When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 124 Bai Mi's Conspiracy

Chapter 124 Bai Mi's Conspiracy

Taking advantage of her height, Yan Chenjue looked down at him with a somewhat condescending arrogance.

At this moment, Jiang Mingyun really couldn't regard Yanchen Jue as Yanchen Ash.

The person in front of him is completely different from Yan Chenjue, no wonder they never doubted this, Yan Chenjue's disguise is really good.

Yan Chenjue stared at him firmly, worked hard with his hands, and asked him in a cold voice, "Jiang Mingyun, you are so courageous, I have warned you countless times to stay away from her, you have ignored my words, right?" ?"

Jiang Mingyun had difficulty breathing, but he was not stupid, and he could hear what he was asking.

"Yan Chenjin, you are really crazy!" Because of his throat being pinched, Jiang Mingyun's words were somewhat hoarse and deep.

Yan Chenjue tightened his hands even more, "What are you, you dare to miss me."

If Jiang Mingyun wasn't restrained by him at this moment, he might have punched him angrily.

Even if he was still the soft and weak inkstone dust embers who would fall down when the wind blows, Jiang Mingyun would not allow him to talk nonsense like this.

Even at the risk of being blamed by Qingwu, he would teach this brat a lesson for her.

Jiang Mingyun's breathing became more and more difficult, and gradually he could no longer think.

The feeling of suffocation spread, making him feel that he was going to die the next moment.

Strange to say, at the moment of dying, Jiang Mingyun felt a little ridiculous.

Yes, ridiculous!
Thinking about it carefully, I feel that this life is boring.

At the moment when he was about to die, Yan Chenjue let go.

Jiang Mingyun took a deep breath, and it took him a long time to breathe smoothly. He looked at Yan Chenjue in confusion.

The man glanced at him coldly, and said: "If she didn't want me to kill you, I would never let you live. Jiang Mingyun, please remember that Qingwu is mine, no matter what you have in your heart Thoughts, don't see her again in this life, otherwise, I will never make it easier for you."

Jiang Mingyun said solemnly: "She and I are not what you think. You... are so suspicious that it will only chill her."

He felt worthless for Qingwu in his heart, and felt that Yan Chenjue, relying on Qingwu's liking, acted recklessly and liked to think wildly.

Yan Chenjue gouged him out viciously, then glanced at Bai Mi on the ground, and said, "Stay here, don't even try to take your master away, I will give you a way out when I come back, otherwise, you two, whoever Don't even think about surviving."

After finishing speaking, Yan Chenjue turned and left.

Jiang Mingyun gritted his teeth, exerted all his spiritual power, and finally managed to break through Yan Chenjue's imprisonment.

But this also consumed almost all of Jiang Mingyun's spiritual power, making him very weak at the moment.

Jiang Mingyun couldn't care less, walked up to Bai Mi staggeringly, and helped him up, "Master, master..."

Under Jiang Mingyun's shout, Bai Mi opened his eyes with difficulty.

He held Jiang Mingyun's wrist tightly, "Mingyun, Yan Chenjue's thoughts are vicious. I'm afraid I won't let us live. It's not a pity for me to die alone, but Huaguangmen can't perish because of this. Master gives you the cultivation base, together with As the head of the Huaguang Sect, you should first think of a way to escape, endure it for a while, and revitalize the sect in the future."

Jiang Mingyun once wanted to be the sect master very much. His only wish in his life was to become the sect master of Huaguang sect, so he worked hard in cultivation and never slack off.

When he was young, his master taught him that those who achieve great things do not care about small things, so he developed a cold temper.

But since getting to know Qingwu, Yanchenjin and Jiang Qibai, he has gradually gained a bit of humanity.

Jiang Mingyun didn't know if such a self, who was obsessed with small favors and small affections, could still be worthy of a big responsibility.

Bai Mi raised one hand, and a delicate dagger was formed in the palm, and it was placed in front of Jiang Mingyun.

Jiang Mingyun was no stranger to this dagger, and was even a little afraid of it.

He remembered that his master used this dagger to kill his ancestor, and then succeeded him as the head of Huaguang Sect.

Jiang Mingyun shivered almost instinctively, wanting to back down.

But Bai Mi was one step ahead of him, and clenched his wrist, "Ming Yun, do you still remember this dagger?"

Jiang Mingyun nodded, but did not dare to answer.

Although, Jiang Mingyun felt that maybe he was thinking too much, but a thought kept popping up in his mind, the master wanted him to kill him with this dagger.

Bai Mi grinned and smiled strangely, "Don't underestimate this dagger, it's a good thing, it's a magic weapon. As long as you stab my heart with this dagger, he can immediately absorb all my cultivation at the peak , into mana for your use."

As he spoke, he moved the dagger towards Jiang Mingyun, motioning for Jiang Mingyun to take it.

But Jiang Mingyun was afraid, so he didn't reach out for the dagger, "Master, no...I...I can't do it!"

Bai Mi frowned and said: "Ming Yun, don't be afraid, this is not difficult. You are not killing me, you are fulfilling my wish, just like I fulfilled your master's last wish back then. You Do you still remember? I killed your master with my own hands, right in front of you. If I can do it, you can do it too."

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Mingyun always thought that her master was a lunatic, she only wanted to revitalize the Huaguang Sect, and had no other thoughts. Therefore, day and night, a demon was born, and the master who was possessed by the demon forced the master to kill her.

But until today, Jiang Mingyun learned another version from Bai Mi.

Could it be that the master killed the master willingly?
A chill ran up Jiang Mingyun's back, making him shiver all over.

He shook his head, "I can't do it, Master, I can't do it..."

Jiang Mingyun had never been so afraid, even if he almost died several times, he never had such a sense of fear.

But Bai Mi said: "Good boy, don't be afraid, Master is not good, and Master should not persecute you. This magic knife hides your master's inner demons. Once you use this dagger, your master's inner demons will be destroyed." I will follow you for the rest of my life. Forget it, Master can't bear it, and can only watch the Huaguang Gate collapse."

He leaned back and slowly closed his eyes.

Jiang Mingyun clenched his teeth, he was not afraid of demons, he just couldn't kill his master.

If a year ago, he might have done this without hesitation for the righteousness of the sect, but now, he can't do it.

Once a person has emotion, once he cherishes this emotion, he will become timid.

Jiang Mingyun is such a timid person now.

In less than a year, Jiang Mingyun has experienced too much.

There was a girl who taught him little love with her tenderness, and he belatedly began to doubt whether the so-called big love at all costs in the past was really big love.

In the past, he was afraid, afraid to face his own heart, but now he can bravely say that he likes Jiang Qibai, he cherishes Qingwu as a friend, and he respects his master.

Jiang Mingyun knew that he was blinded by the little love that his master had taught him to abandon, but he... was happy with it.

Bai Mi opened his eyes again and saw Jiang Mingyun's helpless expression. He said, "Mingyun, it's because Master is incompetent. I shouldn't let you take on the big responsibility alone. It's just that Master has regrets in his heart. Change, being able to occupy the position of the leader is really hard-won. You are the most important child of Master, and Master has no choice, and Master also..."

As he spoke, his voice began to choke.

Jiang Mingyun was silent, he was a little shaken.

Although he still felt that he couldn't deceive the master and destroy the ancestors, he didn't want the master to feel regretful.

Seeing that he was wavering, Bai Mi continued to say to him: "Ming Yun, I beg you to be a master, kill the master, can't you satisfy the only wish of the master?"

Jiang Mingyun shook his head in despair, "No, master, this is deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors, this is treason, I can't, I can't!"

Bai Mi shook his hand, "No, Mingyun, this is Master's last wish, this is Master's last wish. You are just fulfilling Master's wish. Master does not blame you, but is grateful to you. You just need to stab the dagger Only by going down can Master die in peace."

The dagger was stuffed into Jiang Mingyun's hands by Bai Mi.

Under Bai Mi's guidance tremblingly, he pressed the dagger to Bai Mi's heart.

Bai Mi's voice was like some kind of curse, echoing in Jiang Mingyun's ears one after another, "Pierce it, stab it..."

Jiang Mingyun's mind was a little blank and he couldn't concentrate.

Suddenly, a gust of palm wind knocked the dagger out of Jiang Mingyun's hand, Jiang Mingyun regained his sanity, and looked at Yan Chenjue in astonishment.

Before Jiang Mingyun could react, Yan Chenjue kicked Jiang Mingyun away, and the white jade brocade boots ruthlessly stepped on Bai Mi's heart, causing him to vomit another mouthful of blood.

Yan Chenjue said coldly: "Bai Mi, you really don't give up, you never forget to drag a back when you die!"

Bai Mi's eyes were full of killing intent, but he gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Yan Chenjue sneered, "I don't know? Or are you pretending to be confused? Do you really think that I have been by your side for so many years and know nothing about you? You really underestimate me. This dagger is your demon So, for the sake of being the head of the sect, you killed your master with your own hands, and the inner demons have been rampant ever since. In order not to be discovered by others, you can only continue to retreat and suppress the demonic nature."

As he said, he turned his head and glanced at Jiang Mingyun, with warning and contempt in his eyes, "What kind of deep love between master and apprentice, Jiang Mingyun, do you really think that your good master trains you to value you? He just wants to train you to be The other one, wait until the day he dies, so that he can use your body to lure the demon into your body and occupy your body."

Jiang Mingyun was shocked, and looked at Bai Mi in disbelief, "Master?"

Bai Mi frowned, "Ming Yun, don't believe that this villain is soliciting dissension. Master has never thought about it that way. Master just wants you to inherit the mantle."

Yan Chenjue spat at him, "You really know how to put on airs, Bai Mi."

He took out a jade mirror from his arms and said, "This is the memorial mirror of our demon clan. Do you dare to let Jiang Mingyun take a good look at your disgusting past and thoughts?"

Jiang Mingyun looked at the mirror and squinted his eyes. This mirror...why did he look familiar?

However, Bai Mi dodges in fear, not wanting to see her face reflected in the mirror in Yan Chenjue's hand.

Such actions made Yan Chenjue laugh endlessly, he threw the mirror in his hand on the ground, and the mirror suddenly fell apart, "It's just a mirror I just brought from your palace, Bai Mi, look at your current appearance, It's ridiculous to be so guilty that you can't even recognize the mirror in your own palace."

At this moment, Bai Mi's eyes shot out fierce light, taking advantage of Yan Chenjue's avatar, his arms kept groping on the ground, looking for the dagger.

Jiang Mingyun noticed his actions, and the moment his fingers were about to touch the dagger, Jiang Mingyun almost instinctively kicked the dagger away.

Hearing the sound of metal hitting the ground when the dagger was kicked away, Bai Mi looked at Jiang Mingyun in disbelief, "Jiang Mingyun, how dare you betray the master!"

Yan Chenjue laughed loudly, "Betraying the teacher? Bai Mi, you are so funny."

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand and spread his five fingers, and the dagger on the ground flew up from the ground unsteadily, and landed smoothly in Yan Chenjue's hand.

He looked down at Bai Mi from a high position, and compared the dagger directly above Bai Mi's chest, the man under his feet began to struggle crazily.

Yan Chenjue kicked him on the head fiercely, and said coldly: "What? Are you afraid? Are you afraid that I might not grab this dagger and stab it into your heart?"

He smiled coquettishly, bent down, and stared at Bai Mi, who had been kicked so badly, "Didn't I say that I was sowing discord? What are you afraid of now? Afraid that the dagger will fall by itself and stab you, making your heart demon Is there no place to take refuge? Bai Mi, look at your greedy face and fear of death, I feel disgusted when I see it."

Bai Mi looked as if he was going to die, and asked: "Yan Chenjin, you and I have been a master and apprentice, and it was not my intention that you were sent to Huaguang sect back then. Although I can't say that I treat you well, but I have never treated you harshly. You and I have no grievances, why are you so vicious and want to put me to death?"

It was good not to say these words, but when he said them, it hurt the wound in Yan Chenjue's heart even more, and the strength on his feet increased, causing Bai Mi to cough heavily.

"No injustice or enmity? Bai Mi, you killed the person I love the most, and now you have caused me to become like this, hated by the person I love. How dare you say that there is no injustice and no enmity?!"

Bai Mi couldn't understand this, but Jiang Mingyun knew it very well.

Yan Chenjue's hatred all comes from Qing Wu, Bai Mi killed her, he hates, Qing Wu refuses to accept him now, he also hates.

But he couldn't hate Qingwu, so all the hatred was transferred to Bai Mi.

Jiang Mingyun shivered violently.

He couldn't understand at first, Yan Chenjue hated Bai Mi, all he needed to do was kill him, why he wasted so much trouble to disturb the Xianmen.

A chilling thought came to his mind.

Yanchen hated not only Bai Mi, but also those disciples of the immortal sect who followed Bai Mi, supported Bai Mi, and killed Langya Mountain.

He hates each of them, and he won't let any of them go.

Jiang Mingyun finally understood that what Yan Chenjue wanted was not just the destruction of Huaguang Sect, he wanted the Xian Sect to kill each other, and then wiped them out completely, leaving no one behind.

(End of this chapter)

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