I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 133 Mission: Robbing Prisoners

Chapter 133 Mission: Robbing Prisoners

In the east of Tianque Realm, Fuxian County, Feiyundu.

The meandering Lancang River rushes from the southwest of Tianque Realm, passes through Fuxian Water City, and finally converges into the sea.

The boats docked on the ferry, and the porters who carried the goods came and went, which was very lively.

Feiyun Ferry is the largest ferry in Tianque Realm, and merchant ships travel between Xuanyuan Water Realm and Tianque Realm every day.

On this day, an iron-clad dragon boat sailed from afar and docked on the ferry, with the red flag of the Jagged Alliance waving in the wind, and there were more than 50 dragon guards in black armor guarding the boat, which gave people a strong sense of oppression.

More than 100 iron fishermen on the boat filed down, guarded by the dragon guards, and blocked the entire pier in an instant. All merchant ships must pass the inspection of the Jagged Alliance before they can enter and leave the ferry.

For a moment, people panicked, not knowing what happened.

Lu Changqing pretended to be an ordinary fisherman in Tianfushui City, lowered his bamboo hat and carried a wooden barrel, left the coast silently, and returned to the small courtyard in the city that he rented for three years.

In the courtyard, Yu Xiangzi and Liu Yun, who were pretending to be sisters, were drying the washed clothes. When they saw Lu Changqing coming back, they looked at each other and silently closed the courtyard door.

"Well, what did you find out?" Yu Xiangzi asked, wiping his hands on his body.

Liu Yun looked at Lu Changqing for a moment. She used to be with her brother Liu Guang, and he was always worried about everything. Now that something happened suddenly, she could only listen to Lu Changqing and Yu Xiangzi.

Lu Changqing sat down and said in a deep voice: "The members of the Jagged Alliance have arrived, there are at least 500 of them, and they have also invited fifty dragon guards from the Wujiang Dragon Palace, each of whom has the initial cultivation base of the Nascent Soul, plus the three major members of the Jagged Alliance." There will be at least two of the gods, and Mu Tieying who is in the Void Refinement stage, this time the robbery will be difficult to reach the sky."

Yu Xiangzi and Liu Yun were silent for a moment.

Seeing that no one spoke, Liu Yun looked sad: "Is it really necessary for them to make such a big show? Even the suzerain and the others have been arrested, and there is no one left in Tiandaozong."

Yu Xiangzi couldn't help but look at Lu Changqing, probably all the fanfare was for Lu Changqing.

Lin Suying's side is still undecided, no one knows whether she was taken away by the demon, and the three gods of Tiandaozong are all dead, and the only one left at this time is Lu Changqing.

He is the only one who has the ability to revive Tiandaozong now, if he is not caught, it will not be regarded as sweeping away the remnants of Tiandaozong.

Lu Changqing also knew this, but Li Bichen brought Yugui, the inheritance of Tiandaozong, and the last immortal seedling of Tiandaozong. If they were gone, Daozong would really be gone that day.

So no matter what, Lu Changqing had to take this prisoner.

"It would be great if Senior Sister Suying was here, she must have a solution." Liu Yun sighed, Lin Suying is such an existence that people can trust and rely on in their hearts.

Even now that her identity is in doubt, Liu Yun and Yu Xiangzi still believe her.

Hearing this, Lu Changqing suddenly turned cold, "Why should she come? What qualifications do we have to count on her?"

Yu Xiangzi and Liu Yun were shocked, not knowing why Lu Changqing was suddenly angry.

Lu Changqing continued: "She was imprisoned by Fang Shouzhen in Tiandaozong for more than 100 years. What did she do wrong? What have we done for her? She has done everything she can to save us from accepting the demon king at the last moment. "

"Tiandaozong owes her too much. She finally got her freedom. None of us have the right to use anything to bind her again. The Tiandaozong's affairs are no longer her business."

Yu Xiangzi and Liu Yun fell silent, thinking of the indifference of them and everyone in Tiandaozong for more than 100 years, and thinking about Lin Suying's rescue at the last moment, regardless of previous suspicions, she really felt guilty.

Lu Changqing took a breath and said, "This time the prisoner escaped death, if you want to leave, I won't stop you, and I won't blame you."

Yu Xiangzi raised his head sharply, "Lu Changqing, who do you look down on? If I wanted to leave, I would have run away when the demons came out. Why wait until now?"

Liu Yun couldn't help nodding, "Yes, I have no reason to escape, I have to stay and save everyone, otherwise how can I be worthy of Liu Guang's sacrifice for me?"

Lu Changqing didn't say anything more, "This matter requires careful planning, and maybe I need some external force."

"External force?" Yu Xiangzi and Liu Yun looked at Lu Changqing suspiciously.

Lu Changqing said in a deep voice, "The way of the devil."

Yu Xiangzi and Liu Yun opened their eyes in surprise, but in the end they clenched their fists and remained silent.

Thinking of the Immortal League and the Jagged League putting all the blame on Tiandaozong's head without asking why, and looking at Taiyimen, who can't wait to carve up Tiandaozong's property and kill Tiandaozong's allies, what else can they not do at this time?
So what about the devil, as long as everyone can be rescued, it doesn't matter if they all become devils in the future, anyway, the fairy alliance didn't give them a way to survive.



Feng Tianyu sits in front of a table of meals, biting his chopsticks and researching [Open Sky Mirror]. Recently, the tasks in it have changed. Previously, they needed elixir seeds, but now they need various spirit insects.

Before Feng Tianyu was worried about how to get merit points, isn't this task just for him now?

There is nothing else in their barbaric land, but there are many insects!
Immediately, Feng Tianyu sent a few people back to bring him some spirit insects back, hoping to make it in time.

After he stopped worrying about his merits, he began to worry about which exercise to change to.

There are two exercises that can quickly restore his skills, but both have a little sequelae, which makes it difficult for him to choose, and he also has a few sword formulas and a Gu technique.

"There are Gu techniques, what kind of god is behind this!"

He wanted a lot, but it was too difficult to accumulate merit points, so he used the power of the Feng family to exchange for a million-dollar sword, which was far from the million-dollar Tianpin sword art.

Feng Tianyu sighed, grabbed a big elbow and gnawed it happily, when Feng Hao, the pill-forming Gu master who was running errands for him, ran in with a sad face.

"Did you catch me? Why are you so anxious?"

Feng Hao laughed bitterly: "It's Taiyi Sect, tell us to leave quickly and don't stay in Jiugong City."

Feng Tianyu bit his elbow for a moment, and drooped his eyelids angrily, "Why, his Taiyi family is a tiger who is not king of monkeys, no matter what the demons do, he wants to control our Feng family's food and drink? This Jiugong City When did it become the territory of the Taiyi Sect?"

Feng Hao nodded, "People from the Taiyi Sect said that people from Qixing Island are going to set up an formation, and all irrelevant people have to leave, otherwise they will think that we are evil spirits and crooked plots."

"I'm plotting something wrong?" Feng Tianyu was a little annoyed, this dog-legged Taiyi sect, before becoming the first sect in the Tianque Realm, he started to show off his might?

The Taiyi Sect has been a bit arrogant recently, forcibly annexing the small sects that were originally attached to the Tiandao Sect to strengthen itself, holding the banner of the Immortal Alliance, and anyone who disobeys will be said to be an accomplice of the Tiandao Sect, and will be punished with the same crime as the Tiandao Sect.

Before, the members of the Taiyi Sect were digging foundations around Tiandaozong, and they wanted to use their Feng clan's holy beast to pull the soil.

Their Feng family is a battle holy beast, not a digging dog. After being scolded and rejected by him, he started to drive them away in just a few days?

Feng Tianyu swears and curses, just wants to smash the dog's head of Tai Yimen.

At this time, [Kaitian Mirror] was startled, and rows of huge red letters appeared on it.

[Large World Mission: Robbing Prisoners]

[The Immortal League covers the sky with one hand, deceives the common people, the Jagged League is the minion of the tiger, helps the evil, the Tiandaozong is wronged and has no place to speak out, there should be righteous people who are not afraid of power, set up the principles and disciplines, and rescue the wronged people of the Tiandaozong from fire and water, Publicize the truth of the demons to the world, spread the name of the righteous way, and gain a chance for the common people]

[Mission reward: 100 million merit points]

[Mission location: Feiyundu]

[Task Description: After the task is completed, merit points will be distributed according to the contribution. If the task fails, all rewards will be withdrawn.This task is not limited to means, and the final goal is subject to submission of branch tasks for final settlement. 】

【Task [-]: ... 】

"100 million?! Lao Tzu's Heavenly Grade Sword Art has come to fruition!"

Feng Tianyu was instantly happy, this task was done for him.

"Let's go, let's go, Feiyundu!"

 There are only two updates today, and there are more than 1 words in addition to the extra episode.

  Tomorrow is still the cash code, the update time is uncertain, continue to ask for a monthly ticket~
  took care of the kids...

(End of this chapter)

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