When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 172 Yan Muqing is very sour

As if hearing the sound of footsteps, Xiaoyan raised his head, his eyes were slightly red, and there was still a trace of tears on his face.

He wiped his face indiscriminately, trying to keep his voice calm and calm, "Are you here? My brother..."

Xiao Yan paused, waiting for Jiang Mingyun's answer.

Jiang Mingyun nodded, "It's safe and sound, although... Yanchen really wants Qingwu to see, she has already seen it, but fortunately she is not angry because of this, now that she is out, she is fine."

Xiao Yan nodded in relief, and murmured: "That's good, that's good..."

"Are you okay?" Jiang Qibai asked with concern seeing him in such pain.

Xiao Yan hooked her lips and smiled ugly, "I'm fine, I'm fine."

As he spoke, he looked down at the corpse in his arms and fell into deep thought again.

Jiang Qibai said: "Young Master Yan, my condolences."

Xiao Yan nodded, put down Yan Chenzhen in her arms, stood up unsteadily, and walked out.

When he walked past Jiang Mingyun, he said, "My brother told you to come to me, right? I'm fine. You go back and tell him that Ah Zhen is dead. From now on... there will be no more threats."

Jiang Mingyun nodded, "I know."

Xiao Yan has been in the dungeon for three full days, during these three days, he tried every means to get Yan Chen to reveal the way to break the spell, but the man refused to say anything.

In fact, Xiao Yan knows very well how to fundamentally break the barrier, as long as he kills Yan Chenzhen, he will have a solution.

However, this is the worst case scenario.

If it is not a last resort, Xiaoyan really does not want to do this.

By the end...

Xiao Yan looked down at her blood-stained palms, and her eye sockets became moist again.

In the end, he still killed Yan Chenzhen with his own hands.

As soon as he walked into the princess' bedroom, Xiao Yan sat on the ground weakly, staring at his hands tightly.

He had never killed a chicken or a duck in his life, but now he killed his younger brother with his own hands.

Xiaoyan was crying weakly, as if the sky was falling apart.

When the attendant saw Xiaoyan, he immediately reported it to Mrs. Yu.

Yu came out of the house in a hurry, and asked in a panic, "Jin, what happened? What's wrong with you?"

Ever since Qing Wu and Yan Chenjue had an accident, Xiao Yan was afraid that her mother would be worried, so she ordered someone to watch over the princess' bedroom and prevent her from interfering with outside affairs.

Even if he deliberately kept it a secret, a mother would inevitably think wildly about this kind of thing, and even think the worst of the situation.

Xiao Yan raised his head and glanced at his mother, he put his hands in front of her, and said: "Mother, I... I killed someone, I killed someone..."

As he spoke, he began to choke, his voice weak and helpless.

Yu was shocked, and her face turned pale immediately, "Who did you kill? Who did you kill? Your brother? Or someone else?"

Her voice became very sharp due to nervousness, and she even picked up Xiao Yan's collar.

Xiao Yan stared blankly at her mother and asked, "Mother thinks I will kill brother?"

This sentence gave Yu Shi no confidence in her question. She let go of her hand, lowered her eyes, and fell silent.

Xiaoyan held her mother's hand, "Why does mother think so? In mother's heart, I have always been inferior to brother. I know that I have been weak and sick since I was a child, and I am not as good as brother in this respect. Mother prefers brother Some are justifiable. But, since I have spent the longest time with my mother, why does my mother treat one more favorably than another?"

Yu's eyes were red, she raised her hand, and slapped Xiaoyan, "What do you know?"

She uttered these words hysterically, which made Xiao Yan completely stunned.

His mother has always loved him, and has hardly ever beaten him since he was a child.

It seems that every time, it is because of my brother!

Xiaoyan covered her face, "Why? Why is this? Even though my mother prefers my brother, I still respect my brother very much. Why doesn't my mother even believe me?"

How could his mother think that he could kill his brother?

In his whole life, he had never done anything wrong to anyone, but this time, it was for his own brother.

But his mother didn't understand him, and even blamed him, and even beat him for his brother's sake!
Maybe it's because Xiaoyan has always had such doubts and knots in his heart for so many years.

At this moment, all these doubts and knots burst out.

With tears in her eyes, Yu said weakly: "Why? Why? They are all asking me what I am asking. I also want to know why my two sons are blaming me? You said that I prefer your brother, you know, your brother Is it because I prefer you and have denied me for many years?"

Xiao Yan was stunned, he stared blankly at his mother, unable to speak.

Yu Shi took a deep breath, and stroked Xiao Yan's cheek with her trembling hands. The slap was so hard just now, the young man's fair face was already reddened a lot.

She stroked her distressedly, "Didn't you always want to know why your brother was so gentle when you were a child, but when you grow up, he is so cold and gloomy?"

For some reason, Xiaoyan's heart shuddered at this moment of doubt for many years.

He knew that he might have something to do with that incident, but he never knew what was going on.

Today, is mother going to tell him?
Obviously, there is finally an answer to what he has always wanted to know, but Xiao Yan suddenly became frightened.

He had a strong premonition that what happened would suffocate him.

Xiaoyan held her breath, "Mother, I want to know."

Yu took his arm and helped him up, her voice choked up, "Get up first, let's go in and talk."

At this moment, Yan Chenjue was leisurely wandering back and forth in the room with the child in his arms.

Qingwu was annoyed by his shaking, and said: "Why are you so calm? Are you not afraid that something will happen to Xiao Yan?"

The young man raised his head and said indifferently: "What can he do? Since we can come out of the barrier smoothly, it means that he has killed Yan Chenzhen, and there is nothing to worry about."

Hearing these words clearly, I felt a twinge in my heart, is it true that Xiaoyan killed Yanchen?

This made Qingwu even more worried.

Although Xiao Yan's face was calm and carefree, he cared about these friendships most in his heart.

In any case, Yan Chenzhen is his younger brother, now that he killed Yan Chenzhen with his own hands, one can imagine how uncomfortable he must be.

Going to see the guy holding the baby again, he is really heartless.

Qingwu patted the couch helplessly, "You are really...why can't you care more about your brother?"

The young man who had been suppressing his anger all the time looked at her with resentment, "You care about him enough, why should I care about him?"

Obviously, this person was teasing her.

Qingwu suddenly became angry, and his mood became worse all of a sudden, "Yan Chenjue, do you want to quarrel?"

Strange to say, the two of them didn't quarrel in the enchantment because of the past events that Yanchen really showed, but now they want to quarrel because of Yanchen's real death.

If Yanchen really found out, he might also shed two lines of tears!

Originally he was a little angry, but Yan Chenjue didn't want to quarrel, so he kept silent and didn't answer.

Qingwu despises his appearance the most, he doesn't say a word, he keeps everything in his heart and doesn't say it, if he can digest it by himself, then it's fine, but he is not such a person.

It's just that all the problems are accumulated together, and then there will be a lot of trouble.

Qingwu got up from the couch angrily, and as soon as he was about to put on his shoes, the young man quickly said, "I was wrong, I was wrong, you...you lie down properly."

Speaking of which, Qingwu is still in confinement.

Although practitioners are not very particular about this, but after all, it is the first time to conceive and give birth, so you should take a good rest after all.

Yan Chenjue was worried, so he could only hastily admit his mistake, "Just do what you want me to do, don't get angry, I don't want to quarrel, I... I'll go and see him later, that's all right ?”

Seeing that he had softened, Qingwu also heaved a sigh of relief.

In fact, she didn't know what she was going to do with Yan Chenjue, this matter was his own business, and she always thought about the man's business and let the man solve it by himself.

She can't be with such a childish person all her life.

But when something happens, Qingwu is inevitably anxious.

Suddenly, Qingwu thought, as if I was not like this before, it was all because of the damn pregnancy.

If so, it's all Yan Chenjue's fault!

Thinking about it, Qingwu glared at the boy again.

The boy drooped his head immediately. If he exposed the fox's tail and ears at this moment, they would have drooped as well.

Qingwu couldn't bear his displeasure, held his hand, and sat beside him, "I'm not angry with you either, you know Xiaoyan's temperament very well, he values ​​these, and also values ​​Yanchenzhen, now he can do it If you are determined to kill Yan Chenzhen, it is naturally for you. If you don't go to comfort him at this time, how can you justify it?"

She persuaded, Yan Chenjue hummed in a low voice, but didn't say anything else.

Qing Wu knew that he didn't want to talk softly to Xiao Yan. The matter of Yu's dissecting his demon pill back then left him with too much psychological shadow, which made Yan Chenjue always have a knot with Xiao Yan.

Although it's not appropriate for her as an outsider to mix in, Yan Chenjue is stubborn, and Xiao Yan doesn't know anything.

The two brothers have been going on like this, sooner or later there will be conflicts because of this matter.

Qing Wu said: "I will accompany you to see him later, huh?"

Yan Chenjue nodded reluctantly, "I just listen to you."

Qingwu knew that he was unwilling, but because of her mood, she couldn't refuse.

Just when Qingwu was thinking whether this matter should be postponed for a while, someone knocked on the door suddenly.

"Come in!" Yan Chenjue's tone was very bad.

The door was pushed open, and a head came in, carefully looking inside.

That person is none other than Xiaoyan.

The boy's eyes were red, obviously he had already cried.

Qingwu called him, "Xiaoyan? Come in quickly."

Yan Chenjue was still awkward, lowering his head to comfort the child in his arms, as if he hadn't seen him.

In fact, Yan Chenjue didn't target Xiao Yan, it's just that Qing Wu was too protective of Xiao Yan today, and he was a little unhappy.

It doesn't matter if the mother prefers Xiaoyan, he can ignore it, but sister Qing can't also favor Xiaoyan.

Seeing Yan Chenjue's displeasure, Xiao Yan dared not go in. She stood at the door for a long time before walking in cautiously.

As soon as he entered the door, the boy shouted, "Brother!"

Yan Chenjue snorted softly, "Your sister-in-law is talking about you, come and talk to her."

Xiao Yan came in despondently, sat down in front of the couch, and said nothing.

Qing Wu asked: "Xiao Yan, are you okay? I heard from A Jue that we were able to come out of the barrier because you killed Yan Chenzhen?"

Xiao Yan nodded, "I have thought of a lot of ways to let Ah Zhen remove the barrier, but he insisted on refusing, so I have no other way..."

He paused and asked in a low voice, "Sister-in-law, do you think I'm cruel?"

Qing Wu shook his head, wanting to pat him on the head to show comfort, but he withdrew his hand when Yan Chenjue stared at him.

Xiao Yan noticed that his brother was not happy, but he didn't know why his brother was unhappy, "Brother? I... can I see my little nephew?"

He hasn't seen his little nephew yet.

Yan Chenjue nodded reluctantly, and the boy immediately stood up, leaning over to look at the little baby in his arms.

The child was white and tender, very delicate and soft.

Xiao Yan stared at a pair of big innocent eyes, "Can I hug him?"

Yan Chenjue frowned, but heard Qingwu cough lightly, reminding him not to be confused.

Only then did he hand over the small package in his arms to Xiao Yan, and said in a thousand words: "Be careful, don't fall on him."

Xiao Yan nodded repeatedly, how could he have the guts?
Holding the small package in her arms tightly, the little doll in the package seemed to like him very much, and laughed when she saw him.

Xiao Yan also laughed, "It's so cute, it's very similar to my brother when he was a child."

Yan Chenjue glanced at him sideways, "Nonsense, do you know what I was like when I was young?"

This question made Xiaoyan speechless, and immediately changed his words: "I heard my mother said it before, brother, why are you so serious?"

Yan Chenjue ignored him, and sat down on the couch to accompany Qing Wu.

Xiaoyan teased the little baby for a while before remembering, "What's his name?"

Qingwu smiled and replied: "My name is Yan Muqing, and my baby's name is Yanyan."

"Yan Muqing, Yan Muqing..." Xiao Yan said with disgust, "It's my brother's name, it's so sour!"

The smile on Qingwu's face froze instantly, rolled his eyes, and said, "I took it, do you have an opinion?"

Xiaoyan laughed quickly, "So it was my sister-in-law who took it? Actually, it's not so sour, and...it sounds pretty good!"

Qingwu smiled, "You're acquainted."

He doesn't know people!
Who dares to fight against his sister-in-law in this whole demon clan? It's clear that he's asking for death!
Xiao Yan secretly glanced at his brother, Yan Chenjue was also looking at him, as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

Qingwu squeezed his hand, and the man said awkwardly, "This time...it's thanks to you."

When Yan Chenjue said this, he didn't even look at Xiao Yan.

But even so, Xiaoyan was so moved that she almost cried.

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