Chapter 4
Lin Suying is a ghost cultivator, and she can clearly feel that Zhao Zhen is lifeless, even her remnant soul is gone.

But her body was still warm, indicating that she had just died not long ago.

Without any hesitation, Lin Suying immediately aroused a tiny star in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Starlight gradually lit up in Zhao Zhen's eyes full of despair, and the next moment, the pupils that had been enlarged to the extreme contracted suddenly, and the whole person took a sharp breath and sat up.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Lin Suying gasped and coughed hard, feeling a sharp pain in her heart, like a drowning person, no matter how hard she breathed, she couldn't relieve the suffocation.

After a hundred years, Lin Suying once again felt her heart beating and her blood flowing. She trembled uncontrollably all over her body. She hugged herself tightly and felt a sharp throbbing pain in the meridians all over her body, as if her internal organs were on fire.

As soon as she raised her hand, she saw Zhao Zhen holding a medicine bottle in her palm.

"Burning souls, I, Nima..."

Lin Suying couldn't swear at all, no wonder the soul was gone, this poison destroys the soul first and then destroys the body!

Her eyes quickly searched the surroundings. She remembered that there was a kind of poisonous fungus nearby, which could attack poison with poison. The poison of killing souls had passed, and the follow-up poison should be able to attack it.

Enduring the severe pain in her internal organs, Lin Suying crawled and rummaged through the grass with her strong will to survive.

Fortunately, she is very familiar with this area, and soon found the toadstool under an old tree.

Lin Suying stuffed the poisonous fungus into her mouth and swallowed it forcefully, she fell on her back in the grass, her chest heaved violently, she felt that this body was dying again, and began to generate a force of repulsion to her soul fragments .

Lin Suying curled up into a ball, clenched her teeth and persisted, desperately resisting.

"My old lady occupied the den with her own ability, no one should expect me to be kicked out, not even the King of Hades!!"

As the sun set and the moon rose, Lin Suying's face was pale, her body was drenched in sweat, the vegetation around her was withered, and it was hard for insects and ants to survive.

Most of the poison has been expelled, but some of it remains in the body, which requires real detoxification elixir to completely remove it.

But this is not a problem at all for Lin Suying who already has a body and can act like a normal monk.

The most important thing now is to find out what happened to Zhao Zhen.

Lin Suying got up and tremblingly went back to the place where Zhao Zhen's body was found. In addition to the poison bottle in her hand, there was a handkerchief with blood written on the tree next to it.

"My heart is dead, I won't see you in the next life, suicide note? Suicide for love?"

Lin Suying looked down at her own head, both eyes went dark at the same time.

"This is impossible!"

Judging from the time she has been in contact with Zhao Zhen, Zhao Zhen is not a person who will be trapped by love, not to mention that she will soon become Yu Chengfeng's closed disciple, with a bright future, how could she commit suicide now.


Lin Suying remembered that Zhao Zhen hadn't finished talking to her before, and she had a shy look on her face, and it seemed that it really had something to do with love.

The night was heavy, and the cold wind suddenly picked up, whining like a ghost crying blood.

Lin Suying took a deep breath, "Don't worry, I will find out the truth, and if someone kills you, I will definitely use your hands to avenge it."

Lin Suying carefully checked the surrounding traces again, but found nothing, because it was a 'suicide', Zhao Zhen's storage bag and other things were all there.

The dead are resurrected, as long as she walks out, the murderer will definitely not be able to sit still!

Lin Suying decided to go back to Zhao Zhen's residence before making any plans. She hugged her own head, but just as she lifted her foot, she stopped.

Uh... She didn't swallow her soul, she didn't have Zhao Zhen's memory in her mind, so where did she live?

Scratching the head in his hand, it is better to sneak back to the library to get his own things, then leave a leave note and go back to Yunyan Valley.

Walking in the forest, Lin Suying's footsteps became faster and faster. Compared with the original zombie's body, which had difficulty bending its knees, this body was as light as a gust of wind.

The fingers changed, triggering a ray of breeze to support the body and jump up. Lin Suying stepped on the tree to use the strength to walk against the wind.

"It's been a hundred years, and I've almost forgotten all these low-level formulas."

Everything from unfamiliarity to proficiency, trapped in this world for a hundred years, dragging the body like a snail every day, struggling to move, even unable to use a light-weight formula.

At this moment, seeing all the scenery quickly retreating on both sides of the field of vision, walking freely through the forest, Lin Suying finally felt a sense of freedom and joy, as if she had been reborn!

If it weren't for being so stupid, she couldn't help howling.

Above the treetops, Lin Suying stood tall and tall, with the breeze blowing her long hair and the moonlight shining all over her body, she was finally able to pull the corners of her mouth into a smile.

After Lin Suying's soul was infused into Zhao Zhen's simple and unadorned body, there was more vitality in her body. The restraint that belonged to Zhao Zhen before did not exist, only Lin Suying's wanton and free and easy remained.

"The sixth level of Qi training is too hip-stretching, and even this bottleneck cannot be broken through. It is just using the true energy to open up the meridian holes in the whole body and open the road to tempering the body."

"The three spiritual roots of gold, wood and fire are not bad? Huangpin's "Qingmu Jue"? No wonder the improvement is so slow. I remember that there is a "Five Elements Returning to the True Jue" at the lower level. It is very powerful and can be used for the third one. For the time being, it will be it."

Lin Suying closed her eyes and felt the aura flowing in her body. Zhao Zhen couldn't figure out the acupuncture points and orifices on her body, but Lin Suying was clear about it.

Yun Zhiyi's kung fu method is absolutely in control of the corpse, making her a completely different person. As long as her soul is strong enough, she can even perfectly inherit everything from the corpse.

If you don't check your body, you will basically not find any abnormalities, but the range of movement is limited by the body, and you will be more flexible at night than during the day.

However, if a piece of star fragments were injected into the corpse, one could use the power of Zhou Tianxing Dou, without any taboos, the incarnation outside the body, which is equivalent to the power of refining the void, is no different from the main body, no one can detect the flaw.

And even if this clone is killed again, the star fragments can keep her soul fragments immortal and send her body again.

This is simply the magic of immortality. Unless the corpse is blown into powder, even if there is only one arm left, it can fly up and slap you again, just asking if you are afraid.

This is also the reason why the entire comprehension world joined forces back then, and it was difficult to kill Yun Zhiyi. In the end, Fang Shouzhen set up an army to fight Yun Zhiyi alone, and did not send her any corpses to have a chance of seriously injuring her.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this that Fang Shouzhen jumped over the wall in a hurry, and did not hesitate to use his "love apprentice" in exchange for Yun Zhiyi's life.

She understood the truth again, but still no!catch!by!

A moment later, a gust of air rushed from Lin Suying's body, and she easily broke through the bottleneck that Zhao Zhen couldn't overcome for half a year, and stepped into the seventh level of Qi training to become a monk in the late stage of Qi training.

"When you get familiar with the new technique, you can build the foundation in three months. After the foundation is built, it will not be so fragile. You can try to find the caves that Yun Zhiyi left in various places, collect natural materials and earthly treasures to refine the corpse, But before that, you still have to save the travel expenses first!"

Thinking of money, Lin Suying hurriedly looked through Zhao Zhen's storage bag, her face turned green after reading it.

"In the past, I couldn't find anyone who was poorer than me, but now I find that Zhao Zhen is poorer than me. I always feel that it's because I became Zhao Zhen."

Sighing, Lin Suying jumped down from the treetop with her head in her arms, and sneaked into the library to get back her things. It is convenient to have a storage bag, and she is as light as a swallow.

[Closed for one month, seek advice from suzerain]

If you want to complain to her, go ahead and see if the suzerain is happy to see her. If you see her, you have to call senior sister. There is no way, who made her senior, even if she becomes like this ghost, you still have to admit it!
This is also the reason why those high levels of Tiandaozong avoid her. As long as she doesn't set fire to the mountain and slaughter her disciples, they don't bother to care about her.

After leaving the leave slip, Lin Suying returned to her residence with ease.

Under Tianyou Peak, Yunyan Valley.

This is the back mountain of Tiandaozong. Fang Shouzhen is retreating on the top of the mountain. She has been living at the foot of the mountain, waiting for a close distance, with her own eyes.

In order to protect her, Fang Shouzhen left a restraint between her eyebrows, so her body exploded, and her head was still intact for the soul to attach to. This also made her not like a real dead corpse, and could have a weak sense of pain and five senses.

Anyone who intends to kill her will trigger the restriction and be seriously injured. Of course, the little brat threw a throwing knife and kicked her head like a ball, which is not enough to trigger the restriction.

But this restriction is not only protection, but also imprisonment, so that her body cannot leave the scope of Tiandaozong, and she will die immediately when she leaves!
Look, killing her is a serious injury, and she is going to die if she flees. How much I love my apprentice's bastard.

There are only two ways to break the restriction, either Fang Shouzhen dies, or she reaches Fang Shouzhen's cultivation level and demolishes her by force.

Mahayana period... She still thinks of a way to kill that bastard faster.

Lin Suying used Zhao Zhen's body to step into Yunyan Valley, the breeze was blowing and the leaves were rustling.

Entering the valley, the distant mountain waterfall flows straight down, the water mist fills the air, and at the end of the stream, an old and dilapidated palace comes into view, half of which is embedded in the mountain.

In the palace, there is only stinky blood left in the huge koi pond, soaked in stumps and bones, pale and gloomy.

From the large scale of this palace, one can also imagine the grandeur of the past, but without the maintenance of handymen, a hundred years have been wasted to this point.

"I used to say that I lived in a kennel to show off, but now it's a real kennel!" Lin Suying lamented.

Thinking back to her, a futon had to be made of ice cicada silk from the Land of Barbarians, otherwise she would not be able to take care of her delicate buttocks as a fairy, but no matter how poor she is now, let alone a futon, she can sit on glass scum .

If Qin Yi hadn't knocked Qin Yi for a sum today, she would have planned to peel off the wall and exchange it for spirit stones when she came back. Anyway, when it was built back then, that bastard Fang Shouzhen used Wuyahai Qianlong shark beads to grind the wall into whitewash.

Thinking about it now, she used to be arrogant and defiant, which was quite annoying.

No wonder so many people bothered her openly and secretly, but unfortunately there was no one who could beat her.

[Report from Shanmen Square at Chenshi tomorrow, you have failed two consecutive training sessions, if you fail this time in the Valley of Broken Souls, even Elder Yu will inevitably punish you, so you can take care of yourself]

Lin Suying's eyes lit up as the ferocious voice of the stewardess of the foreign affairs hall came out from the summoning talisman. It turned out that Zhao Zhen was participating in the training in Tomorrow's Broken Soul Valley.

If she can get out of the Heavenly Dao Sect tomorrow, apart from taking the star fragments, she will definitely bloodbath the Broken Soul Valley, and she must not let go of anything of value!

As the night was still long, Lin Suying put her own head in the coffin in the dormitory, found out the stored elixir and prepared a pair of detoxification powder, and then began to make various experiments and verifications to deepen her control over Zhao Zhen's body.

Although she didn't have any star fragments at this time, if she only controlled the corpse of Zhao Zhen, it would not be far to go to Broken Soul Valley.

During the day, she may be a little sluggish, but compared to her original zombie body, which is the difference between a tortoise and a rabbit, it is enough.

After many attempts, Lin Suying found that when she was concentrating on Zhao Zhen, her body's reaction and thinking ability would be affected, and the more she manipulated in the future, the more this would be the case.

According to Yun Zhiyi's words, it's like playing a game. It's best to keep the main body in standby mode. If it's not a team battle, it's best not to control too many corpses at once.

With a plan in mind, Lin Suying came to the storeroom, and when the door opened, the aura was dazzling.

There are more than a dozen rows of shelves filled with all kinds of materials that have been preliminarily polished and produced, such as elixir, talismans, array flags, and magic tools.

"Although it's not much, it's what I have accumulated for a hundred years. I can complete the final refinement only after my cultivation level increases."

No sleep tonight, going out of the mountains tomorrow will be so beautiful!

(End of this chapter)

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