Chapter 14 Too Heavy, Eat Less
Yan Chenjin turned into a fox in a hurry, tightly wrapped around her feet, but was kicked by Qingwu without checking.

The little fox fell to the ground and whimpered, but Qingwu's heart ached.

She didn't kick him on purpose!It's really not intentional.

Cheng Anyi was furious, "Lu Yaoqing, how dare you bully Ah Jin like this?"

Qingwu was on fire in his belly, bent down and picked up the little fox, "So what if I bully him, you are really blind, didn't you see that he was rushing to bully me?"

Others don't know Lu Yaoqing's personality, but Cheng Anyi knows it very well.

Lu Yaoqing, who was originally timid, spoke so sharply at this moment, and had no intention of forbearance.

Cheng Anyi narrowed his eyes, "Aren't you Lu Yaoqing?"

Qingwu sneered, and said: "I am Lu Yaoqing, but I am not the Lu Yaoqing who was bullied before. It is unknown whether I can leave here alive this time, and you still hope that I will be angry with you when I die? Cheng An Yi, what do you think you are? Greedy for life, afraid of death, and pretending, I have endured you enough, seeing your hypocritical face makes me sick!"

These words undoubtedly ignited Cheng Anyi's fuse, and there was a bang, "You, why do you say that about me? What are you? You think you are great after saving us once? You are just a mud Bitch who can't support the wall, if I don't teach you a lesson today, I won't be Cheng!"

After finishing speaking, Cheng Anyi drew out his sword and pointed it at Qingwu.

Qingwu drew Zhao Jinying's saber with his backhand, blocking Cheng Anyi's blade.

Qing Wu was still hugging a fox, so he gave Cheng Anyi a hand, but in the fight, he was not inferior to Cheng Anyi at all, on the contrary, he gained the upper hand.

Although Qing Wu had tried his best to deal with the moves that Lu Yao Qing had learned in his memory, he still had to make a quick decision, the longer it was delayed, the easier it would be for people to discover the flaws.

Within a dozen strokes, the sword edge cut Cheng Anyi's cheek, and while she was distracted, Qingwu knocked her down with the hilt of the sword.

Cheng Anyi touched his left cheek and saw the bright red blood, "Lu Yaoqing, you... how dare you scratch my face, I'll kill you, I'll kill you!"

Qingwu glanced at her indifferently, and returned the sword in his hand to Zhao Jinying's scabbard, "Let's talk about it when you have the ability!"

However, Cheng Anyi has many followers, several teenagers jumped out to defend Cheng Anyi.

Qingwu sees that there is nowhere to stay in this place, so he might as well not come back now.

She looked at Zhao Jinying apologetically, and said, "Brother Zhao, I'm sorry, I don't think this place can keep me. If you have anything to say, tell me now."

Zhao Jinying was also shocked by this farce, not to mention Qingwu was holding Yanchenjin in his arms, he just waved his hand, "It's nothing serious."

After seeing him like this, Qingwu remembered that he was still holding Yan Chenjin, "Senior Brother Yan, please ask Senior Brother Zhao to take care of it."

As she spoke, she handed the fox in her arms to Zhao Jinying, but those four little paws were tightly gripping her clothes and would not let go.

The little fox raised his head and shook his head with tears in his eyes.

Qingwu sighed heavily, "Forget it, I'll take him with me."

Zhao Jinying nodded and said: "Junior Sister Lu, I am soft-spoken and can't say much, so don't be angry."

Qingwu smiled slightly, "No."

Walking out of the ancestral hall, Qingwu slapped the little fox hard on the soft buttocks, "It will make me angry, you little rascal!"

The little fox snorted and hid.

Qingwu sighed, feeling remorseful in her heart, why did she bother to get angry with him?
It's not that she doesn't know this little guy's temperament, so why?
It's just that it's common for him to like to make troubles, but it's rare to go so far.

Qingwu picked up the two front hooves of the little fox, raised him up, and met the eyes of the aggrieved fox, "Why did you lose your temper just now?"

The little fox blinked its eyes a few times, arched its nose, and slid its bright red tongue across Qingwu's cheek.

Qingwu's expression softened a little, "Don't try to get away with it."

A big fluffy tail was raised, and it gently swept the back of her hand that was holding him, fawning on her.

Being hugged back into his arms again, the fox's tail rubbed against Qingwu's palm.

When he is angry, he behaves mischievously, and when he is flattering, he does everything he can.

Qingwu rubbed his tail, shook his head helplessly, "I really can't do anything with you, you are not allowed to do this in the future, do you hear me?"

The little fox shook his head.

Still cute like a fox.

Qingwu picked some fruits in the mountains to satisfy his hunger, and fed them to Yan Chenjin, but he refused to eat them.

"What did you promise just now? Still losing your temper?" Qingwu scolded him.

The little fox shook his head and whispered, "I... I'm not hungry."

From the night before yesterday, when Qingwu saw him, this kid hadn't eaten anything, and he hasn't eaten or drank for nearly two days now.

This fox is not made of iron, how could it not be hungry?
Qingwu put the fruit to his mouth, "Don't make me angry, eat it quickly."

The little fox turned his head away and said in a low voice, "Don't... I'm not hungry, I'm really not hungry."

He said he was not hungry, but there was a wail from his stomach, complaining of hunger.

The two snow-white ears trembled and were stained with a blush.

Qingwu asked patiently: "Still angry?"

The little fox shook his head, "No."

"You're not angry, why don't you want to eat?" Qingwu pressed.

The little fox lowered his eyelids and whispered: "I... am too heavy, I need to eat less."

With his weight, Qingwu can lift it with one hand. How heavy is it?

Qingwu was helpless, "No one thinks you are heavy, and besides, eating less does not mean not eating. Do you want to starve to death?"

Yan Chenjin didn't say a word, but faced the fruit that Qingwu handed to his mouth again, he opened his mouth.

The fruit is very sweet, very fragrant, the juice flows between the lips and teeth, and the taste is wonderful.

Qing Wu pursed his lips and said with a smile: "How is it? Is it delicious? Be good, eat another one."

The little fox is very obedient, she feeds him, and he eats it.

Qingwu never thought it was difficult to raise a fox until he had this humble monk body.

She couldn't help but sigh in her heart, she is not yet a mortal, so she finds it hard to take care of pets, it can be seen that ordinary people would suffer if they want to raise such a pet.

It was extremely hot in the afternoon that day, and Qingwu sat in the shade under the tree and felt sweaty all over.

I remembered that there was a mountain spring nearby, I could go to wash my face, and it would be good to cool off.

It's just that the sun was very poisonous, and Qingwu really didn't want to walk under the sun, so he endured it until the sun was about to go down, and then set off.

The mountain spring is surrounded by a forest, covered in the shade of trees.

If I knew this place was so cool, I should have come here under the sun.

The spring water was cool, Qingwu took a couple of sips of it with his hands, and washed his face again.

(End of this chapter)

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