I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 233 Rules and Relics

Chapter 233 Rules and Relics
Within the large formation, you can only fly at low altitudes, and do not use too powerful spells, otherwise you will be attacked by the large formation. Lin Suying and Han Sha spent a lot of trouble to find the library hall of the Xianzong.

Along the way, everything was empty. Although the valuable treasures had been looted, the buildings and halls everywhere were intact. Not only Lin Suying felt strange, but even Han Sha felt that there was something wrong.

The other demons went to the treasure house of Xianzong's treasures. Seeing them destroying all the way and rummaging through violent means, the surrounding cleanliness is really not right.

Lin Suying and Han Sha walked through the dojo and the main hall in front of the mountain gate, and after a lot of effort, they finally found the library hall of Xianzong.

Like the outside, the inside of the Library Hall is spotless and tidy, as if the people who maintain the place have never left.

But the bookshelves were empty, Lin Suying went in to take a look, and basically the exercises and magic books that could be used for cultivation and learning had long since disappeared, and what was left on the bookshelves now were books that recorded the major events of the sect and the history of the cultivation world.

Lin Suying picked up a book and flipped through it casually. The first ones were all unimportant incidents before the destruction of the cultivation world. She speeded up and continued to flip through it. Suddenly, she saw an article,
[...The death-death energy erupted again, the Putuo Realm was destroyed, the Heavenly Dao League was unable to return to heaven, and the master of the Jingwu Sect, Mu Wanhua, asked for help from the Lingtian Realm...]

"Hey, there doesn't seem to be anything we're looking for here. I see that the two dark demons are heading towards the tall tower on the back mountain. I heard it's called the Martial God Tower or something. Shall we go and have a look?"

Han Sha urged, Lin Suying glanced at him and said, "You can find it yourself, I want to stay and look for clues in these books."

Seeing that Lin Suying was watching seriously and was anxious to find something, Han Sha had no choice but to leave first.

As soon as he left, Lin Suying immediately closed the library hall and carefully checked the things he found just now.

【...Emperor Lingtian said that without the pure white lotus and the pure body, the death energy of the world cannot be eliminated, and the time is when the demon clan in the Lingtian world is in turmoil...】

Seeing this, Lin Suying's heart skipped a beat, so when the death energy of extinction erupted for the second time, the suzerain of the Jingwu Sect had been to Lingtian Realm and met Emperor Lingtian, otherwise it would not be recorded in the book like this.

How did she do it?
According to the timeline she understood, Emperor Lingtian, Jin Ling, first tore apart the void, created a fault in the void, and then created the Lingtian Realm.

Afterwards, the Death Qi erupted. At that time, the suzerain of the Jingwu Sect actually had a way to pass through the void fault and reach the Lingtian Realm?

And at that time, the demon clan in Lingtian Realm was in turmoil, so has the demon clan in Lingtian Realm been suppressed now?
Lin Suying's heart beat faster and she continued to look down.

Although these things are not cared about by the demons, this place is controlled by the demons, so for so many years, the human race has never been able to get here and find these key information.

Lin Suying spent three days looking at it in the library hall, until she read the last jade slip carefully, and she accumulated some more in her Wuya hall.

She leaned against the pillar and closed her eyes to meditate, sorting out what she had seen in the past few days. Even if she failed the trial, this trip was worthwhile.

First of all, she knew the whereabouts of the "Sacred Law of Yin-Yang Chengling". After the master of Jingwu Sect visited Emperor Lingtian, he got this exercise from her and began to practice it.

Although this exercise can purify the death energy, no one knows that it is a way of sacrificing oneself to save the world.

Once he cultivated it, he would not be able to live after purifying the life-death energy.

Since the aura of extinction and death has not been eliminated, it means that the suzerain of the Jingwu sect has failed, and the exercises may fall into the hands of the devil emperor.

After all, the trial has been opened many times, and this place has been searched and suppressed many times. Such an important thing, the Devil Emperor will definitely not let others get it.

Secondly, it is the way for the suzerain of the Jingwu Sect to reach the Lingtian Realm.

A sword, a butterfly, and a bead.

The sword is the Xutian Sword, the butterfly is called Ghost Beauty, and the bead is the Dayan Pearl, a sacred object in the Putuo Realm.

These three things have the ability to manipulate the laws of space, and they belong to the ruled sacred objects left over from the creation of the primordial world. Even though they have been preserved until now, their abilities have been reduced to the point that they are not even as good as immortal weapons, but their ability to tear apart space still exists.

Since the Devil Emperor only asked to find Xutian Sword and Ghost Beauty, it means that the Dayan Pearl is most likely in the hands of the Devil Emperor.

If the so-called ancestral land of the demons really exists somewhere, then it is very likely that they travel between the ancestral lands of the demons and the cultivation world through the Dayan Pearl.

These three things can ignore the rules of space, among which the Xutian sword is the strongest, followed by the ghost beauty, and the weakest is the Dayanzhu.

While the Xutian Sword is in the Lingtian Realm, the Ghost Beauty was originally in the hands of the master of the Jingwu Sect, but now he is nowhere to be found.

There is no record in the Library Hall of how the Jingwu Sect died, just like the death of the world suddenly erupted, and the records here suddenly have no follow-up.

Now for Lin Suying, it is best to find the ghost beauty, and try to see if she can use the ghost beauty to directly reach Lingtian Realm.

Lin Suying stood up, stretched her muscles, and thought for a while.

To be on the safe side, she has kept the main body. Whether it is going to Lingtian Realm through the ghost beauty, or going to the ancestral land of the demons through the devil emperor, she must let the main body act. Otherwise, once the clone and the main body lose contact, the clone will be abolished. up.

"It seems that on the main body side, you have to make a disguise as a demon as soon as possible, and come here."

After finishing the plan, Lin Suying got up and left the library hall.

The ghost beauty is regarded as the natal butterfly of the master of the Jingwu sect, no one knows where she ended up, and finding her is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

But since the Ghost Emperor allowed them to search here, he must have his reasons.

Lin Suying leaped up to the high place of the library hall and looked at the octagonal Linglong Pagoda on the back mountain that went straight into the sky. Under the unchanging afterglow of the setting sun, there was a sense of solemnity and solemnity.

She had seen the records about this tower just now. It was the place where the heroic souls of the martial arts monks of the past generations of the Jingwuzong were enshrined, and it was also the place where the disciples of the Jingwuzong practiced.

If you can get the approval of the martial soul, you can establish your own martial soul, learn the secrets of martial arts, and get the relics of the martial soul.

The martial saints of all generations in the cultivation world have climbed to the highest level of the Valkyrie Tower. After so many years, it is unknown whether all the spirits in the Valkyrie Tower have disappeared.

Almost all the demons who came in at this moment entered the Valkyrie Tower. In Jingwuzong, apart from the relics in the treasure house, only the Valkyrie Tower may have some important items.

After thinking about it, Lin Suying also ran towards the Martial God Tower.

Stepping into the Martial God Tower, Lin Suying saw the winding stairs. The space inside the tower is not very large. The octagonal floor depicts the eight diagrams, and there is a stone tablet in the center.

The stone tablet on the first floor has been cut off, and a martial art of the Qi refining period can be seen on the stone tablet.

Lin Suying went up the stairs, and every time she took a step, she could feel a pressure on her shoulders, pushing her whole body down.

The same is true on the second floor, there is a stone tablet, on which is still a Qi-refining period exercise.

On the 81st floor of the Martial God Tower, when it reached the ninth floor, the exercises on the stele became the foundation-building stage martial arts exercises, and the pressure exerted on her was also increasing, but she still didn't see any trace of the martial spirit.

But this little pressure was nothing to her. Lin Suying went all the way up, and when she reached the No.40 floor, the pressure in the tower had already started to make her bones crack, reaching the pressure of Nascent Soul level.

Suddenly, she saw a Shadi demon who came in with them in the early stage of Nascent Soul fell to the ground and was seriously injured. She was about to go over to check the situation, when the Shadi demon suddenly reminded her.

"Be careful behind you!"

(End of this chapter)

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