Chapter 180 Who is the Master
Unexpectedly, Yan Chenjue suddenly laughed, his smile was full of sarcasm, he said: "I heard that you are on strike today? I came here specially to see what happened to Young Master Jiang."

Jiang Mingyun sighed deeply, not in the slightest mood to talk to Yan Chenjue for a while.

He raised his hand to close the door, but was blocked by Yan Chenjue, "Why, you still want to lock me out? Come out with me, there are still many things waiting for you to deal with in the palace."

Jiang Mingyun frowned, and said, "I'm in a bad mood today, so I can't go. Tomorrow, I will definitely go tomorrow."

Yan Chenjue didn't intend to let go, but instead said: "Are you the master or am I the master? Whatever the master asks you to do, you do. Now... Hurry up and follow me, unless... you don't want to die."

It's true that Jiang Mingyun didn't realize that Yan Chenjue's phrase "don't die" wasn't what he thought in his heart.

Jiang Mingyun turned angrily to go back to the house, it didn't matter whether the door was closed or not.

But at this time, I heard Yan Chenjue's voice, "It seems that you are really not afraid of death. To tell you the truth, just now Miss Jiang went to Sister Qing, and now she is probably telling you about your crimes. Of course, you can Stay in the house, I think... Sister Qing will bring Miss Jiang over soon to clean you up. At that time..."

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Mingyun had already changed his mind, he hurried out of the room, "What do you want me to do?"

Yan Chenjue smiled, "It's better to hide for a while."


However, hiding is not something Young Master Jiang can do, obviously he doesn't want to back down.

This matter is his responsibility, and he is willing to take responsibility, even if it costs any price, he is willing to bear it.

There is no point in escaping, even disappointing Miss Jiang.

Yan Chenjue said: "What I mean is, no matter what you did, according to Miss Jiang's temperament, I'm afraid you won't care too much about it. But... Now that Sister Qing knows about this, she might be very angry, Sister Qing You know her temperament, very irritable. Could it be that you forgot that you were beaten by Sister Qing when you spoke out against Miss Jiang?"

That's right, Miss Jiang is not an impulsive person, but Qingwu is!

He was already very confused, if at this time, Qingwu got involved again, he would probably end up with one head and two big ones.

Yan Chenjue blinked, saying that the best way right now is to hide for a while, and wait for Qingwu to calm down.

It is true that Yan Chenjue knows Qingwu best, and all she thinks about is how to match Jiang Mingyun and Jiang Qibai together, and she is afraid that something will happen to them!

Right now, as long as Jiang Mingyun didn't insult Jiang Qibai, everything would be negotiable.

What's more, just now when Jiang Qibai went to look for Qingwu in the bedroom, Yan Chenjue had already seen the red marks on her neck.

What it is, Yan Chenjue knows better than anyone else.

Thinking in this way, Yan Chenjue subconsciously gathered his collar to cover his neck.

The reason why Yan Chenjue came to Jiang Mingyun was because he wanted him to work!
When he arrived at the main hall, although Jiang Mingyun was working, he was obviously absent-minded.

Yan Chenjue slapped the account book in his hand on the table, there was a lot of movement, but fortunately Yan Chenjue had already sent Yanyan to his mother, otherwise the child would cry in fright.

Jiang Mingyun was brought back from his wandering thoughts by the sound, and raised his head to look at Yan Chenjue in panic.

Yan Chenjue's face was sullen, Xiao Yan knew it was wrong at a glance, she was too frightened to speak, and flinched aside.

"Jiang Mingyun, I called you here, not for you to be in a daze. If you continue to be in a daze, I don't mind..." The young man thought for a while, "There are many young talents in the Yaozu, but a gentle and virtuous girl like Miss Jiang It’s something you can’t meet, the men of our Yaozu are much stronger than you, I think Miss Jiang might like it.”

Sure enough, these words were very effective in spurring Jiang Mingyun.

Jiang Mingyun immediately stood up and said, "I'm serious."

Xiao Yan looked at these two people, there was a kind of fight between elementary school chickens, which was indescribably naive.

The strange thing was that his brother was naive, but Jiang Mingyun, who was rigorous in his daily life, followed him around and did what he said.

Xiaoyan asked his brother in a low voice, "What's wrong with Jiang Mingyun? It's like losing his soul."

Yan Chenjue picked up the booklet in his hand, rolled it up in a circle, and knocked on his forehead, "It's all about children, don't worry about adults' affairs."

Xiao Yan rubbed his head and said unhappily: "Who is a child? I am over 200 years old, and you and mother still treat me like a child!"

Yan Chenjue rolled his eyes, and said: "That's right, I'm over 200 years old, it's time to take on the big responsibility, I'll leave these things to you, I have to go home and take care of the children!"

After finishing speaking, the boy stood up and refused to wait for a moment.

Xiaoyan immediately confessed, "Don't, don't, I was wrong, I was wrong, brother, brother, don't go, help me, there are too many things, I really can't finish them by myself, please."

Yan Chenjue sighed, "Who is the child?"

Xiaoyan could only admit it, "I, I'm a child, I just don't want to ask about your affairs."

When Yan Chenjue sat down and continued to review, Xiao Yan reacted belatedly.

No, this is not my wedding, and I am not the demon king!
How come I begged him? ? ?

Xiaoyan couldn't swallow this breath in her heart, but felt that she was not his brother's opponent, no matter what she said or did, it seemed that she couldn't help his brother.

The three big men were dealing with marriage matters in the main hall, while Qingwu and Jiang Qibai were analyzing Jiang Mingyun's thoughts in the room.

Right now, what Jiang Qibai was worried about was whether Jiang Mingyun would blame himself, whether he would feel that he was frivolous.

Although Qingwu felt that she was worrying too much, it was not easy to make Jiang Mingyun's thoughts so obvious, so he could only wake up Jiang Qibai by insinuating.

"Ah Qing, did I do something wrong? Should I... promise Mr. Jiang and try to be together? He and I... are like people from two worlds."

Qingwu persuaded: "You can't say that, who said that people from two worlds can't be together? Besides, you are all mortals, how can you count as people from two worlds? I am a mortal, A Jue is a fox demon, we We can all be together, why can't you?"

Although it is a bit of a sneaky change of concept, at least it makes sense.

Jiang Qibai hurriedly waved his hands, "I don't mean this..., I mean, Mr. Jiang is excellent, but I... am ordinary, even married."

Qingwu shook his head, and said: "But he just likes you, Qibai, you don't care what he is, a god, a fairy, a monster, he likes you, and you like it, that's enough. Being together requires so many reasons. The world is so big, it’s rare to like it, nothing else matters.”

Seeing that the girl was still hesitant, Qing Wu held her hand and said, "If you still have doubts in your heart, you might as well ask Jiang Mingyun what he thinks."

Jiang Qibai quickly waved his hands, his face turned pale nervously, "No, no, I... I have no face to see him, I dare not, I..."

Actually, Qingwu could understand the fear in Jiang Qibai's heart.

Although Qingwu also lost her parents and grew up alone, but in the process of growing up, those who accompanied her treated her sincerely.

Qibai is different. She had a similar tragic childhood, and she also suffered bullying and teasing from others.

Qingwu felt sorry, such a good-tempered girl should naturally be worthy of the best man in the world, and Jiang Mingyun may not be worthy of Jiang Qibai.

It's a pity that Jiang Qibai was timid and timid, Qingwu knew that it was not Jiang Qibai's fault, and tried his best to help Jiang Qibai relieve this distress, but it was really difficult.

After thinking about it, Qingwu didn't force Qibai to make a decision immediately, but just persuaded her, "This matter is not your fault, anyway, Jiang Mingyun is a big man, no matter what the circumstances such a thing happened It's all his fault. Qibai, he has you in his heart and has been waiting for you, so it's a bad thing that he didn't see it, but it can promote your relationship. Don't be discouraged .”

Jiang Qibai nodded, but his heart was so chaotic that he couldn't think at all.

I'm afraid it will take a while, and Qibai can't figure it out.

Qing Wu said: "I can't let you think wildly now, with your temper, who knows if I will do something stupid if I don't look at you. So, before you figure it out, you must not leave my sight. "

Jiang Qibai smiled helplessly, "I won't do stupid things."

Jiang Qibai would never do such a stupid thing.

What Qingwu was worried about was that if she left without saying a word, no one could be found, that was the worst thing.

Therefore, Qing Wu had to watch her carefully.

"I don't care. Anyway, you can't leave my sight. It's easier to think too much when you have nothing to do. Why don't you go to the main hall with me and see if A Jue and Xiaoyan can help you. I have something in hand Doing it can distract you to some extent." Qingwu said, took her hand and walked out.

Jiang Qibai understood Qingwu's painstaking efforts, but he didn't refuse, just followed her footsteps.

The two went to the main hall one after the other.

As soon as they entered the door, obviously, everyone in the hall and outside the hall were stunned.

Jiang Mingyun and Yan Chenjue didn't expect Qingwu to bring Jiang Qibai to the hall, and Qingwu and Jiang Qibai didn't expect Jiang Mingyun to be in the hall either.

The embarrassment of the scene made everyone hold their breath.

Although Xiao Yan didn't understand what was going on, but the scene in front of him was clearly some kind of Shura field, it looked strange and scary.

He swallowed his saliva, subconsciously took a few steps back, but unexpectedly stepped on the decorations stacked on the ground, and immediately made a sound of caracalla.

Originally, I wanted to hide myself, but now, I seem to be more obvious.

Xiao Yan smiled helplessly, "I... I didn't do it on purpose."

Yan Chenjue glanced at him, and said: "Put away the things quickly, you have trampled them all."

These words relieved the embarrassing atmosphere, Qingwu took Jiang Qibai in and out, neither.

Jiang Mingyun was also in a daze, standing there blankly without any movement.

It was Yan Chenjue who walked out and asked, "Why are you here?"

Qing Wu winked at him, wanting him to help solve the current situation, Yan Chenjue smiled and said: "Miss Jiang is here, it just so happened that Jiang Mingyun found some shortcomings in the pattern of the wedding dress, please ask Miss Jiang to go with Jiang Mingyun in person See if there is anything wrong with the prepared wedding dress."

Jiang Qibai's eyes trembled, apparently in trouble.

Qing Wu glared at him, reminding him that he made a mistake, the two of them should be separated now, not let them stay together!
But Yan Chenjue didn't seem to have seen Qingwu's instructions, and still looked at Jiang Qibai with a smile, "The wedding is coming soon, this phoenix crown is here, I need sister Qing to try it on, as for the wedding dress, Miss Jiang knows best Sister Qing's figure is naturally clear at a glance."

Now that it's all said and done, Jiang Qibai naturally can't refuse.

She had no choice but to nod, "Okay, Mr. Yan, I... I'll go now."

Yan Chenjue immediately winked at Jiang Mingyun. The man frowned, but still nodded and followed.

Seeing that the two had left, Qing Wu patted Yan Chenjue's heart, "Are you crazy? They are so embarrassed now, why do you still let them stay together? Right now Qibai needs to calm down , If you do this, don’t you push the two of you far away?”

Yan Chenjue held her hand and said: "Sister Qing, don't be angry, this kind of thing, procrastination will inevitably create a gap, it's better to solve it early."

At this point, Qingwu had to admit that there were some problems with his method.

She is lazy, and she is unwilling to resolve the conflict when she has a conflict. It is best to deal with it coldly, and then resolve it slowly when both of them are awake.

But Yan Chenjue is not like this, he wants to solve it quickly, for fear that a little bit of conflict will be the straw that crushes the relationship between the two.

Qingwu looked out worriedly, and said: "You don't understand, Qibai's temperament is not suitable for such impatience."

Yan Chenjue said: "I'm not forcing Miss Jiang, although the relationship between the two of them seems to be in the hands of Miss Jiang, but in fact, Miss Jiang is not someone who can control their feelings."

Qingwu looked at him puzzled, if he wasn't in Qibai's hands, could it be that he was still in Jiang Mingyun's hands?
The young man smiled and blinked at her, "Don't look at Jiang Mingyun's heart is full of Miss Jiang, and he has deep feelings for Miss Jiang. But he is the most rigid person. He obviously likes it, but he can't express it directly, even if it's a confession. He is timid, as long as Miss Jiang backs down, he will back down. In essence, Jiang Mingyun is not as courageous as Miss Jiang. Therefore, this matter must be resolved by Jiang Mingyun. I am not forcing Miss Jiang to do this. Add fire to Jiang Mingyun."

What Yan Chenjue said seemed to be true and reasonable after Qingwu carefully savored it.

She nodded and said, "I just hope that there will be no more problems between the two of you this time. It's been so long, and if it continues, I don't know how long it will take."

Yan Chen smiled, smiling beautifully and affectionately, "What is he waiting for these two years, I have been waiting for Sister Qing for so many years."

Qingwu also smiled, and was about to kiss his face to comfort him, but happened to see Xiaoyan behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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