I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 231 Stupid and Poisonous

Chapter 231 Stupid and Poisonous
Magic Gold Mountain, Black Mirror City.

Lin Suying finally arrived after driving for more than half a month. From a distance, she saw a mountain that looked like a half-lying Buddha statue. Under the mountain, large and small lakes were dotted all over, shining scarlet under the blood moon.

The Mojin Mountain was built on the top of the mountain. When Lin Suying walked up the stairs from the bottom of the mountain, she could still see the half-buried headless Buddha statue beside the road, covered by black vines.

Even if it is occupied by dark demons, traces of the Buddha sect can still be seen here.

Chong Shan followed Lin Suying step by step, and when he was approaching the gate of the city, Lin Suying waited for Chong Shan to follow.

"Now I am your subordinate, remember."

Chong Shan nodded, following Lin Suying during this period of time, he was reading and writing in the cauldron space, and listening to what the old panda said, the tyranny of killing on his body faded a lot. .

Just standing there, there is a sense of unfathomable.

Lin Suying suppressed her cultivation until the late Nascent Soul stage. This level is regarded as a powerful figure in the Great Wilderness, but in the Demon Race, it is just in its infancy.

The minimum requirement for the trial set by the Devil Emperor is the early stage of the Nascent Soul, but it cannot exceed the late stage of the Nascent Soul.

Stepping into the city, everywhere is prosperous, except that the people who come and go are all demons, Lin Suying feels that it is no different from the city of the human race.

"My lord, do you really want to participate in the arena trial? Since the devil emperor ordered this trial 3 years ago, until now only four demons have passed the trial, and none of the others have survived."

Lin Suying followed Chongshan half a step away, and said via voice transmission, "Do you know the content of the trial?"

"I don't know. When I first entered the Nascent Soul stage, my subordinates felt that their cultivation base was not high or safe, so they never participated in it. When they arrived in the late Nascent Soul stage, they just missed the time, so they couldn't participate. However, none of them came back after the entire army was wiped out. , so the subordinates are sometimes glad they didn’t participate.”

"It seems that I was lucky, just in time for this trial to start."

Chong Shan stopped talking, and led Lin Suying all the way to the branch of Shenmosha in the center of the city.

Shenmosha in the Demon Race is equivalent to the Immortal League of the Great Wilderness, responsible for managing various affairs of the Demon Race.

Chongshan's token has long been lost, but as a red demon who has cultivated to the mid-stage of Void Refinement, he has long been registered in Shenmosha, and there is a portrait record, so he only needs to report his identity, and the steward of Shenmosha secretly The devil looked at the records and was able to determine who he was.

"It's really Master Chongshan. I don't know where he went during the time he was missing?"

Chong Shan subconsciously looked at Lin Suying. His Patriarch didn't say this, and he didn't dare to say anything.

Seeing this, Lin Suying hurriedly said, "My lord has suffered some injuries and has been hiding in the human hunting ground to heal his injuries. He has recovered recently."

"Presumptuous! Why do you need a slave to intervene in the matter of Lord Chongshan!" The dark demon steward suddenly became angry.

"Presumptuous! You are... disrespectful to my family! This deity is about to die now!"

Seeing this, Chongshan became even more furious, and immediately released the coercion of his body, and even prepared to shoot this dog who was disrespectful to his patriarch.

Dark Demon Steward: ...

Lin Suying: ...

Lin Suying hurriedly sent a voice transmission to Chong Shan, "Have you read the dog's belly in your book? Go back and write ten thousand times of ninja!"

Chong Shan was shaken all over, although the coercion was reduced, but the murderous aura towards the Dark Demon Manager became stronger.

The Dark Demon Steward looked terrified, and at the same time was a little baffled. Many adults like Chong Shan in the city would bring a slave by their side to serve them.

Slaves can only obey orders and are not allowed to interrupt at will, but Chongshan is particularly fond of this Bingya female devil. Could it be that he made a mistake?

Lin Suying also knew that the demons had some rules and she was still not used to them, so she secretly sent a voice transmission to Chong Shan, asking him to repeat.

Chong Shan immediately suppressed his anger and said, "Bing Xin is not a slave of this deity, but a confidant of subordinates. This deity is here to enroll her in the Mojin Mountain arena trial."

Seeing this, the Dark Demon Steward hurriedly apologized, "I'm sorry, I misunderstood, please don't blame Lord Chongshan. There are only ten days left for the Mojinshan Trial to start, although it is still too late to sign up, but the Lord also knows, except To have enough cultivation, besides having a recommender, you also need to have a certain reputation, I wonder if she has anything to prove her reputation."

Lin Suying unhurriedly tore off the bag at her waist, and dumped the contents onto the table in front of the Dark Demon Steward.

The eleven magic horns of the Nascent Soul Stage Dark Demon suddenly appeared in front of the Dark Demon Steward, making him pale with astonishment.

The dark devil launched the tooth-breaking challenge, using the magic horn on the head that can emit red electricity. After all, once the magic horn is broken, it cannot be regenerated.

A dark demon without horns but without fangs of other demons on his body is a coward who is either a slave or just trying to survive, and will be looked down upon by other dark demons.

"It turned out to be a powerful Bingya Demon General. I'm sorry." The attitude of the Dark Demon Manager immediately changed, and he hurriedly went to help Lin Suying complete the registration procedures.

As for where these magic horns came from, Lin Suying had previously captured a group of dark demons at the Nascent Soul Stage in the formation she set up in Tiandaozong, and they were all locked in the Five Sacred Figures, so it was easy for one person to cut one horn.

The Dark Demon Manager went through the formalities quickly, and gave Lin Suying a black spar sealed with a red Bana flower, and a replacement bone token. Make up an identity for her.

The steward warned: "These days, please prepare well. You must bring everything you need. There is no limit to how much you can bring. Just wait until ten days later and take the spar to the arena."

Lin Suying nodded and left with Chong Shan.

The trial was started by the Devil Emperor himself. Although four people passed the trial in 10 years, those four people have been with the Devil Emperor since then, and they are now the devils in the fusion stage, and they are the right arm of the Devil Emperor.

Therefore, no one still knows what the content of the trial is. They only know roughly that it is not a simple two-two fight, but where they will be sent for the trial.

It's useless to think about it now, Lin Suying asked Chongshan to take her around the city to see what magic weapons produced by the demons are there.

She saved a lot of magic crystals, and just happened to make a big purchase.

Demons are similar to monsters, they have belts to store items on their bodies, and they don't need magic weapons for storage.

It took Lin Suying a few days to learn about the magic weapons and resources of the Demon Race. In the end, not only did she fill the belly belt she developed, but she also hid two storage magic weapons on her body for emergencies.

In the next few days, she asked Chongshan to go out to inquire about the trial information. During the day, she observed other ice demons fighting in the arena, and at night in Chongshan's bone hall, she pondered how to fight as an ice demon. It's time to enter the proving ground and reveal your secrets.

Ten days passed in a flash, Lin Suying consciously made all preparations, took Chongshan back to the cave in the cauldron early in the morning, and went to the Mojinshan Arena alone.

(End of this chapter)

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