With that said, Jiang Mingyun poured her a glass of water and brought it to her by the bed.

Jiang Qibai sat up, took the water glass, and said gratefully: "During these days, you have worked so hard, Mr. Jiang...to take care of me."

Jiang Mingyun shook his head, and said, "Compared to the days at Chaos Gate, this is nothing at all. Miss Jiang, I...I have something to say to you."

Jiang Qibai was not a fool, she could see what Jiang Mingyun wanted to say, but she didn't want to think too much about it, and didn't want a dirty person like herself to dishonor Mr. Jiang's reputation.

"I... must I say it?" Jiang Qibai lowered his eyes and asked in a low voice.

These words made Jiang Mingyun's courage, which he had worked up with great difficulty, sink heavily again.

Probably because of those previous experiences, Jiang Mingyun couldn't help but wonder if he was too self-indulgent and conceited.

What is it that he likes Miss Jiang?

Even if he likes it, even if Miss Jiang can let go of Guo Xirui, then...she will like him, will she accept him?

Jiang Mingyun's eyes darkened, he forced his lips together, and smiled ugly, "Sorry, if Miss Jiang doesn't want to hear it, there's no need to say it."

When the sky was completely dark, the four of them gathered together for a meal.

At the dinner table, Qingwu clearly felt that the atmosphere between Jiang Mingyun and Jiang Qibai was not right.

She squeezed Yan Chenjue's leg under the table, motioning him to say something to break the weird atmosphere.

Yan Chenjue coughed lightly, and said, "What's Miss Jiang going to do in the future?"

Qingwu glared at him sideways, reminding him that he had said something wrong and should not poke Jiang Qibai's sore spot at this moment.

But that man didn't have the slightest intention to restrain himself, instead he gave her a shallow smile and gave her a piece of sour plum cake.

Jiang Qibai is not a shy person. Although he looks weak on the outside, he is still strong inside.

She shook her head, "I haven't thought about it yet. I'm going to...leave here for the time being. I...have lived...near Chaos Mountain...and now I want...to go for a walk."

Hearing what she said, Qingwu's eyes lit up, "Qibai, if you haven't decided where to go, do you want to go back to the Yaozu with us? If you live together, you can still meet often, how about it?"

Before Jiang Qibai could answer, she added: "I'm going to give birth in a few months, you are the godmother of this child, don't you want to grow up with him? Besides, you will also come when you get married in the future Yes, rather than being inconvenient to come and go at that time, why not... come with us!"

Jiang Qibai thought about it seriously, and said, "That's fine."

After all, the cautious girl looked at Yan Chenjue, as if she was seeking the other party's consent.

Qing Wu smiled and said: "Don't worry about him, our family, I have the final say."

Yan Chenjue was not annoyed, on the contrary, he was very happy to hear such words, and smiled gently at Qingwu.

On the other hand, Jiang Mingyun just kept his head buried in the rice without saying a word.

Yan Chenjue cleared his throat, raised his eyebrows and looked at Jiang Mingyun, and said, "I still need a servant to deliver a message in front of the palace. I wonder if Mr. Jiang is interested?"

Jiang Mingyun, who was named, raised his head, a little surprised, "What?"

Qing Wu said with a smile: "A Jue asks you, do you want to go back to the Yaozu with us?"

Jiang Mingyun was a little silent, he naturally wanted to go, not for anything else but because Miss Jiang wanted to go with Qingwu.

But he wasn't sure if Miss Jiang wanted him to go, if Miss Jiang didn't want to see him, he would rather let go of his stubbornness.

He didn't answer for a long time, Jiang Qibai said in a low voice: "Young master Jiang... has the world in mind, the servants in front of the palace... I'm afraid it's..."

She finished speaking halfway, and didn't continue, for fear that what she said would not make Yan Chenjue unhappy.

Qing Wu squeezed Yan Chenjue's waist, "What kind of servant in front of the palace, don't listen to his nonsense, if he dares to arrange this position for you, I will not be the first to spare him."

After all, she winked at Yan Chenjue.

It's true that Yan Chenjue didn't really want to arrange such an inferior position for Jiang Mingyun, it's just that the quarrel with him today hasn't got over, and he deliberately teased him.

Yan Chenjue rubbed his slender waist and said angrily, "One general is missing."

"It's not for this reason," Jiang Mingyun raised his eyes and glanced at Jiang Qibai, "I'm afraid Miss Jiang will feel uncomfortable seeing me."

Jiang Qibai quickly explained, "I... I didn't... I didn't mean that."

Jiang Mingyun was stunned, and asked in a low voice: "Then, does Miss Jiang want me to go?"

These words made Jiang Qibai's face blush immediately, "I... Ah Qing just needs to be happy."

Qingwu hurriedly picked up the conversation, "Of course I'm happy, friends, we're all together, seeing you when you look down, how nice! Don't you think so?"

Yan Chenjue winked and nodded, "Well, it's pretty good."

Fearing that the two of them would change their minds while talking, Qing Wu hurriedly said: "Then it's settled, we'll set off early in the morning."

Jiang Qibai was puzzled, "The day after tomorrow?"

Qingwu rubbed his nose and said: "Well, my body can't run around for a long time, so I will take a day off tomorrow and leave here the day after tomorrow, how about it?"

The girl's eyes darkened, "I... have one more thing... that needs to be resolved."

Qingwu knew what she was talking about, her so-called rest tomorrow was not really a rest, but was planning to do that for Jiang Qibai.

She patted Jiang Qibai's shoulder with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, I'll solve this matter for you, okay?"

Jiang Qibai was silent for a long time, "Ah Qing, I..." I didn't know what to do.

Qingwu held her hand and said: "I know you are confused now, if you haven't made up your mind yet, we will wait a while and leave. If you want, I can help you solve it. If you want to solve it yourself, I will also I won't interfere, it's all up to you, Qibai."

The girl squeezed the chopsticks in her hand tightly, and said firmly, "I think, I can solve it myself."

"Okay, I'll go with you." Qingwu said seriously.

Jiang Qibai glanced at her gratefully, "Thank you, Ah Qing."

Qing Wu smiled and said: "Why are you being polite, you are my child's godmother, why don't you say thank you? Come on, eat more and get stronger, so you can find that bastard theory."

As she spoke, she put a lot of vegetables into Jiang Qibai's bowl.

After dinner, Yan Chenjue suggested to go for a walk, today is Girl's Day, just to ease the mood.

Qingwu secretly gave him a 'bang' gesture, and then said: "Yes, Qibai, you've been lying down for the past few days, and your body is going to be sick, you should go out for a walk."

Jiang Qibai was worried about her body, "There are a lot of people outside, is your stomach okay?"

Yan Chenjue hugged Qingwu's waist tightly, and took a deep look at Qingwu, "It's okay, I'll look at her, no one dares to touch her."

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