Chapter 11 Mosquito Bites
It was Cheng Anyi's voice, Qingwu turned around to look, and saw the girl coming back with a few seniors.

As soon as Cheng Anyi entered the door, he noticed the inkstone dust in Qingwu's arms, and his voice suddenly softened, "Ah Jin?"

The little fox closed his eyes and ignored her.

Cheng Anyi thought that Yan Chenjin was in a coma, so he gave Qingwu a hard look, and said angrily: "Lu Yaoqing, you are going too far, you are slow to move, and Ah Jin, who was also troubled by you, was brutally killed by the female ghost along with you. Two nights and one day worried me to death. Fortunately, Ah Jin is back, otherwise, I would have skinned you and cramped you."

Qingwu was taken aback, and couldn't help but sigh that the world is going downhill now, but she managed to save the lives of these little bastards.

Besides, no matter how it is said, it is considered that Yan Chenjin has caused her trouble, and there is still someone to complain for him?

Inexplicably recalling that night, Zhang Ming called Yan Chenjin one by one, but Qingwu felt that Cheng Anyi was more like a white-eyed wolf than Yan Chenjin.

It's fine not to thank her, but to accuse her.

Qingwu smiled slightly, and said, "Oh? At a critical moment, I think you can run faster than anyone else, yet you still have the heart to care about others?"

"You..." These words immediately blocked Cheng Anyi's arrogance.

Cheng Anyi was so angry that he didn't look at her, and turned his gaze to Yan Chenjin in Qingwu's arms, "Give Ah Jin to me, who knows if you will have some bad intentions again."

What makes you feel bad?It's obvious that he wants to hug Yan Chenjin!

She also said so righteously, Qingwu felt that this girl was not sincere at all.

Although he didn't want to hand over the fox in his heart, but thinking of the conversation between the two just now like a quarrel, presumably Yan Chenjin didn't want to be hugged by her, so Qingwu simply offered the fox both hands.

Although Yan Chenjin is weak, he seldom returns to his real body, let alone being able to be hugged by others, it has never happened before.

Not only Cheng Anyi, but also the few teenagers who jumped down just now, couldn't help but want to touch the soft little fox.

Seeing that she was sensible, Cheng Anyi didn't care about her, and happily went to pick up Yan Chenjin.

But before his fingers touched the white fur, the fox transformed into a human.

Yan Chenjin lowered his eyes and looked at Qingwu, wondering if it was Qingwu's illusion, but for a moment he felt an indescribable grievance and dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Qingwu was a little dazed, and it was so easy to change back. After a while, he changed back again!
Everything has changed, and you can't force him to change back.

What's annoying is that he was wronged. Who should be wronged?
Qingwu faced him by himself, and he was not happy, so she could only coax him, fearing that he would cry.

Now that there are so many people here, let others coax her away, she is really tired.

Yan Chenjin's bright red lips were swollen and high, it was really hard not to be noticed.

Cheng Anyi was the first to discover the clue, "Jin, why is your mouth swollen?"

This kind of part will never be bumped.

Yan Chenjin looked up at Qingwu, he didn't say who did it, but he wanted to say who did it.

Not only Cheng Anyi, but several other disciples also looked at Qingwu.

Cheng Anyi gritted his teeth and said, "Lu Yaoqing!!!"

Qing Wu frowned, thinking: This kid is definitely out to retaliate.

The eyes of the heart are not only getting longer and smaller, but they are obviously gone!
Qingwu tried his best to remain calm, "There are a lot of mosquitoes in the mountains at night, maybe I was bitten by a mosquito, what are you calling me for, I can still control the mosquito and not bite him?"

This explanation, Cheng Anyi and a group of fellow apprentices obviously did not buy it, "How can a mosquito bite like this?"

Qingwu really regretted it, asking for trouble, why come back to them?Might as well try to go down the mountain!
Originally, I wanted to have a few more people to take care of the little ancestor, but now it's good, they all helped the little ancestor clean her up.

Qingwu glared at Yan Chenjin angrily, the man was still arrogantly angry for a second, but after being stared at, the anger in his eyes suddenly turned into grievance.

Yan Chenjin retracted his gaze and said in a low voice, "It's a mosquito, a big mosquito!"

The parties said it was a mosquito, but this is not a mosquito!
Cheng Anyi said distressedly: "Is it hard, is it itchy after being bitten by a mosquito? Don't be afraid, Ah Jin, I will give you some spiritual power, and the itchiness will disappear soon."

As she said that, she stretched out her hand to pull Yan Chenchen's wrist, but the young man avoided it deftly, "I don't like people touching me, go away!"

Don't like being touched, but let Lu Yaoqing hug her back?

Cheng Anyi's anger was focused on Lu Yaoqing, and Qingwu was uncomfortable being stared at by her knife-like eyes.

This little girl is really strange, he doesn't like to talk to you, so get angry with him, why are you throwing fire at me?
Qingwu scanned around, found a young man who looked calm, and asked, "Why are you still on the mountain?"

The boy was about to speak, but was interrupted by Cheng Anyi, "If we can go down the mountain, will we stay here?"

Qing Wu frowned, his patience had been worn down by Yan Chenjin, but now it was almost worn out by Cheng Anyi, "So?"

The young man was quite clear, and said: "After dawn yesterday, we searched for Junior Brother Yan in the mountains... Oh, and Junior Sister Lu, but we couldn't find it. It seems to be controlled by the enchantment, and we couldn't find the way down the mountain. It is not safe to go outside at night, so I can only go back to the ancestral hall and hide for a night. I went out again this morning to find a way to go down the mountain, but still failed. Just now, Junior Sister Cheng said that the weather is too hot, so I came back to rest temporarily."

Qingwu knew that in the eyes of these people, he was just a half-demon body that could be used as bait, and it didn't matter whether he could be saved or not, but he didn't really care about it.

It's just that there is no way down the mountain, which is a headache.

"Then... what about the female ghost?" Qing Wu asked.

The young man replied: "Since the night before yesterday, the female ghost followed you and has not come back. Last night, there were also little ghosts who were gnawing on Senior Brother Zhang Ming's body outside, but Junior Sister Cheng was worried that the female ghost was nearby. Don’t dare to act rashly.”

Qingwu glanced at Cheng Anyi, and when he told others to sacrifice their lives in awe-inspiring manner, he ordered them around.When it came to him, he was so cowardly that he almost dug a hole to hide himself.

Young people today!
Doesn't Xianmen accept disciples through screening?
Anyone can enter the door, but it's getting worse!

Qingwu noticed that there were only five or six disciples, so he asked, "Where are the others?"

The young man said: "Junior Sister Cheng needs someone to escort her. The others have gone to pick wild fruits first and will be back soon."

Qingwu nodded his nose, even if he needs an escort, he doesn't need so many escorts, right?

She smiled embarrassingly, "I see."

I don't know why Cheng Anyi went crazy, and suddenly called a few teenagers to go out to see if there are any hares and pheasants, and come back for extra food.

(End of this chapter)

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