When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 142 You are the most important

Qingwu said aggrievedly: "I was pregnant alone, and he ignored me, hiding in the demon clan and doing bad things secretly, it's really hateful."

However, she didn't know that at this moment, a certain 'hateful' person was hiding his body, sitting beside her, listening to her complaints, feeling a dull pain in his heart.

Jiang Qibai was indeed infected by Qingwu's sympathetic words, and explained for Yan Chenjue: "No, Mr. Yan... must not know, otherwise, he would definitely not... like this."

Qingwu sniffed, and said: "He has more things to go too far, just leave me alone. In order to see him, I begged Ye Lanyu regardless of face, and Ye Lanyu was whitewashed. Mi was seriously injured, and I felt ashamed, so I had to take care of him. Fortunately, he said that I was shameless when we met, and that it was too much for me to hook up with Ye Lanyu while he was away!"

Yan Chenjue was startled, opened his mouth, and wanted to explain, but he never said that, absolutely never!

He was wronged, he was really wronged!
Jiang Qibai also followed Qingwu and vented, "It's too much, how can this be, men are too much, I'm so...working so hard, running around for this family. But he...while I'm not around, with other women Back and forth, I really... really didn't expect, how could this kind of thing happen... to me. "

Seeing the effect, Qingwu continued to complain about Yan Chenjue, "They are not good things, stinking men. I finally got everything right, so I was waiting to see him, but he led someone to kill Huaguangmen He also changed his identity, treated me fiercely, and lied to me that Ah Jin was dead, which made me almost commit suicide by hunger strike."

Jiang Qibai widened his eyes, "Why is this happening, Ah Qing, do you... have any problems? Do you... feel unwell, are you okay?"

"I'm fine now, and I survived those days. You don't know, I was really sad at that time, and I hoped to die every day." Qingwu said, tears began to flow non-stop fall down.

Originally, Qingwu said these words with the intention of comforting Jiang Qibai, but now when it comes to the pain point, he also feels that Yan Chenjue is really a jerk.

She really shouldn't forgive him so easily.

Jiang Qibai also understood that it was not easy for anyone.

Even Qingwu, who is being pampered like this now, has suffered such grievances.

She always thought that Ah Qing was a free and unrestrained person, but she didn't expect that there would be times when Mr. Yan forced her to seek death.

Qingwu became more and more excited, "He doesn't care about me at all, he only cares about the child in my stomach. I told him to withdraw troops, but he didn't listen to me at all. If it wasn't for this child, he wouldn't care about me, he wouldn't listen to me .”

Jiang Qibai couldn't care about himself anymore, and comforted him again and again, "Ah Qing, don't cry, don't be sad, Mr. Yan...although he is too much, but he definitely... still cares about you."

Qingwu cried even harder, "No, he doesn't want me at all, maybe he will kick me away when I give birth to a child. He obviously knows that I am pregnant, and my belly is so big , He didn't even once say that he wanted to marry me. Qibai, I gave birth to him without getting married, and he just wanted to wait for the child to be born, and then dumped me."

"No, no, Mr. Yan won't, Ah Qing, don't think too much, just don't... think too much." Jiang Qibai stammered to comfort him.

Seeing things go off track, Yan Chenjue, who came from the sky, couldn't care less, and was about to show up when he heard a knock on the door.

Jiang Qibai's heart was about to break when he saw Qingwu crying, so he should have asked Yan Chenjue to come in and coax him, so as not to create any suspicion.

"Come in." Jiang Qibai said hoarsely.

Taking advantage of the moment Jiang Mingyun opened the door, Yan Chenjue's soul returned to his body and followed Jiang Mingyun in.

Seeing that he followed in, Jiang Mingyun was taken aback, but didn't say anything.

Just now he was worried that Jiang Qibai would be hungry, so he went out to get some food and brought it.

But as soon as he came in, Jiang Qibai, who thought he would be heartbroken, had a worried look on his face. Instead, the pregnant woman who came to persuade him was crying.

Jiang Mingyun lowered his voice and asked Yan Chenjue, "What's going on?"

Yan Chenjue's face was ugly, and he gave him a sideways glance, "Don't worry!"

When Jiang Qibai saw Yan Chenjue, he hurriedly said: "Young Master Yan, Ah Qing is crying so much, hurry up...coax her!"

Yan Chenjue sat down beside her, "Sister Qing, don't cry, let's not disturb Miss Jiang's rest, let's change the room, shall we?"

He reached out to hold her hand, but she avoided it.

Yan Chenjue panicked completely, her voice trembled uncontrollably, "Sister Qing."

Qingwu looked at him with tears in his eyes, and then opened his arms, beckoning him to hug him.

This made Yanchenjue heave a sigh of relief, hugged Qingwu in his arms, and went out.

It happened that no one lived next door, so Yan Chenjue took this room, and when she carried Qingwu in, she was still sobbing and crying.

Yan Chenjue put her on the soft quilt, hugged her and coaxed her, "Don't cry, sister Qing, your eyes are swollen from crying, does your stomach hurt?"

This was originally a word of concern, but it caused Qingwu to cry even louder, "I don't want you to worry about it, go away!"

Yan Chenjue didn't know what he said wrong, his eyes turned red, and he was about to cry.

He didn't dare to let go, he could only apologize over and over again.

Qingwu cried for a while, then lay on his shoulder and complained, "You only care about your child, don't you?"

Yan Chenjue shook his head like a rattle, and quickly denied, "No, no, I care about you, Sister Qing, naturally I care about you more."

Seeing the anxious look of the young man, Qingwu's originally annoyed mood eased a lot, "Then tell me, who is the most important?"

This question was like a child, Yan Chenjue thought he was the only one to tell her, but now he returned everything.

"Of course you are the most important, sister Qing, you are more important than my life." Yan Chenjue said reverently.

Qingwu punched him on the shoulder, "Liar, you are a liar, how many times have you lied to me?"

Yan Chenjue wiped her tears distressedly, "I will never dare again, Sister Qing, I will never lie to you again, I promise. If I lie to you again, I will die a terrible death."

These words failed to comfort Qingwu, but made her cry even harder, "You want me to be a widow, don't you?"

"No, no, I didn't think so, I'm sorry, Sister Qing." Yan Chenjue felt that everything he said was wrong now, he dared not speak, and dared not ignore her, it was really embarrassing.

When Qing Wu's crying became quieter, Yan Chenjue sighed and asked her, "Sister Qing, didn't you go to comfort Miss Jiang? Why are you so sad?"

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