Chapter 127 Hard work for you
There was a rustling sound behind her, and a head poked over her shoulder and asked nervously, "Where does it hurt? Let me see."

Qingwu turned over, looked at the face that was close at hand, and touched his stomach.

Yan Chenjue couldn't see anything, so he quickly turned over and got down on the bed, "I'll call the doctor."

Seeing that he was about to leave, Qingwu got up quickly, "Hey, just come over and rub it."

The boy turned his head in surprise, and exchanged a glance with Qingwu.

Qingwu hurriedly looked away, feeling that he was still showing weakness, a little unhappy, and lay down again.

After waiting for a long time, without waiting for any movement from that person, Qingwu called him unhappily, "What are you doing sitting there stupidly, do you want me to die of pain?"

Yan Chenjue is not a fool, just now he was concerned about it, and now he realized Qingwu's meaning.

So, he quickly climbed up, and Qingwu was lying on his back very cooperatively, letting Yan Chenjue gently rub her belly.

Yan Chenjue cleared his throat and asked, "Is it better?"

Qingwu reacted greatly, and turned his head to stare at him, "It's no good, don't try to be lazy."

The young man was helpless, "I didn't want to be lazy, I was afraid that you would be uncomfortable."

Qingwu didn't speak any more, just pressed it against his arms, and grabbed the hem of his jacket with his fingers, even though there was a distance from his heart, Qingwu could still clearly hear the sonorous and powerful heartbeat of the young man.

After kneading for half an hour, Yan Chenjue didn't feel tired, but Qingwu felt bored, and said something insignificant to him, "Mother said, the plums in the palace are not enough for me, and I have to go out in person tomorrow." purchase."

Hearing the word 'Niangqin', Yan Chenjue's hands could not help but pause.

Qingwu noticed his actions and felt a little happy.

"Well, do you want to eat something else?" Yan Chenjue asked her.

Qingwu shook his head, "I don't want to bother my mother for such a small matter, so go buy it!"

"it is good."


He promised so straightforwardly that Qingwu was a little speechless for a while, so he could only chatter, "Mother said, in a few days, my belly is going to get bigger and I have to re-cut my clothes. You go buy fabrics."

"it is good."

Qingwu raised his eyes and stared at him, "Aside from being good, can't you say anything else?"

Yan Chenjue pursed his lower lips, and asked, "What does it feel like? It feels like a... baby in my stomach."

Qingwu looked down at his lower abdomen, and said: "I don't feel anything yet, but my mood is greatly affected, very irritable, easy to get angry, and... love to cry."

Qingwu has always been a person who rarely tears.

The experience of being alone at a young age made Qingwu feel that tears are useless, and no one loves her, and crying is for nothing, and as time goes by, I don't like to cry anymore.

It's annoying to say that when she became an adult, almost all of her tears were dedicated to Yan Chenjue.

In the past, I quarreled with him and cried because of awkwardness, but now that I cried too much, I was made pregnant by him.

Therefore, it is all to blame on him.

Yan Chenjue felt a little guilty, and kissed her on the cheek, "Thank you, sister Qing."

Fortunately, he didn't say sorry, otherwise Qingwu would be angry again.

Qingwu was tired, so he fell asleep in a daze, until he woke up in the morning, only to find that the boy beside him had already woken up, or...hadn't slept yet.

Yan Chenjue was still gently stroking Qingwu's lower abdomen, as if Qingwu didn't say to stop, so he couldn't stop.

Qing Wu touched his hand, said with a slight smile, "Okay, I don't feel any pain anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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