All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 99 People Group

Chapter 99
After the weekend, the practical teaching officially begins.

Monday this day.

Ying Jiao and Lu Yuan rushed to the school together before the teaching spacecraft left.

Because she bought blue and white, Ying Jiao asked Lu Qingyang to help integrate it into the mecha yesterday.Now, Peak One has been able to exert 190 times the strength of 3S.

But because there was only one day, they only had time to test the mech this morning to make sure it was fine.As for the power, Ying Jiao has not had time to practice it yet.

"Old Ying Lao Lu! Why did you come?" Zhu Xingchen had already arrived, but because Ying Jiao and Ying Jiao didn't come, he didn't board the spaceship either: "If you don't come, the spaceship will take off!"

There were still 8 minutes before the spaceship took off, Zhu Xingchen hurriedly dragged the two onto the spaceship.

As soon as he went up, Ying Jiao saw Ji Hanyu with a calm expression.

"Good morning, Xiao Ji."

Ji Hanyu nodded, "Good morning."

"Hmph! What's the matter?" Zhu Xingchen rolled his eyes: "Just now, Lao Zhao said that our class will be divided into five groups to go to the battlefield. I have already found the people in our group. You two come over and get to know each other."

There are a total of 1 people in class A50.

50 people are divided into five groups, usually a group of ten people.

Ying Jiao and their group consisted of ten people.

In addition to the five who usually dissect the Zerg together, there are also: Cao Tong who is fifth in the entrance examination, Yu Ting who is eighth, Yu Yan who is ninth, Liu Mianmian who is No.11, and Meng Si who is No.12.

Zhu Xingchen introduced: "Xiao Yan and Xiao Ting are twins, they and Mian Mian Sisi are my good brothers; Xiao Cao can fight and has a good personality, and he is Xiao Ting's roommate, Xiao Ting strongly recommends him, Guaranteed to be fine!" After finishing speaking, he whispered to Ying Jiao: "Don't worry, I will decline those who have troublesome personalities."

"En." Ying Jiao nodded, she still recognized Zhu Xingchen's ability in making friends.

"Hi, you should be proud."

"Lu Yuan."

"Wei Zhuo."

"Ji Hanyu."

"I'm Zhu Xingchen, and I'll be the deputy leader of our team from now on!"

Before the team leader was selected, Zhu Xingchen automatically claimed the position of deputy team leader.

Cao Tong and Yu Yan had no objections, only Liu Mianmian said with a dull face, "My name is Liu Mian." After speaking, he gouged out Zhu Xingchen, "Don't call me Mianmian!"

"Hey, what's the matter?" Meng Si put his hand on his shoulder: "I didn't even get angry when he called me Sisi."

Liu Mianmian looked at him expressionlessly, and then said, "Oh."

Meng Si shook her head, "Mianmian, you are too dull, you should learn from Auntie, be more lively and cheerful."

Liu Mianmian: "Oh."

Liu Mianmian has a serious expression on her face. Not only is her hair well groomed, but she is also neatly dressed in her school uniform.He said a few words to Meng Si, then slapped off the other's hand, and said to Jiao, "My name is Liu Mian."

Ying Jiao thought about it.

There seems to be only one named Liu Mianmian in the class, and she always thought it was some female classmate.

The result is not.


She nodded and looked at the others.

Yu Yan is the older brother of the twins, who is gentle and loves to laugh, while the younger brother Yu Ting is more stable.

Meng Si's personality is a bit like Zhu Xingchen's, he is his best friend.

Cao Tong is tall and talkative.

"Come, come!" Zhu Xingchen took out a box of Interstellar Monopoly after introducing them to several people: "It's the first time for everyone to go to the battlefield together. In order to increase mutual understanding, let's play a few games together!"

"Monopoly?" Meng Si, as Zhu Xingchen's friend, recognized what it was at first sight. He rubbed his chin and thought it was a good idea.


"Ten of us are playing, isn't that too many people?"

"No!" Zhu Xingchen waved his hand, "It's good for us to divide into two groups, five groups is just right!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Ying Jiao, "Old Ying, do you want to play too? This is really interesting!"

Ying Jiao: "I haven't played it before." So I don't know if it is interesting or not.

"Then you have to play with it!" Zhu Xingchen immediately opened Monopoly and handed the instructions to Ying Jiao: "Look, these punishments are so interesting!"


Take a look at it proudly:
Stand up and yell at me for being an idiot.

Choose a princess hug on the field, and keep hugging for a full round.

Drink a glass of [-]ml pure freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Tell the teacher that labor and management will not have classes tomorrow.


These are very detrimental punishments.

Ying Jiao: "..."

Zhu Xingchen: "Let's play, Lao Ying, everyone wants to play!"

After speaking, his eyes swept over "everyone".

Lu Yuan: "..."

Under the threat of Zhu Xingchen's bright eyes, he said, "I have no objection."

Then Wei Zhuo: " too."

As for the others, Zhu Xingchen said directly: "Everyone got into such a powerful group because of my nepotism. Now I propose to play Monopoly, do you have any objections?"

Crony Five: "..."

"We have no opinion."

Alright, only Ji Hanyu is left.

Zhu Xingchen said: "Second young master, if you play, I will allow you to play with Ying Jiao!"

Team up with Ying Jiao...

Ji Hanyu was a little moved.

He looked at Ying Jiao, and said softly, "I've never played before, I want to try."

"Look, Lao Ying, everyone really wants to play!" Zhu Xingchen quickly opened Monopoly and greeted the others, "Come, come, let's group first!"

Ying Jiao: "..."

That's fine, since Xiao Ji wants to, he can play with it.

The rules of Monopoly are very simple, that is, roll the dice, advance according to the points, and move forward a few steps when the points are rolled.If you throw a grid with a task, turn over the card.

Some cards are lucky rewards, some are punishments.

Soon, Zhu Xingchen and the others formed groups with fist strokes.

Zhu Xingchen and Liu Mianmian are in a group.

Lu Yuan is in a group with Cao Tong.

Wei Zhuo is in a group with Meng Si.

A group of twins Yu Yanyu Ting.

The last group is Ying Jiao and Ji Hanyu.

The grouping is completed, and the five groups are in their positions.

When choosing the player mark, Ying Jiao chose a little rose, and as for rolling the dice, I left it to Ji Hanyu.

The mark of Zhu Xingchen's group is a small sun, and Liu Mianmian rolled the dice first.

The point is six.

Good luck.

The two got a chance to draw a lucky draw, and they won a prize of 1000 million when they came up.

Next is Lu Yuan and his group.

The points are five, and they get a chance to buy land, and they bought it.

Wei Zhuo's team got three points, and nothing happened at the rest stop.

Yu Yan's group also had six points, and had a chance to win a lucky draw with a bonus of 200 million yuan.

Ji Hanyu who rolled the dice at the end of the first round.

His points are - one.

Get a chance to win a lucky draw.

"Pfft—hahaha!!!" Zhu Xingchen laughed out loud on the spot: "Old Ying, you're going to draw a good card! Hahahaha——"

The unlucky draw is full of penalty cards.

Ying Jiao randomly took one.

——Choose a princess hug on the field, and keep hugging for a full round.

"Let me see," Zhu Xingchen couldn't wait to see Ying Jiao's punishment, and then laughed ruthlessly, "Hahahaha—Princess Hug! Lao Ying, you are so lucky!"

I wish Xingdust had a super big laugh.

When the others heard that it was the princess hugging, they all looked at Ying Jiao in unison, wanting to see who she would choose for a full round of hugs.

(End of this chapter)

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