Chapter 229 Two Ways

Tianji Pavilion ruins.

Lin Suying controlled Aozhi's avatar, and together with Gu Yixin, traveled a long distance from the wilderness all the way to this place. On the way, she encountered Death Qi and demon soldiers several times.

Fortunately, Ao Zhi now has the aura of a Bingya demon, so she is safe from danger.

Stepping onto the top floor of a ruined pavilion, Gu Yixin in silver armor appeared, raising his hand to caress the cracked walls around him.

"I feel that this place is very familiar, just as familiar as the last time I saw Sijiu."

The pavilion is broken and empty, but there is still a simple atmosphere everywhere, and there are floating debris everywhere, scattered in the night void in the form of splashes after a big explosion.

Gu Yixin walked down the stairs, Lin Suying silently followed behind her.

When they reached the bottom floor, Gu Yixin paused. Lin Suying looked over her shoulder and saw Xiao Sijiu in red with loose black hair standing silently in the middle of the white marble floor at the bottom floor. In front of him was the original Xuanzhen Monument of Tiandaozong.

"You are here."

Sijiu didn't turn his head back, and his voice was calm.

As soon as the words fell, Gu Yixin suddenly changed back to his original body, turning into a pen with flawless white jade, floating in the air exuding a mysterious soft light.

Sijiu stepped out in one step, and his whole body merged into the Xuanzhen Monument.

On the shattered Xuanzhen stele, the spider web-like cracks began to recover slowly. The white jade pen flew to the front of the stele, and the pen wandered around, writing three large characters.

Tianji Monument.

The two reappeared, Gu Yixin's face was a little shocked, "So I am a pen in this Tianji Pavilion, why do I lose my previous memory?"

Sijiu stood beside Gu Yixin quietly and indifferently, "It's not lost, it's erased."

Lin Suying came over, "Why?"

With the same doubts on Gu Yixin's face, she looked at Sijiu with Lin Suying. The last time she saw Sijiu who was still a red panda in Xuanyuan Water Realm, she felt a kind of intimacy from the same source.

Sijiu raised his head and looked at Gu Yixin.

"Don't you understand? We are spirit race, we should not have our own will. From the very beginning, you and I have been used as a magic weapon to record important classics, exercises and events in the cultivation world, but slowly opened up our spiritual wisdom and got a spirit body .”

"Afterwards, you began to resist the human race's wanton tampering with the truth of history, resisting them writing white into black, and I gradually learned to think and learn to ask why. Then, you and I were wiped out of spiritual consciousness, time and time again .”

"Fifty Dao, Four Nine in Tianyan, I used to think that the name Four Nine came from this, but now I know, Four Nine, it was my No. 40 nine times that had the will. When the Tianji Pavilion was destroyed, it was just wiped out. You and I who knew each other fled into the wilderness, but you fell outside Zhenyuan Peak and saw the falling dragon."

"As for me, when the void was turbulent, I was swept away by the meaning of the cloud that strayed into this world, and stayed in her Endless Palace, slowly reopening my spiritual wisdom. This is the source of you and me."

Gu Yixin and Sijiu both fell silent, Lin Suying felt that all this was unexpected, and within reason, the human race did have its cruelty.

But it is not easy to tell whether it is right or wrong.

"Okay, you don't have to immerse yourself in the past. It's just right to meet Sijiu this time. I need to ask you a question. What does it mean to go to hell, die and live?"

Sijiu calmly said, "It literally means, go to the Underworld, put it to death and then live again, and..."

Sijiu paused, Lin Suying mentioned it in her heart, she knew there must be another meaning.

"Go down to the Underworld and reincarnate from death."

Gu Yixin's pupils trembled, "But how can you be resurrected after death? The underworld is more mysterious than the fairyland. All the rules are fixed, and even the gods cannot intervene."

Lin Suying actually guessed this point, "People can be reincarnated after death, but they will definitely erase the memories of the previous life, or even change their appearance. To the wilderness, to this almost extinct world of self-cultivation?"

As soon as the words fell, Sijiu shook his head.

"No, there is another world where you can reincarnate. Created by the terrifying female devil Jin Ling, it is a brand new cultivation world where all spirits are equal and the strong are respected."

Lin Suying was shocked, "How do you know?"

Sijiu calmly said, "Before the cultivation world was destroyed, I saw it when the Mahayana monks joined forces to spy on the secrets of the sky. That is the place I always wanted to go, a place where the spirit race can freely choose their destiny."

Lin Suying was overjoyed to get Sijiu's exact reply, but what followed was still the question of how to get there.

"So is it really the rule that you can only hand over your fate to the underworld after death? If you are lucky, you will be reincarnated in Lingtian Realm. If you are unlucky, you will continue to work hard here?"

Gu Yixin is also slowly recovering his previous memory at this moment, and suddenly said: "It is rumored in ancient times that the demon world has a road to the underworld. If you can enter the underworld from the outside, you are not bound by the rules of the underworld. Maybe you can find the way to Lingtian Realm. way."

"Where is the Demon Realm?" Lin Suying asked, "Isn't this the Demon Realm?"

Gu Yixin explained, "The demons did not appear in the cultivation world out of thin air. They also have their ancestral land and the realm where they were born. That is the real demon world. I vaguely remember that I wrote the name of the place leading to the underworld, called... ...The Absolute Sea of ​​Immortals."

Lin Suying chuckled, "It sounds like a place where you will definitely die. I feel that it is safer to find the Chaos Artifact and cross the void fault."

The three fell silent. In fact, they all knew that both roads were difficult to walk, but they couldn't both.

It is necessary to look for the whereabouts of the Chaos Artifact and open the way to the underworld at the same time. Only by doing both can we ensure that one end fails and we do not despair.

"Actually, Shangyuan Bajing Building is the main body of Tianji Pavilion, which is hidden under Tianji Pavilion by great supernatural powers." Sijiu said calmly, "Tianji Pavilion was destroyed by the devil emperor, and he must have fragments of chaos artifacts in his hands. "

Lin Suying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "The devil emperor has to be a Mahayana cultivator, right? The three of us have the confidence to kill the devil emperor now. If he has the ability to kill the devil emperor, then he can directly destroy the entire demon clan and regain the lost land. , why go to Lingtian Realm?"

"You can't fly up here, the fairyland has become a devil's den." Sijiu said indifferently.

Lin Suying: ...

Well, this cultivation world is completely finished.

"Then will you be able to ascend by going to the Lingtian Realm?" Lin Suying asked,
Gu Yixin also looked at Sijiu curiously. Although she was the pen of record, she didn't know as much as Sijiu.

"Looking at Jin Ling's life, the female devil leader, she once said that she would never become a fairy, and she must do what she said. If this is the case, if she can create the world of Ling Tian, ​​she will definitely be able to create a new world of immortals and even a world of gods."

Gu Yixin didn't know what to think of at this time, "I seem to remember, who is the figure I keep seeing in my dreams, it is the Jin Ling who is regarded as the female devil in the cultivation world, yes, she is the one I have always wanted. Follow the figure."

Lin Suying wiped her face, "Have you all been poisoned by her?"

Gu Yixin looked at Lin Suying seriously, "If you can see her one day, you will understand how I feel."

Sijiu nodded, agreeing.

Lin Suying took a breath, "Let's not talk about this, let's talk about what to do next. I seem to have another fragment of the Chaos Artifact, and I am investigating. I will also investigate the territories of the seven demons in the center one by one. Find the way to the ancestral land of the demons."

Just as Gu Yixin was about to say something, Sijiu said, "You have to stay and repair the Tianji Pavilion with me. When the repair is completed, you will know where the pieces of the Chaos Artifact went after it was broken."

Seeing this, Gu Yixin had no choice but to stay, Lin Suying didn't say much nonsense, and after saying goodbye to them, she immediately headed towards Putuo Realm, which is the closest to her, where the new world-death aura erupted.

(End of this chapter)

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