hand hurt a little."

Ying Jiao didn't ask Sheng Ling about what happened just now.

After all, Sheng Ling didn't want her to know at first glance.

"Hand? How did you get hurt?"

"Our mecha class may have accidentally hit it."

"Oh, that's it." Sheng Ling directly took one from the closet full of potions and handed it to Ying Jiao: "Advanced restoration potions should be cured in one dose, if not, I'll ask my dad to show him .”

Let Teacher Sheng Yu see...

This is not necessary.

Xiao Ji's injury should not be serious, and he may not even be injured.

"Thank you, senpai."

Ying Jiao put the medicine in the small bag that she would bring to class tomorrow, and was about to go to bed and lie down.

"Sister Ying Jiao." Sheng Ling called Ying Jiao, and asked, "I heard that your class will have practical teaching next week?"

"Well, yes. What's the matter, senpai?"

"No," Sheng Ling picked at his fingers, "May I prepare the medicine you will bring?"


Ying Jiao was a little surprised, why did Senior Sister Sheng Ling suddenly want to deliver medicine again?
"Well, yes. Brother Xingchen didn't say...that I was your chief pharmacist, so I just thought, just wanted..."

As Sheng Ling spoke, he stuttered.

When she really didn't know what to say next, she quickly turned around and took a peek at Guangnao.

Oh, I see.

Sheng Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

Turning around again, she calmed down a lot: "I have some potions that I want to give to you, my junior. Besides, junior Xingchen said that I am your chief pharmacist. Prepare the potions for this practical teaching.

"Don't worry, I have already asked my brother who works in the military department, and he made a list for me, so I will prepare the potions that you can use."

Sheng Ling spoke a few words smoothly in one breath.

not easy.

And it's not just that, after she finished speaking, she took a sip of water, took a deep breath, and added: "I have been in the laboratory with my father since I was a child, and I have no friends. I am very glad that you don't despise me, school girl." I don't know how to laugh, and I don't dislike me. I can only deliver medicine, thank you, junior."

After finishing speaking, she hugged Ying Jiao fiercely: "The dessert you gave me before, junior sister, was the first birthday present I received. Although you may not know it, junior sister, you just gave me a box Puff. But, I am very happy. Thank you, junior."

After finally saying these words, Sheng Ling choked up.

Ying Jiao patted her on the back lightly, and said in a more serious tone than usual: "Senior sister gave me the potion first, and the box of puffs is a gift in return. Senior sister, you are very good, I wish Xingchen and the others like you very much, So, senior sister, don’t worry about not having any friends.”

"Really?" Sheng Ling let go of Ying Jiao, and wiped away his tears with the tissue she gave her.

"Well, if you don't believe me, take a look."

Ying Jiao turned on the optical brain and sent the news that Sheng Ling would prepare medicine for them to the group.

I wish Xingdust the first to jump out.

——I turned on the phone and sneaked a thief: Thank you senior sister, senior sister is indeed our chief pharmacist!What!
——Lu Yuan: Thank you, Senior Sister Sheng Ling.

——Wei Zhuo: Thank you, Senior Sister Sheng Ling.

——Ji Hanyu: Thank you, senior.

—— Qi Shen: Only they have it?Sister, I want too...

——I'm a mobile armor thief: You don't even have a mecha master on the battlefield, what do you want!Sister, leave him alone!Senior sister, look at me, I'll bring you souvenirs when I come back!
——I turned on the armor and slipped: Woohoo, senior sister, you are so kind! /Compare heart/compare heart/compare heart

Afterwards, Zhu Xingchen released a long series of rainbow farts, Ying Jiao couldn't stand it anymore, and turned off the optical brain.

Ying Jiao: "Sister, look, Zhu Xingchen likes you very much." The potion.

Sheng Ling saw it.

Zhu Xingdust's rainbow fart shocked her greatly.

Then she turned on the optical brain and said something in the group.

——Give me your medicine.

Then she was highly praised by Zhu Xingchen.

Sheng Ling, who had never seen this battle before, didn't know how to respond, so he just said coldly: I should do it.

Then hurried off the assembly line.

Sheng Ling said with a solemn face: "Sister, don't worry, I'll go to dispense the medicine right now!"

After finishing speaking, he left the dormitory and went straight to the research room to make potions.

Ying Jiao: "..."

Ying Jiao lay down on the bed, turned on the optical brain, and was about to ask the uncle Xiao Ji what was going on.


Sheng Ling walked away for a while, and after the ugly egg made sure that she would not come back, he slowly crawled out of his nest, "Master~ shall we go out next week?"

"Yeah." Ying Jiao said, "I'm going to go to the front line to kill insects next week. If you don't want to go, you can stay in the dormitory. I'll stock up on nutrient solution for you."

"No! I'm going!" The ugly egg jumped up happily: "I'm going! Master, I'm going!"

"Great! After waiting for so many days, ugly bastard, I can finally go out again!"

"Although it's nice to stay in the dormitory and watch dramas, the ugly guy sometimes wants to be taken out to play like a pet dog~~"

After jumping around, Ugly made another shy expression to Ying Jiao, "Master, don't worry, Ugly will be obedient when we go out this time~~"

Ying Jiao: "Yeah."

Ying Jiao replied casually, and then put the smart board in front of the ugly guy: "Watch the drama by yourself, don't talk."

"Okay ~ Master!"

Ugly returned to the nest happily with the smart board in his arms.

Ying Jiao looked at the optical brain, the uncle hasn't replied to her message yet, he must be busy.

Forget it, go to bed first.

It wasn't until the next day, when Ying Jiao got up in the morning, that he saw Ji Xun's message that he came back in the middle of the night.

——Black-hearted old fox: Because I told Yuyu, if I want to eat your cooking, I will talk to you a few more words.

——Black-hearted old fox: Why, you don't like it?
——Black-hearted old fox: If you don't like it, I'll tell Yuyu to ignore you in the future.

——Black-hearted old fox: Heh, scumbag.

Ying Jiao who just finished washing up: "..."

No, she just asked classmate Xiao Ji why he became like this, why did he become a scumbag again?
Also, what does scumbag mean?
Ying Jiao exited the chat interface and searched the Internet.

Scum girl: Not serious about the relationship of the opposite sex, playing with the other's feelings?
Ying Jiao: "..."

Ying Jiao: "..."

Uncle, did you use the wrong word?
Is it because you are old and don't know the vocabulary usage of young people?

Maybe, this is the legendary generation gap?

——Shameless Pig: Marshal, did you use the wrong word?
—— Shameless pig: /Picture, marshal, be strict with your words.

—— Shameless pig: I'm just not used to it, I'm just worried about what happened to classmate Xiao Ji, I don't dislike it.

—— Shameless pig: /Picture, a photo of Xiao Ji having a meal, I give you a photo, thank you.

Ji Xun, who had just finished the meeting, looked at Ying Jiao's message and sneered.

I want to say: This is what labor and capital mean.

Take screenshots and explain to me?Oh, labor and management know a lot more than you!
But think about it.

The timing is not right now, the pig has not yet understood the preciousness of cabbage.

have to wait.

Ji Xun clicked on the photo of his baby son drinking milk tea, looked at it happily for a while, clicked to save, and then turned off the optical brain and went to the next meeting room.

 One: Some readers are really good at writing comments that can make people look at them several times.

  Two: Because the data is not good, the list dropped suddenly, so I changed the introduction, which is a little different from the text, I hope you don't mind.

(End of this chapter)

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