When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 133 Yan Chenjue's Purse

Chapter 133 Yan Chenjue's Purse
Qingwu's tone was not kind, "Where's Qibai?"

Guo Xirui changed his arrogance and replied tremblingly: "She's not here."

Qingwu frowned, if there was a table in front of her, she could smash it into pieces with one palm, "What do you mean she's not here? Where did she go? Guo Xirui, are you still a man? Could it be that on Girl's Day, Qibai has to go out and get busy?" , are you enjoying leisure at home?"

These words made the already irritable Guo Xirui furious, but because of Yan Chenjue's presence, he didn't dare to make trouble with Qingwu.

Although Guo Xirui didn't know him, but looking at his imposing appearance and his vicious eyes, he couldn't help feeling afraid.

He could only grit his teeth and say, "She hasn't come back for several days. Who knows where she went, maybe she was eaten by wild animals on the mountain."

Qingwu was so angry that he strode forward and grabbed Guo Xirui by the collar, "What the hell did you say? You have the guts to tell me again!"

It was as if sparks were about to burst out of her eyes.

Yan Chenjue was afraid that she would hurt him, so he quickly persuaded her, "Sister Qing, don't be angry, I'll take care of it, let go first."

Qingwu was so angry that her eyes were red, she turned her head, even Yan Chenjue wanted to scold, but when she saw the young man's clear eyes, she calmed down a bit.

She let go of Guo Xirui's collar, Yan Chenjue held her waist steadily, raised her long legs suddenly, and kicked Guo Xirui in the heart, kicking him several feet away.

Guo Xirui's back hit the door of the main house, making a muffled bang.

After a while, a disheveled woman hurried out of the room, arranging her clothes while coming out in a panic.

Seeing Guo Xirui lying on the ground, the woman panicked, "Brother Guo, Brother Guo, are you okay!"

Guo Xirui coughed a few times, spat out blood, and glared at Yan Chenjue fiercely, "Who are you? Why should you meddle in our affairs?"

That woman is even more crazy, she looks like a shrew and wants to show Guo Xirui.

She probably felt that Yan Chenjue, a handsome young man, would not attack a woman, and the other one with a big belly was not her opponent, so she dared to rush forward so arrogantly.

Before the woman touched Qing Wu, Yan Chenjue raised his hand suddenly, and with a palm wind, the woman who didn't know what to do or what to do flew out, and hit Guo Xirui heavily.

Guo Xirui was seriously injured in the first place, and was smashed by the woman, so he didn't care about the woman's life, so he tore the woman away with great effort, and shouted angrily: "Get out!"

The woman began to cry, "Brother Guo..."

Qingwu wished to go up and mend her feet again, but just now because of her emotional excitement, her stomach was aching a bit. She grabbed Yan Chenjue's arm, "My stomach... hurts a bit."

Yan Chenjue hugged Qingwu by the waist, "Let's find a place to rest first!"

He raised his hand to form an enchantment around the yard, preventing the couple from escaping while the two of them left.

Yan Chenjue went down the mountain with Qingwu in his arms, and wanted to find an inn to let Qingwu relax.

"It's okay, just take a medicine and you'll be fine." Saying that, Qingwu clutched his sleeve and groped in his arms for a while.

As a result, instead of touching the box of pills given by the old doctor, he touched a soft cloth bag.

Qingwu took it out and saw that it was a very delicate purse, elegant turquoise, like water waves, with a pair of beautiful mandarin ducks swimming in the middle of the water.

Yan Chenjue only glanced at the purse, then blushed completely, and quickly looked away, not daring to look any further.

When Qingwu raised his head with questioning eyes, what he saw was the panicked look of the young man, and because of his excessive nervousness, his feet almost missed the ground.

He didn't wait for the person in his arms to laugh or joke, but instead waited for Qingwu to sob.

Yan Chenjue panicked, and quickly stopped, "What's the matter, sister Qing, don't cry, don't cry... If you don't like it, just throw it away, don't cry!"

He thought that the purse he embroidered was too ugly, and Qingwu disliked it.

But I didn't expect that Qing Wu would hold the purse and accuse him: "Okay, Yan Chenjue, you are really capable, I didn't know when you took advantage of my distraction and took other people's purse."

Saying that, Qingwu hammered him on the shoulder a few times angrily, "Smelly man, you and that Guo Xirui are the same kind, I hate you to death!"

Yan Chenjue was afraid that she would move too much and feel more uncomfortable, so he quickly grabbed her wrist, "Sister Qing, I confiscated the purse, this is... I made it myself."

Although this is the truth, it is really embarrassing for Yan Chenjue to say it in person.

Qing Wu was so angry that he threw the purse in his face, "Who are you lying to? You are a big man, what are you doing as a purse? You are clearly empathizing with someone else, I...I...ah...it hurts...it hurts... ..."

She clutched her stomach in pain, Yan Chenjue hurriedly sat her down on the big rock by the roadside, then took out a box of pills and fed her.

Qingwu slapped his hand away, "I don't want to eat, you wish to hurt me to death, so that you and other people can live together, and I'll forget it..."

Yan Chenjue knew that she was stimulated by Guo Xirui and the woman of unknown origin, so she was thinking wildly at the moment, so she could only explain it over and over again.

She refused to cooperate, refused to take medicine, Yan Chenjue could only feed her mouth to mouth.

After kissing him, Qingwu scolded him dirty again and cried even harder.

Yan Chenjue wiped her tears, and said: "Sister Qing, you forgot, you said it yourself. Last year today, in front of the God of Ten Thousand Buddhas, you said that you made a wish and wanted a man who can embroider purses Do you remember? I have been embroidering this purse for several days, my mother taught me, and she can testify to me that I really embroidered it."

He showed the purse to Qingwu in a panic, and pointed at Yuanyang's belly, "Look carefully, there are also your and my names I embroidered here."

Qingwu has been tearing up, how can I see clearly.

She wiped away her tears indiscriminately for a while, and then she managed to see that the two names 'Qingwu' and 'Yanchenjue' were really embroidered on the stomachs of the pair of mandarin ducks with silk thread that was darker than the original coat color.

It was only then that Qingwu realized that he seemed to have really misunderstood Yan Chenjue, and regretted that he was crying and making noise just now, and scolded him like a shrew.

"I'm sorry, I misunderstood, you...don't be angry with me." Qingwu apologized softly.

Qingwu felt that since she was pregnant, she seemed to be a different person, going crazy and disregarding everything, without the slightest bit of decency.

She covered her face and sobbed uncontrollably, "Isn't what I did just now...very annoying?"

Yan Chenjue hugged her and coaxed her gently, "No, no, Sister Qing is not annoying, Sister Qing is just angry, just fluctuating mood. I don't blame you, nor angry, I know you don't mean it, don't Crying, it’s all my fault, I should have brought it to you sooner.”

Qingwu sniffed and put his arms around his neck, "How did I become like this?"

"It's not your fault, it's just because of the pregnancy. It's the child's fault, not you. You won't be like this when the child is born. Don't be afraid, I'll be with you." Yan Chenjue whispered softly said.

Qingwu rubbed against his neck, "If I keep doing this from now on, will you... find me annoying?"

Yan Chenjue stroked her black hair, shook her head, "No, I won't, I don't dislike anything about Sister Qing."

When Qingwu's mood stabilized, the abdominal pain also disappeared.

She carefully put away the purse, and couldn't help but press it twice through the clothes, "I didn't expect that your handwork is so good, the embroidery is so beautiful."

Qingwu thought of the pink purse with big green dots that he embroidered, compared with this one, it was simply unsightly.

"The one I gave you before, do you still have it with you?" Qing Wu looked at him eagerly.

Yan Chenjue took out the lotus root pink purse from under the clothes around his waist, and handed it to Qingwu, "I keep it with me all the time."

Qingwu took the purse, opened it carefully, and there was a piece of 'Little Pig' Qiaoguo hidden inside.

She made this fruit by herself at this time last year, and she still remembered, "You still keep this?"

Yan Chenjue replied shyly, "I'll keep what you gave me."

The 'Little Pig' Qiaoguo has been stored for a year, and Yanchenjue apparently cast a spell to keep it from becoming moldy and corrupt.

Qingwu remembered that Jiang Mingyun also carefully kept Qibai's Qiaoguo like this, she was still laughing at Jiang Mingyun at the time, but now I know that Yan Chenjue also carefully collected everything she gave him.

Suddenly moved, Qingwu came up to him, hugged his neck and kissed him twice.

The boy kissed her forehead back, treating her like a treasure.

Although Qingwu recovered a little, Yan Chenjue was worried that she would get angry again when she saw Guo Xirui and that woman again, so she decided to take her down the mountain first.

When they arrived at the inn, Yan Chenjue wanted to leave Qingwu to rest, but Qingwu was worried about Jiang Qibai and wanted to find her.

Yan Chenjue could only persuade her, "You are inconvenient now, and I am also afraid that you will be hurt. Let me handle this matter, and I promise to bring Jiang Qibai to you completely, okay?"

Qingwu shook his head without letting go of his hand.

Yan Chenjue remembered that before the two of them left, Mrs. Yu had told him not to leave Qingwu, no matter how important the matter was, never leave her alone.

This pregnant woman is the most fragile and easily agitated. If he is not around to watch, something might happen, and it will be too late to regret it.

After thinking about it, Yan Chenjue dismissed the idea, and could only say, "I'll accompany you and call two dummies to look for it, do you think it's okay?"

Qingwu hesitated, "Is your dummy reliable?"

This statement is not without foundation.

The illusion of the dummy was taught to him by Qingwu.

Back then in Langya Mountain, Qingwu figured out the technique of transformation, but the dummy he transformed was all sluggish, and couldn't maintain a human appearance after only an hour.

The behavior of the dummy needs to be manipulated by the illusioned person with his thoughts, so Qingwu called it a useless spell.

Yan Chenjue waved his long sleeves, and immediately two dummies that were exactly the same as those born by Yan Chenjue appeared out of thin air.

Seeing that there was no difference between the dummy and the real one, Qingwu waved at one of the dummy, "Come here!"

The boy approached her, and she held her hand, "Kiss me!"

Yan Chenjue at the side couldn't stand it anymore, frowned and pushed the dummy away, a little unhappy, "Sister Qing, I'm still here, how can you get close to the dummy in front of me?"

Qingwu smiled, and said: "I just want to see if he has thoughts, and if he will really listen to me."

The dummy that was pushed away scratched its head and said, "I have thoughts, but I dare not kiss you."

Qingwu couldn't help laughing, and poked Yan Chenjue's chest, "Stingy, are you so fierce to yourself?"

Yan Chenjue waved his hand, and the two dummies jumped out of the window of the room, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that Qingwu was still staring blankly at the direction the dummy left, the young man held her face in his hands, and turned her gaze to himself, "Sister Qing, don't look, I'm going to be jealous."

Qingwu came up to him, touched his lips, and looked at him stickyly, "Don't be jealous, I like you the most, baby."

Yan Chenjue's eyes trembled slightly, and his voice softened, "It's been a long, long time since you called me baby."

During these days, Qingwu's temper was not very good, and her memory was not very good, so she asked him with a smile, "Then what do I call you?"

"Yan Chenjue, you always call me that. In the past, at least you would call me Ah Jin, but now I only have my full name." Yan Chenjue complained aggrievedly, but her voice was weak, and she was afraid of herself. To put it bluntly, Qing Wu was not happy.

Qingwu pinched his face, and said: "So, what's your name? I don't ask you about the past, and you don't know how to explain yourself?"

Yan Chenjue pursed his lips, with a dignified expression, "I don't know how to tell you, I'm afraid you won't be happy, I'm afraid you'll be angry with me, I... I dare not say it."

That's right, ever since Yan Chenjue's identity was revealed, Qingwu seldom gave him a good look.

Even though it has been two or three months now, Qingwu sometimes feels stuffy when he thinks about it.

It's rare to talk about this topic today, so I simply talked about it, so as to save the two of them from always having such a thing between them, and no one can get through it.

Qingwu leaned against him, smelling the warm fragrance of plum blossoms, and relaxed, "Then whatever I ask you today, you have to answer truthfully."

Yan Chenjue nodded, "Okay, you can ask."

"Are you Yan Chenjin or Yan Chenjue? What's going on with you and Xiao Yan?"

Yan Chenjue was silent for a moment, then said lightly: "I am Yan Chenjue, Xiao Yan is Yanchenjin, he is my younger brother, and he and I are brothers of the same mother."

Actually, Qingwu already knew this point, what she wanted to know was... "Then why do you bear the name Yanchenjin?"

Yan Chenjue said in embarrassment: "It's a long story."

Qingwu raised his eyes and glared at him, "Then you can make a long story short."

The boy sighed heavily and said, "Okay."

Yan Chenjue was only 15 years old that year, because his mother was not loved by his father and he was an empty-headed demon princess, so he had to be bullied.

Therefore, he has a gentle temperament, never dares to cause trouble, is quiet and doesn't like to talk.

Back then, Xianmen fought a battle with Yaozu, Yaozu was defeated and had to bow down to Xianmen.

(End of this chapter)

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