It was the first time for Qingwu to see Yan Lansheng alive, and the dead body couldn't help appearing in his mind, the moment when Yanchen really opened his eyes, those white lifeless eyes.

That puppet and the man in front of him are completely different.

The man's face was sullen and his brows were tightly wrinkled. Even so, it was impossible for people to ignore his noble and handsome appearance.

Qingwu asked in a low voice: "Is your father unable to see us?"

The three of them were almost standing in the center of the hall. Although the man in the hall looked straight at them, he didn't say a word, as if he wasn't looking at them.

Yan Chenjue nodded, glanced back, and said, "En."

Qingwu and Jiang Qibai followed Yan Chenjue's line of sight, and saw 'Yanchen Jin' standing behind them with no expression on his face, looking up at Yan Lansheng in the hall indifferently.

Yan Lansheng slammed the table, her voice was very cold and heavy, "Who allowed you to come in?"

'Yanchenjin' raised the corners of his lips, and raised a mocking smile, "I want to come in, but my father's trash can't stop me."

Yan Lansheng narrowed her eyes, "Such a tone, Yan Chenjue, who do you think you are talking to?"

Suddenly, 'Yanchenjin' burst out laughing, the young man's crisp and hearty voice seemed extraordinarily ethereal in the empty hall, and even produced an indescribably weird and eerie feeling.

Standing aside and watching all this, Qingwu couldn't help shivering, she had never heard Yan Chenjue smile like this, nor had she seen such a cold expression on his face.

For some reason, it was clear that the man was smiling, but Qingwu felt a dull pain in his heart.

She didn't know what Yan Chenjue was thinking at this moment, but she could hear the despair in his laughter.

No matter how cruel he is, it should be painful to kill his father!
Qingwu raised his head to look at the face of the young man beside him, who was looking down at her with a pale face, as if he was paying attention to her every move.

The moment the eyes of the two met each other, Yan Chenjue said, "Do you think it's scary?"

When he asked this sentence, his face was ashen, like a person who has been put on the execution platform, begging the cherished person not to watch his death with his own eyes.

Qingwu held his hand and shook his head firmly, "No, I just feel... distressed, A Jue has endured too much before."

She showed him a shallow smile, which warmed the boy's heart when he fell into the ice valley.

'Yanchenjin' laughed, and walked up the hall under Yan Lansheng's astonished eyes.

And the man in the hall had already stood up and shouted angrily, "Come on, come on!"

'Yanchenjin' looked at the father who obviously didn't take him seriously, and didn't want to get his hands dirty at the moment, and wanted his guards to send him away.

Just when Yan Lansheng yelled for the third time, 'Yan Chenjin' flew in front of him.

Apparently, a sick and weak son, with a sullen expression on his face at the moment, teleported in front of him with a high-level spell, which shocked Yan Lansheng.

Yan Lansheng's eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly.

But before he had time to speak, a bright red aura flew from the fingers of 'Yanchenjin' and passed through his neck, causing a sudden pain in his throat, preventing him from making any sound.

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