There is no way to gamble, but my heart is still itchy, and I can't help but want to go to the gambling house and watch others gamble.

If he only cares about money, he will naturally be disgusted by the gambling house.

If you say Guo Xirui is also thick-skinned, he will come no matter how he is chased or scolded.

Jiang Mingyun saw that Guo Xirui finally sneaked in when there were many people, but he didn't want to go to such a messy place, so he turned and left.

Until three days ago, Jiang Mingyun still followed Jiang Qibai as usual, but he saw her sitting there alone, hunched over, selling fruits.

Occasionally there are even a few unseemly women clamoring for cheaper prices.

Jiang Qibai was originally not articulate, especially when he was nervous, his face would turn red and he could not speak, so he was bullied a lot.

Today was even worse. A woman in her 40s bargained for a long time, and she had to buy a few fruits before leaving.

Jiang Qibai stopped the woman anxiously, "I...I won't sell...I won't sell it to you..."

But the woman shouted unreasonably, "You won't sell it if you say you won't sell it? How do you do business? Do you know who I am? Who in this town would dare not sell me something? You don't even ask. Do you dare to sell it to me, believe it or not, I will call someone later and smash all your fruits, and see if you dare to challenge me!"

Jiang Qibai was frightened, but still insisted, "You can' can't do this, you are...forcibly buying...forcibly selling, not right."

The woman ignored her, slapped Jiang Qibai backhand, and then pushed her hard, "Is it up to you? If you have the ability, you can report to the official to see if you are ignored." stammer!"

Jiang Qibai watched the woman walk away swaggeringly, wanted to chase after her, but was afraid that the fruit would be stolen if he was not around, so he had no choice but to give up.

Just as he turned around and sat back on the stone, there was a sudden sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Jiang Qibai looked up in astonishment, only to see Jiang Mingyun was dressed in white, with a slight anger on his face.

And the naughty woman just now had already been kicked to the ground by him.

The berries in the woman's arms fell to the ground and fell to pieces. They were bright red and looked like blood.

Jiang Qibai was a little taken aback.

She had never seen Jiang Mingyun like this before.

In Jiang Qibai's eyes, Jiang Mingyun is a high-ranking rich son, a leader in the fairy sect, even more dignified and noble, he will not fuss over trivial matters, let anything to women.

That woman was not a good stubble, after being kicked, she got up staggeringly, crying and shouting, "Come on, someone is killing someone, someone is killing someone, help!"

But the people who came and went looked at this noble young man and that unreasonable woman as if they were watching.

This town is not big, and most of the people who come and go are acquaintances, especially those like the golden widow, who are unreasonable and unreasonable, and everyone knows it.

None of the people who came and went came forward to meddle in their business, half of them were frightened by the fairy sword on Jiang Mingyun's back, so they dared to step forward;

Seeing that there was no one to help, Widow Jin didn't show any weakness. She strode forward, trying to pull Jiang Mingyun's clothes,
Jiang Mingyun just took a step back calmly, and the golden widow jumped into the air, fell heavily to the ground, and knocked out a front tooth.

Blood gushed out of her mouth, and the golden widow screamed in pain.

Jiang Mingyun still had a cold face, and said calmly: "You hit me just now, and you deserve it."

These words really didn't seem like something Jiang Mingyun could say.

The others only felt that this young man was precious and untouchable, so they couldn't help but backed away.

Only Jiang Qibai knew in his heart that Jiang Mingyun was... helping her!

She stood up and wanted to speak, but saw Jiang Mingyun winking at her, turned and left.

It took a while for Jiang Qibai to react, he quickly collected the fruit, and went in the direction where Jiang Mingyun left.

No matter what, Mr. Jiang helped her, so she had to thank Mr. Jiang.

Walking out of the small town, Jiang Qibai finally caught up with Jiang Mingyun on the country road home.

The man in fluttering white clothes stood in the middle of the green grassy path, feeling a bit out of place.

Jiang Qibai felt that Jiang Mingyun was noble, and he should handle important affairs in the resplendent fairy gate, instead of appearing in such a remote and barren place to deal with trivial matters of the world.

Jiang Mingyun was waiting for her, she quickened her pace and ran up, "Young Master Jiang, Young Master Jiang..."

Running too fast, his feet were unsteady, and he almost tripped over a small stone on the road.

Fortunately, Jiang Mingyun caught her quickly with sharp eyes and hands, so he escaped death.

Jiang Qibai blushed, quickly broke free, and stammered, "I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang, I... I didn't... mean it."

And the noble and indifferent young man just nodded slightly, "I know."

Jiang Mingyun wouldn't misunderstand, and he couldn't misunderstand, so what could be wrong?Did she throw herself into her arms on purpose?
This was what Jiang Mingyun couldn't wait for.

Although he despised the situation of wanting to get close to a married woman, he couldn't help thinking that Guo Xirui is not a good person, if Jiang Qibai is willing to be with him...

Realizing that he was thinking too much, Jiang Mingyun quickly shook his head to shake off the distracting thoughts in his mind.

He shouldn't be!
Jiang Qibai said gratefully: "Thank you Mr. Jiang...for your understanding, today...thank you Mr. Jiang for your help...for your help. Presumably, Madam Jin...will not embarrass me again in the future."

This lesson was enough for the golden widow to go home and lie down for ten days and half a month.

Jiang Mingyun coughed lightly, and said duplicity: "I'm not helping you, I just... don't like being touched by others."

Jiang Qibai didn't care what Jiang Mingyun's original intention was. All in all, he helped her, and she should be grateful.

The two were silent for a moment, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Jiang Qibai said: "Mr. Jiang, why...appear here?"

Jiang Mingyun finally used his reason, "I came to subdue the demon, I'm wandering in all directions now, and I just happened to pass by here."

Said it out, the reason is used up.

Next time I want to see her again, what reason should I use?

Jiang Mingyun's eyes darkened, and a soreness emerged in his heart.

Jiang Qibai didn't know what was going on in his mind, but just nodded, "So that's how it is. Today, thanks to Mr. Jiang's help, I also... have nothing to repay. Mr. Jiang... Do you want to stay and have a meal?"

She had a natural expression, apparently no longer had the previous barriers.

Ever since the day before Jiang Qibai got married, Jiang Mingyun mustered up the courage to tell her the fact that he liked her, and it was like a wall separated the two of them.

Even the way Jiang Qibai looked at him was dodging.

Qingwu persuaded him at that time, let him speak out, so as to avoid regret in the future.

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