Chapter 210 Arrested
As soon as the words fell, Yan Zong immediately activated the restraint, and the four iron arresters beside them exploded, and the other eight iron arresters who escorted them were also seriously injured by surprise.


Yan Zong's demonized arm tore off the iron chains on the four of them. He didn't want to get entangled with the members of the Jagged Alliance. According to the original plan, he first found a place to hide in the ancient desert, and then plotted to seize the Great Prison.

Tang Heng reacted quickly in the distance. As soon as Yan Zongcai turned around, Tang Heng blocked behind him with a wheelchair, and two other black-armored guards also appeared around, forming a triangle to surround the four people.

"Your Excellency trespassed on my Jagged Alliance, what is your intention?"

Tang Hengsheng's face was like jade, with a bit of sickness, but Yan Zong was overwhelmed by the coercion of the middle stage of transformation, like the moisture of a rainy day sticking to everyone's body and unable to get rid of it.

Yan Zong subconsciously stood in front of Lin Suying, causing her to raise her eyebrows in surprise.

Yan Zongdao: "The Great Desolation is at stake, if you are willing to cooperate with me, I can show you a way out."

Tang Heng fiddled with the hem of his clothes unhurriedly, "Okay, why don't we talk about it in another place."

Tang Heng waved his hand, and several iron pillars rushed out of the ground, intertwined and intertwined to form a cage, which quickly closed above the heads of the four.

Seeing this, Yan Zong made a false move at Tang Heng, and Chen Fusheng stretched out his vine hands to fight against the closed iron pillar. Chen Fengnian turned into ice fog and rushed out of the cage, attacking the two black guards from behind.


Yan Zong turned his head and yelled at Lin Suying, and rushed forward to resist Tang Heng himself.

Tang Heng was as stable as Mount Tai in the wheelchair. The iron chains on both sides of the armrests flew up and engulfed Yan Zong's demonized arms in an instant.

For more than 10,000 years, Tang Heng has specialized in dealing with demon cultivators in the Great Prison of Demon Refining, and Tang Heng has been in charge of punishment instruments in the Great Prison of Demon Refining.

Yan Zong didn't want to confront Tang Heng head-on from the beginning, but the situation suddenly changed.

Seeing that he was about to be completely entangled by the chains in Tang Heng's hands, the scene in front of Yan Zong's eyes flashed, and he changed places with Lin Suying behind him.

Lin Suying secretly hid the formation plate of [The Universe Shifting Formation], and sent herself under Tang Heng's iron chain.

"Come on!"

The tyrannical force rolled up endless dust and exploded from Lin Suying's body, covering the sky and the sun.

Yan Zong's eyes shook, and finally he gritted his teeth, and took Chen Fusheng and Chen Fengnian to escape together before the dust cleared.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

When the dust dissipated, Tang Heng covered his mouth and nose and coughed violently. The dust was mixed with Yuancidisha, which disturbed his consciousness, and made all the puppet organs he arranged around him useless, and he failed to stop the three of them in time.


Tang Heng pulled the chain and looked at the female devil who was tightly bound.

"Ring the bell and hunt with all your strength."


Tang Heng gave an order, and the two black-armored guards acted immediately. Not long after, the entire barren and remote region was ringing, and the patrolling iron hunters formed a team and searched everywhere.

Tang Heng found that the female devil in front of him was not in the slightest anxious or nervous, but looked around curiously, as if she had never seen the world.

"How's the scenery?" Tang Heng asked.

Lin Suying withdrew her gaze, looked at Tang Heng's sickly and dignified face, and suddenly bared her fangs and let out a smirk, "I don't look as good as you."

"Cough cough!" Tang Heng coughed and shouted, "Presumptuous! Another place, I see how rampant you are."

Tang Heng flicked his sleeves, and the magic weapon that shrunk to an inch was activated, and he brought Lin Suying to a room full of various ancient mirrors in an instant. Even the black stone bricks on the ground were shining brightly, reflecting the scales on the half of his body. A demigod with a long tail swinging.

As for Lin Suying herself, she still looks like a human after being disguised.

Lin Suying took a look around and found that her soul fragments could not be seen, and immediately felt dull.

The Devil's Great Prison is nothing more than that.

Tang Heng sat in front of the long table like a grand lord who decided on a case, and knocked on the gavel.

"Your Majesty!"

The chains on Lin Suying's body tightened suddenly, pulling her to the ground, she gritted her teeth, and tried not to kneel down, but sat cross-legged on the ground.

Tang Heng frowned, "Tell me your background and background, what is your intention to sneak into the Great Prison of Demon Alchemy."

Lin Suying looked at Tang Heng fixedly, smiled lightly and did not speak.

Tang Heng and her looked at each other for a moment, and suddenly remembered the phrase she just said, "I don't look as good as you", and couldn't help coughing again with a tickle in my throat.

"You seem to be seriously ill. It should be some kind of extremely powerful poison that can make a cultivator of transformation spirit disabled and appear so sick?"

"Ahem, cough, this matter has nothing to do with you. If you don't explain it again, don't blame me for using torture." Tang Heng threatened.

"You must really want to live?" Lin Suying continued to answer the question.

Tang Heng's eyes were full of wariness, he didn't know what she wanted to do, so he simply refused to answer her words.

Lin Suying twisted her uncomfortably tied body, and said slowly, "You stay here all year round, and you don't know how much you know about the outside world, have you heard the rumor that if the Great Wilderness is captured by the demons, only Only by cultivating demons can one live, are you cultivating or not?"

Tang Heng's pupils trembled slightly, and he couldn't help clenching his fists on his knees, the struggle in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

If there is a struggle, it means that there is hesitation, and there is no option to completely veto becoming a demon.

"I'm just like you. I want to live no matter what. They're here to collect the Great Prison."

Facing Lin Suying's sudden confession, Tang Heng was still on guard and didn't react for a moment. He froze for a moment before he frowned and wondered, "Receive the Devil's Prison? It's nonsense!"

Tang Heng has been managing the Jagged Alliance and the Devil's Prison for thousands of years in the ancient and remote domain. He knows the complexity of the formations in the Devil's Great Prison, and even the Seven Star Island Master, who is now the leader of the Great Desolation Formation, cannot fully understand it.

In the past, the Jagged Alliance also wanted to relocate the Great Prison to Beiluo because of the harsh environment in the ancient and remote region. After hundreds of years of discussion, they couldn't find a way.

Wait, these demon cultivators who appeared in the lower realm suddenly want to take over the Great Prison. Is it because the Great Prison can resist the demons from the lower realm, and even that weird world-destroying death energy?

Tang Heng was shocked into a cold sweat when he suddenly figured out his joints. Throughout the ages, the Jagged Alliance has thrown countless vicious people into the Great Prison to accept the trial of the prison spirits. Once they are found guilty, they will immediately be thrown into eighteen prisons to suffer Punishment until life yuan is exhausted.

Even if the life energy is exhausted, the true spirit will be trapped in the prison and cannot be reincarnated forever.

If it really comes to the moment of life and death, abandoning the Dao and cultivating demons is nothing compared to hiding in the great prison of refining demons, because no one in this world dares to say that they are innocent, and no one can escape the judgment of the prison spirit.

Entering the Great Prison of Demon Alchemy in order to resist the demons and the death energy of extermination is nothing more than entering from one abyss to another even more terrifying abyss.

Tang Heng couldn't help but asked, "Collecting the Great Prison of Demon Refining, is there a way for you to escape the trial of the Prison Spirit?"

"I don't know about that, you have to arrest the leader and ask." Lin Suying smiled, "Why don't you send me to the Devil's Prison so I can study it myself?"

(End of this chapter)

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