Qingwu glanced at Xiaoyan thoughtfully, touched the tip of his nose, "I think it's better to ask your brother or mother about this."

Xiaoyan's eyes sank, and she said dejectedly: "I knew my sister-in-law wouldn't tell me, so at least tell me, is it... because of me?"

Qingwu nodded, and said: "It's not all because of you, you don't have to think too much."

The young man smiled wryly and said: "Actually, I can probably guess that my mother said we owed my brother, so I knew it must be because of me. My brother was so gentle and kind to me before, but now he has become a man from the inside out. People who are cold outside are all because of me."

Qingwu patted him on the shoulder, "No, it's your father's fault that Ah Jue will become what he is now, not you and mother."

After noon, Xiaoyan helped Qingwu to walk around.

This is what the doctor told me to exercise my muscles and bones, otherwise, it will be very difficult during delivery.

Now it is late autumn, Qing Wu thought of the plum blossoms in Yumei Pond, so he asked Xiao Yan to help her to have a look.

Xiaoyan curled her lips and said: "I think sister-in-law wants to pick some flowers for my brother!"

Qingwu turned his head and smiled at him, "You know how to be romantic, kid."

Xiao Yan raised her chin proudly.

In fact, it's hard to guess.

In the past three months, every time Xiaoyan helped Qingwu go out, Qingwu would always bring something back and give it to Yanchenjue.

Sometimes it is a few fruits, sometimes it is a few leaves, a few grasses, a few small flowers, everything.

At first, Xiao Yan despised this kind of behavior, thinking that the things she brought back were too ordinary.

Who is his brother? I haven't seen anything before. What are these little things?

But for the first time, when Qingwu sent a bunch of small wild flowers to the Demon King Palace with his support, he saw that his brother was more beautiful than that flower!
Only then did Xiaoyan realize that it doesn't matter what Qingwu sends, his brother treats him like a baby, so he just carries it with him.

Once, he was handling government affairs for his brother in the Demon King Palace, and accidentally found a few dry leaves in a book.

Next to the leaf is a very careful heart, which was drawn by his brother at first glance.

Xiao Yan stared at that cautious heart in a daze for a while, thinking, in fact, his brother seems to have not changed, but he no longer uses his tenderness on him and his mother.

Even so, Xiaoyan couldn't help laughing, fortunately there is a sister-in-law, otherwise his brother has been cold, how difficult it would be.

The journey to Yumei Pond was a bit longer, and Qingwu was a little tired when halfway there.

Ever since, Xiaoyan supported her to find a small gazebo to sit down.

Qingwu sighed, "I'm so tired, you have to tell your brother all the hardships I have endured after traveling so far, otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of my heart."

Xiao Yan was helpless, "If someone is loving, they are afraid that the other party will know what crimes they have suffered for the other party. Sister-in-law, why are you afraid that my brother will not know?"

Qingwu taught in a serious manner: "What old storybooks do you read, this set has long been outdated. Besides, you have to know how to be pampered, children who can cry have sweets, you don't understand this, don't you?" "

Xiaoyan sat down opposite Qingwu, rolled his eyes, and said, "You still want to eat candy? My brother is going to lift you up to the sky, what else do you want?"

Just when Qingwu wanted to refute a few words, his eyes were suddenly attracted by a slender figure.

Xiaoyan followed Qingwu's line of sight, and suddenly panicked, saying: "Sister-in-law, Ah Zhen...he already knew he was wrong, you..."

Qingwu retracted his gaze and said with a smile, "I didn't say anything, why are you nervous?"

Qingwu had long since ignored the fact that Yanchen really caused Qingwu to fall into a dream.

It's just that when he saw him just now, Qingwu suddenly remembered something.

When she was in Huaguangmen, she once argued with Jiang Mingyun about how many sons the Demon King had.

Jiang Mingyun said that the Demon King has 23 sons.

But she remembered that Yan Chenjue once said that he and his 21 brothers were not liked by the Demon King.

At that time, she didn't even understand the meaning of it.

It turns out that not all children are disliked, only one is liked.

The other brothers wiped out all of them, but only Yanchen was left behind.

Perhaps, apart from being liked by the demon king, favored and proud, and unconsciously doing some things that made Yan Chenjue jealous and hated, he didn't make any other mistakes.

Qing Wu asked: "Aren't you jealous of him?"

Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment before realizing it, shaking his head, "I used to be jealous and hated him in my heart, but now... I am neither jealous nor hate."


Xiao Yan said: "Actually, there is nothing wrong with Ah Zhen, he was just a child who hadn't grown up at that time. This kind of situation will happen even between children of ordinary people! Children and children always have to interact with each other. In comparison, the one who was loved and grown up is always more delicate and superior than other children."

"Ah Zhen is such a child. He just complains to his father when he is wronged. Those harsh punishments were never thought of by this child. If you want to hate him, I shouldn't hate him. I should hate my father."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yan felt as if he was implying something, and explained: "I'm not saying that my brother did something wrong, there is a reason for what my brother does. But I know that my brother actually doesn't hate Ah Zhen that much, The reason why he pulled out Ah Zhen's tongue was also to avenge his father and vent his anger for his mother."

Qingwu: "What's going on?"

Just as Xiao Yan was about to speak, he saw his brother walking towards him.

He quickly stood up and made room for his brother, "Brother, have you finished your work so early today?"

Yan Chenjue nodded, "Go back first, I will accompany your sister-in-law."

Xiao Yan pouted and muttered softly: "It's too much to kill a donkey."

However, when Yan Chenjue looked over, Xiao Yan immediately shut up and walked away with a smile.

Qing Wu smiled and said: "Why are you so fierce, look at you, you frightened Xiao Yan."

The boy who was still like an iceberg just now smiled brightly and charmingly, "This kid is easy to push his nose and face, so we can't be too gentle with him."

Qing Wu poked his face, "It still looks good when you smile."

"Where are you going?" Yan Chenjue took her hand, covered his cheek, and rubbed against her palm.

Qingwu: "Go to Yumei Pond, I want to pick some plum blossoms for you."

The young man's ears turned red, "Sister Qing, don't worry so much, Yumei Pond is too far away, and I... don't want it that much."

Do not want?Don't want to be shy?
Qingwu knew that he was duplicity, he said that he didn't want it, but he wished that she would chop off all the flowers of Merlin and give them to him.

"Since you're here, I'm tired, so you can pick me up." Qingwu said, raising his hand, motioning for him to come over and give me a hug.

The boy who said he didn't want flowers just now quickly took her arm and hugged her in his arms.

After the two left, a young man in the corner looked at the direction the two left with a gloomy face, clenched his hands into fists, and slammed heavily on the stone wall.

Qingwu held his neck tightly and asked him, "Am I heavy?"

Yan Chenjue shook his head, "It's as light as before."

"Hey, let me down, let me down quickly." Qingwu suddenly shouted.

Yan Chenjue was terrified, and quickly put him down, "What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?"

Qingwu grabbed his hand and put it on his lower abdomen, Yan Chenjue felt the warm skin under his palm was suddenly lifted up, as if through this soft belly, he and the baby in Qingwu's belly high-fived.

It's an amazing feeling.

The little ancestor in Qingwu's stomach is more lazy than his mother, and rarely moves.

Even if there were, it was mostly because Yan Chenjue was busy and had no chance to meet them.

It was almost the day of giving birth, and it was the first time that Yan Chenjue really felt the fetal movement.

Qingwu looked at him with a smile, "How about it, don't you think it's amazing?"

Yan Chenjue nodded, "Sister Qing, this is the biggest gift you gave me."

Seeing the boy's soft eyes like the vast sea of ​​stars, Qingwu suddenly wanted to kiss him, grabbed his shoulders and wanted to kiss him on tiptoe, but her round belly blocked the two of them, preventing her from getting close.

Qingwu patted his stomach lightly angrily, "Stinky boy, I can't kiss your father now. When you come out, I will teach you a lesson."

With a shy smile, Yan Chenjue sent her thin lips up.

After kissing for a while, Qingwu was satisfied, and rubbed against his forehead, "You are better."

Yan Chenjue picked her up again and went to Yumei Pond.

When passing through the hot spring pool, Qingwu remembered the last time she took a hot spring bath, she was afraid of freezing him, so she wrapped him in the quilt and carried him back to the house.

Thinking about it now, Qingwu felt that he was really a fool, to fear that he would be weak, so meticulous.

This kind of thing is clearly what a big man like him should do.

Qing Wu poked Yan Chenjue's heart, "After taking a hot spring bath, you have to carry me back to the house after the bath."

Yan Chenjue chuckled and nodded, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

When they arrived at Meilin, Qingwu told him to put himself down.

Qingwu climbed the branch, broke off the best bunch and gave it to Yan Chenjue, "For you, baby."

The boy readily accepted, with a touch of pink on his face.

The two sat on the ground in the grove with the fragrance of plum blossoms, Yan Chenjue put one arm around Qingwu's waist, and asked her to lean on his shoulder.


Qingwu shook his head, "I heard Xiaoyan talk about the past today, and I feel more and more pitiful for A Jue."

Yan Chenjue brushed the broken hair in front of her forehead, "Thinking of being able to have the beauty of the present, the previous ones are not pitiful."

"I heard from Jiang Mingyun before that you Yaozu have a memory mirror that can understand the past, can you show me?" Qing Wu looked up at him with his slender neck.

Yan Chenjue stared at her deeply, "That mirror can only let you see what you and I have experienced. If you don't participate in each other's past, you can't know each other's past. This is also the origin of the name of the mirror. , not knowing the past.”

Qingwu was stunned for a moment, but soon understood again.

The same is true, if you really want to see someone's past and you can see it, then wouldn't the Yaozu know everything in the world?
"Okay, then tell me about it, I want to know." Qingwu took his hand around her waist, interlocked his fingers, and held it tightly.

During the six years when Qing Wu died, Yan Chenjue thought every day that when she came back, he would tell her what he had experienced and how painful it was, which made her feel distressed.

But then, slowly, everything changed.

When he killed Yan Lansheng with his own hands, everything changed.

The young man who only thought about Qingwu in the past has gone crazy.

He not only wants Qingwu to come back to life, he also wants to take revenge, to take revenge on all the people who brought him and Qingwu pain, and he must not let anyone go.

These dark experiences have become indelible scars in Yan Chenjue's heart today.

He was afraid that when Qingwu saw those rotten and foul-smelling evil deeds, she would also think he was a lunatic.

Yan Chenjue shook his head, he couldn't say anything.

"Those things are over, Sister Qing, don't ask any more questions, okay?" Yan Chenjue lowered his eyes and whispered, as if begging.

Because he knew very well that if Qingwu insisted on asking him to say something, he would not be able to refuse.

However, Qingwu didn't do that, she touched the boy's cheek distressedly, and said, "If you don't want to say it, then don't say it."

But she still wanted to know, so she added, "Then can I ask someone else?"

The boy was silent for a moment, "If you hear something that makes you hate, will you hate me?"

Qingwu held his hand and smiled, "What's the use of hating you, can I still make the child in my stomach change his father?"

"Don't think about it, I've said it all. I can forgive you for the past. As long as you are obedient in the future, I won't hate you."

The boy heaved a sigh of relief and nodded repeatedly, "Of course I am obedient."

Speaking of which, now Qingwu seldom sees him acting like a baby.

The demon king is too busy, so busy that she has very little time to spend with him every day, let alone listen to him acting like a baby.

Although Yan Chenjue would ask Xiao Yan to handle government affairs on his behalf when he had nothing particularly important to spend with Qing Wu in his free time, but Qing Wu was still not satisfied.

She just wanted to pester him, "I'll go to the Demon King Palace with you tomorrow, okay?"

The young man turned his head and saw Qingwu staring at him helplessly, his heart suddenly softened. He wanted to ask her why, but his mouth said a step faster than his brain, "Okay."

Qingwu laughed happily, and braided his long hair with his hands, "I'll just stay with you honestly and promise not to disturb you."


On the second day, Qing Wu really followed Yan Chenjue to the Demon King Palace.

This is Qing Wu's third visit to the Hall of the Demon King.

The first time I followed Yan Chenjue to meet the demon king, and the second time I followed Yan Chenzhen through the dog hole.

Qing Wu's impression of the Hall of the Demon King is still in the original gloomy time.

Looking at the Demon King Palace now, it is a different kind of grandeur.

The black curtains in the hall are all hung on the beams, and the gloomy obstacles from the past are put away, making the hall appear very spacious and spacious.

The main seat seemed to have been replaced by a different chair, Qingwu thought, probably because the demon king's corpse had been sitting on that chair for so many years, Yan Chenjue felt disgusted in his heart.

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