When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 100 Tool Man Young Master Jiang

Chapter 100 Tool Man Young Master Jiang

Leaning forward, an elegant scent of plum blossoms immediately entered Qingwu's nostrils, this scent completely defeated Qingwu's psychological defense.

No matter how innocent he is, no matter how guilty he is, Qingwu just wants to eat this piece of meat right now!
Yan Chenjin couldn't hear what I was saying clearly, so the man jumped up suddenly and pressed him down.

When he came back to his senses, Qingwu had already gnawed down his lips along his neck.

The sharp pain made Yanchenjin wet his eyes, he pushed Qingwu hard and pushed her away.

But the man was irrational, grabbed his wrist with both hands, pressed it on top of his head, bowed his head and kissed him again.

The boy kicked her in a panic, but was imprisoned by her.

"Go away, don't touch me, let go!" The boy shouted at the top of his voice, his voice was filled with tears and pain.

I don't know if it was because of this cry, or because she happened to kiss the boy's tears.

Qingwu's misty eyes were awake for a while, and when she saw the appearance of the person in front of her, she raised her hand and slapped herself, and her head regained some sanity immediately.

Qingwu hurriedly turned over and got down on the bed, he didn't even care about putting on his shoes, so he wanted to run outside.

Yan Chenjin cried and called her, "What are you doing?"

After the words fell, Qingwu had already closed the door and went out.

Just when Yan Chenjin thought she was angry, there was a splash outside the door, as if something had fallen into the water, causing splashes.

Yan Chenjin couldn't care less about the pain or not, whether it was difficult or not, he immediately got off the bed and followed out staggeringly.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw that the door was splashed with a puddle of water, and the shivering Qingwu was soaked in the large round water tank with shattered ice floating beside the house.

The boy was stunned for a moment, and it took a moment to react.

He lay on the side of the tank in a panic and pulled Qingwu's arm, "You...you come out quickly, what are you... doing in here? Come out quickly, it will freeze to death."

The crying sound floated in from Qingwu's ear, and then floated out from the other ear.

Qingwu's brain is no longer enough at the moment, it's cold outside and hot inside, and he is tormented by this dual world of ice and fire.

She instinctively pushed Yan Chenjin, for fear that she would hurt him if he dangled in front of her eyes for a moment longer, "Go away!"

The boy immediately shed two lines of tears, choked with sobs and shook his head, "You are the one who persecuted me, why are you angry, how... how can you bully people like this? What did I do wrong? What did I do wrong? Tell me , you come out, come out quickly..."

Qing Wu forcefully opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Yan Chenjin's pale face, with golden peas falling out of his ruddy eye sockets.

She opened her mouth, and the breath out of her mouth formed a white mist, which made Qingwu feel trembling even more.

Qingwu endured the discomfort, and said: "Ash, it's not because of you, you are obedient, go into the house first, it's too cold outside, you go in quickly."

Yanchen was in tears, his arms were wet by the water on Qingwu's body, he pulled Qingwu's arm with great effort, "What are you going to... do? Come out, you come out, let's discuss it carefully, what do you want? Me, I didn't... I didn't say no, come out, let's take our time, okay?"

He roared uncontrollably, and Qingwu felt distressed, coaxing him, "Okay, Jin, don't cry, listen to me, I'm poisoned, twin snake venom, soak it and it'll be fine. Don't cry, Crying makes me feel uncomfortable, go in first, you go in first, I will be fine soon."

Twin snake venom, how come?
He lifted Qingwu's sleeve, and the two wounds on his wrist were clearly about to heal, how could he be poisoned now?
There was guilt and annoyance in the boy's eyes, and he pulled her with trembling hands, "No, it won't be okay, don't lie to me, soaking in water is useless. Please, come out, sister Qing, come out..."

Qingwu squinted his eyes half-closed, the eyelashes were covered with crystal beads because of the moisture from his breath and the cold wind, "Jin, be obedient!"

Yan Chenjin was crying, grabbed her hand, and poked in along the collar, "You need to detoxify, it's useless for you to soak in cold water. If you want me, I'll give it to you. Sister Qing, don't torture yourself like this, please. Please, come out!"

Qingwu's mind was in a mess, and he insisted and said: "Jin, I won't touch you, I know, your father is a bastard, he made you suffer in the past, and I'm afraid, I won't touch you. Don't be afraid, Don't worry too, my own body, I know best, I'll be fine soon."

Despite what he said, Qingwu's consciousness has already begun to slacken.

The young man didn't even have time to care about who told Qing Wu what he said, he just shook his head and hiccupped a few times, "I'm not afraid, sister Qing, I'm not afraid anymore, as long as you're well, I'm not afraid of anything, come out quickly. "

Qingwu knew that he was forcing himself now because he didn't want her to suffer, but why didn't she do it for him?
She struggled to break apart Yan Chenjin's fingers, gently stroked his face, and said: "I'm fine, I feel much better now, soak for another quarter of an hour, and I'll come out, okay? You go back, you Look at you, your sleeves are wet and your face is freezing cold, go in quickly, I'll be fine soon."

The boy still refused to agree, he had no choice but to step into the water tank with one long leg, "If you don't come out, I'll accompany you... to soak together."

He is weak, how can he withstand such a toss?

Qingwu frowned helplessly, so he could only stand up, hug him by the waist and step out of the water tank.

The young man wrapped his arms tightly around her neck, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Qingwu carried him into the house and put him down beside the charcoal basin.

She wanted to cast a spell to dry his clothes, but she was so cold that her hands and feet were trembling, she was unconscious, and she couldn't adjust her demon energy.

Qingwu hurriedly cut a wound on his back with his nails, blood gushed out from the wound, and the tingling pain made Qingwu regain some sense.

She took out a clean set of clothes from the Qiankun bag and prepared to give it to him, but saw that the young man had already taken off only a loose undershirt.

Seeing Qingwu turn his head, the young man blushed with shame, he lifted the quilt and wanted to climb up, but was stopped by Qingwu, "Don't go up, your hair is still wet, you can't sleep, be good, come here."

Qingwu didn't care about so many things, so he quickly wrapped clean clothes around him.

The boy's eyes were red, and his trembling hands wanted to do something to help Qingwu, but he didn't know how to do it.

Qingwu hid for a while, pushed him away, and said solemnly: "Jin, don't move!"

The boy's winking eyes are like silk, and his red eyes from crying are even more tender, which makes people feel distressed.

There was a tinge of blood on the thin lips of the man, and he whispered: "Sister Qing, hug me, hug me."

His voice was originally ethereal and clear, but at this moment, somehow, it was tainted with a charming charm, which was different from the previous coquettish, this time it was more like bewitching.

Qingwu was stunned for a moment, then the young man nimbly took off his coat, and only when his hand touched the thin belt around Qingwu's neck did Qingwu wake up dazedly.

She took a step back, "Ash...don't make trouble."

The young man felt ashamed at first, but after being rejected again and again by Qingwu, he was even more ashamed. He covered his face with tears and murmured, "I'm sorry."

Qingwu turned his back to Yanchen Jin, put on a dry undershirt, pulled his wrist, and dragged him to the side of the charcoal basin, "Sit down obediently, dry your hair, sleep like this, you should have a headache tomorrow."

Yan Chenjin's eyes were red, looking at Qing Wu, his eyes were full of distress.

She is like this, still worrying about him sleeping with wet hair?

"Sister Qing..."

Qingwu caressed his face, not daring to stay for long, just swept it away, she hugged the boy and lowered his head, wiped the water stains with a handkerchief, and baked it.

The young man wrapped his arms around her waist, but was quickly pushed away by Qingwu, "Hey, don't move."

Yan Chenjin didn't move any more, waiting for her to dry his hair.

After a long time, his hair was dry.

"Lie down, don't catch a cold." Qing Wu said.

The young man stretched out his hand nervously, hooked her little finger, pulled her to the front of the couch, climbed up first, wrapped the quilt shyly, and pulled Qing Wu's little finger again, "Sister Qing, come here quickly, hug me hug me."

Qingwu saw his shoulders protruding from the quilt, like a seductive vixen.

But after thinking about it, he was originally a fox, a beautiful and delicate male fox.

Qingwu lay on the couch, keeping a distance from him as much as possible.

But she was already on the fire, but the little fairy beside her was still pressing on her step by step, clinging to her.

The dryness that had been suppressed began to devour her sanity bit by bit.

Qingwu closed his eyes, raised one hand, and slapped himself hard on the forehead. This palm used [-]% of the force, for fear that he would not be able to knock himself out.

Moisture began to ooze from the young man's eyes again, and he held her hand that had been patted down, "What are you doing?"

Qingwu opened his eyes helplessly, and said to him in a confused state of mind: "If I knock myself out, I won't make trouble. Go to sleep. I'll be right here with you."

Yan Chenchen looked at Qingwu with wet eyes, he stood up suddenly, and hugged Qingwu, "No, I don't want you to hurt yourself, twin snake poison needs antidote, I am your antidote, I'm fine, I... I... ..."

He choked up and couldn't speak, holding Qingwu's hand.

She pushed Yan Chenchen, and the boy suddenly shouted in a hoarse voice, "Why, do you despise me? I'm really fine, I really..."

Tears dripped down, Qingwu opened his mouth, not knowing how to comfort him.

Until a few knocks from the next door 'dong dong dong' brought the two of them back to reality.

Qingwu was startled, and quickly hugged Yanchenjin's waist, wrapping him tightly in the quilt.

After a while, Jiang Mingyun's deep and steady voice came from the next door, "You two...will you let people sleep in the middle of the night?"

Before Qingwu could lash out at him, Yan Chenjin in front of him poked his head out from the quilt and shouted angrily: "Jiang Mingyun, are you courting death?"

Even though he was speaking harshly, Yan Chenjin's voice mixed with crying was not deterrent, instead it sounded like a spoiled child.

Apparently, Jiang Mingyun next door seemed to be shocked by the delicate voice, and he coughed lightly after a long time, and said, "I'm not looking for death, I'm looking for Lu Yaoqing!"

Qing Wu rubbed his forehead, only felt that Yan Chenjin was crying and fussing, she was about to collapse, now Jiang Mingyun came again, she really had no time to take care of it.

"Say something quickly, I'm bored!"

Jiang Mingyun's voice was indifferent, "It's nothing important, I just want to tell you that I have a detoxification pill here, which can detoxify snakes. If you want to eat it, come and get it."

Qingwu: "..."

Yan Chenjin: "..."

Antidote pill?Qingwu frowned, "You have that thing, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Jiang Mingyun said as it should: "I've sucked out the snake venom for you earlier, it's not a serious problem at all, who knew you would be poisoned again?"

Jiang Mingyun really couldn't be blamed for this, but Qingwu felt inexplicably stuffy.

Yan Chen was extremely angry, "You...you help her suck snake venom? When did it happen?"

"..." Qingwu was helpless, this person cared about this?
Jiang Mingyun is an honest person, and he said flatly: "She was bitten by twin snakes in order to save me, so it's only natural for me to help her, Junior Brother Yan doesn't need to be jealous."

Was he bitten to save Jiang Mingyun?Jiang Mingyun also sucked snake venom on her!
Yan Chenjin's eyes were slightly red, wishing he could kill Jiang Mingyun now.

Qingwu felt the boy on his body stiffen, probably out of anger.

This kid always suspected that there was something wrong with her and Jiang Mingyun, and now he was going to die of pain.

Qing Wu said: "If you have the antidote, just give it to me at the time, it's inexplicable!"

Jiang Mingyun snorted coldly, "This antidote is very precious. I only have three of them myself. There is an easy way. Why should I look far away?"

Logic freaks!Qingwu thinks that he can't beat Jiang Mingyun in terms of reasoning.

It was a rare time when Qingwu couldn't catch up, Jiang Mingyun was a little proud, and said again: "The poison should be cured, you are not pretending to be like this now, and you want to belittle Junior Brother Yan, right?"

"You..." Qingwu gritted his teeth, "If it wasn't for saving you and Qibai, why would I have stepped into the stone wall and been bitten by a snake? I didn't settle with you, so you still have the face to question me?"

Jiang Mingyun was silent for a moment, it turned out that he was bitten by the snake he sealed in the pit, he said: "I can't blame me for this, you two are so tired, I thought you couldn't help it."

These words annoyed Yan Chenjin even more, "You...you heard it all?"

The other party replied calmly, "I don't want to either!"

Yan Chenchen was furious, wishing he could rush over and kill this bastard now!
Qingwu hurriedly hugged his waist, persuading him: "Hey, don't be angry, I'll go get the medicine."

The boy refused to get up, "No, I'll get it for you."

It was so cold outside, Yan Chenjin was only wearing an undershirt, he was afraid that he would freeze to death when going out, Qingwu hesitated again and again, and shouted: "Jiang Mingyun, bring it here."

Jiang Mingyun: "..." Am I a tool man?
(End of this chapter)

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