I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 235 Ghost Beauty

Chapter 235 Ghost Beauty

The secret realm vibrated, and the sky was filled with vortexes formed by a large formation.

The Valkyrie Tower began to collapse layer by layer from the top floor, and those demons escaped from the tower one after another, standing in midair, watching the sudden changes around them.

The originally vibrant world seemed to have suddenly lost its original power. The surrounding flowers, plants and trees were withering at an extremely fast speed, and the hall and houses began to crumble like paper ashes, and the scum was swept up by the vortex above.

"How is this going?"

Several demons looked at each other, not knowing what happened, but the time for the trial hadn't come yet, and they couldn't leave this place.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared under the Valkyrie Pagoda, with dragon horns on its head, dressed in white, surrounded by ice crystals, Lin Suying officially regained Aozhi's appearance.

At this moment, her black ice aura was completely exposed, and she was not a demon. The demons above her head were shocked when they saw it.

"How could there be a dragon girl mixed into the secret trial?"

"This secret realm must have been destroyed by her."

"See what she's holding in her hand?"

A demon saw that the peach branch in Lin Suying's hand was blooming little by little with the collapse of the secret realm, exuding a mysterious and mysterious aura that one dare not underestimate.

"Kill her!"

A dark demon shouted, raised his gun and charged at Lin Suying.

Lin Suying raised her lips and smiled lightly, "Chongshan!"

As soon as Chong Shan in the Void Refinement Stage was released, a strong sense of repulsion came from the entire space, and it was bound to squeeze Chong Shan out.

Chong Shan resisted the feeling of repulsion, and roared at the demon men in mid-air. They were shocked by the coercion and fell down like dumplings.

Killing the same clan is not a big deal for the demons, Chong Shan only hesitated for a moment, then chose to follow Lin Suying's order and rushed towards those demons.

Because of the appearance of Chongshan, the entire secret realm collapsed more and more, Lin Suying hurriedly speeded up and injected her spiritual energy into Taozhi.

When the peach blossoms were finally in full bloom, the air in front of Lin Suying twisted, and a butterfly with red stripes on a black background and wings of different colors on both sides suddenly appeared.

"Ghost beauty! Sure enough, it's here!"

Before Lin Suying could attract the ghostly beauty, a gloomy voice came from the sky. As soon as she looked up, she saw a huge shadow shrouded in the cracks in the sky. The pressure was as heavy as the sea, pressing on Lin Suying tightly to make her move. no.

It's the Devil Emperor!
"Where to run!"

Seeing the ghost beauty flapping its wings and falling towards the peach blossom in Lin Suying's hand, a ghost claw broke through the sky and grabbed it straight, the strong wind almost threw Lin Suying away.


Seeing that Lin Suying was in danger, Chongshan pierced the dark demon in front of him with a spear, turned around and rushed towards Lin Suying, intending to block the demon's claws.

Lin Suying gritted her teeth, seeing the ghostly beauty falling into the claws of the devil, a sudden change occurred.

The ghostly beauty disappeared in a flash, and the devil's claws caught him empty.

The ghost beauty reappeared on the peach branch in Lin Suying's hand, Lin Suying's imprisoned body loosened, she grabbed Chong Shan, and under the power of the ghost beauty, she turned into a phantom and disappeared directly on the spot.


There was a furious roar, but all this has nothing to do with Lin Suying.

Lin Suying didn't know where Ghost Beauty was going to take her, but suddenly she felt a sharp pain, and large patches of fiery red Bana flowers flashed in front of her eyes.

Thinking of the old lady saying that the ghost beauty would take her to find Huangquan Weak Water and Taiyang Zhenshui, Lin Suying's heart rang alarm bells, and immediately began to resist the ghost beauty, and at the same time conveyed her own thoughts.

The tingling pain in her head suddenly eased, and Lin Suying fell heavily on the ground, with a peach blossom imprint on her wrist, and the ghost beauty rushed into it and disappeared.

Lin Suying let out a sigh of relief. If she guessed correctly, the ghost beauty just now planned to throw her directly into the underworld.

She is now a clone, and once she arrives in the underworld, she will immediately lose contact with her main body, and everything on her body will never be taken back, which is very dangerous.

Lin Suying stood up and looked around, she couldn't help being stunned.

I saw flying swords shining brightly above her head, standing upright in the air, endless, seemingly chaotic, but actually coincident with a certain rule, once she made any changes, they would immediately kill her.

Chong Shan was still behind Lin Suying, he was stopped by Lin Suying just as he wanted to move.

"Don't move, we are trapped in some kind of sword formation, but this sword formation looks familiar to me."

In the blink of an eye, Lin Suying thought, isn't this the sword formation that Shen Ruqiong's avatar saw in the Loose Leaves Valley in the World of Decaying Bone?

It was drawn by the captured Bingya male devil. At this moment, Shen Ruqiong's avatar is searching in the small secret realm where the Bingya male devil was found.

But after these days, Shen Ruqiong searched the entire small secret realm, but did not find such a place.

Lin Suying suddenly had a headache, where did this ghostly beauty throw her?
"Ghost beauty, can you send me to a more normal place?"

Lin Suying tried to communicate with Ghost Beauty, but Ghost Beauty only sent her one idea and two pictures.

One is to bury a jade butterfly with no visible material in the flowers on the other side with one hand.

One, the same hand placed the same jade butterfly in the corner of the cave full of golden light.

The idea that the ghost beauty conveyed to her roughly meant that the ghost beauty would need something similar to a beacon to lead people through space in order to accurately reach the destination, and the rest of the time would be sent randomly.

Lin Suying: ...

So the jade butterfly is the beacon, and the ghost beauty can lead her to find Huangquan Weak Water and Sun True Water. As for going to the Lingtian Realm, it is probably very mysterious.

But it's not right, since the suzerain of the Jingwu Sect has been there, then the Lingtian Realm should have a mark left by her. Could it be that the mark no longer exists?
Lin Suying tried to sense other beacons through the ghost beauty, but found nothing. She could only sense the existence of those two beacons.

But she should be content, after all, if she can go to the underworld, she can find the way to Lingtian Realm through the underworld, which is also a way.

Lin Suying calmed down for the time being, and carefully checked the sword array above her head.

After watching it for a while, Lin Suying raised her lips and smiled, "It's just the shape, not the real meaning."

After she finished speaking, she raised her feet and walked forward, the sword array above her head was activated immediately, converging into a torrent and rushing towards Lin Suying.

Chongshan clenched the spear tightly in his heart, Lin Suying was happy and fearless, letting the torrent of flying sword hit her body.

At this moment, Chong Shan realized that those flying swords were all illusory.

When the torrent of flying swords was consumed by Lin Suying, she raised her hand to grab one of the real swords, the whole space vibrated, and the surrounding illusions dissipated, revealing the original cave landscape.

Lin Suying turned her head to look at the mountain wall, all of which were of different shades, with criss-cross sword marks forming a large formation.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be the Ten Thousand Swords Illusionary Formation in another fragment of the Chaos Artifact. Someone once comprehended the Sword Formation here for a while."

Could it be that this chaotic shard is in the hands of someone in the Bone Realm, or... that Ice Asian male demon knows where it is?
In this way, Shen Ruqiong, who finally got out of the Bone Realm, might have to go back and find a way to rob that Bingya Demon.

And she happened to stay in this small secret realm, wait for the main body to arrive, and then go directly to the underworld.

(End of this chapter)

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