When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 194 Extra Story - The Little Master and the Cold Monster 2

Chapter 194 Extra Story - The Little Master and the Cold Monster 2
The boy's mumbling mouth finally stopped, and his beautiful fox eyes sparkled, "I want to eat, I want to eat two skewers."

Jiang Chenglan bought him two bunches of candied haws, and the young man held them in each hand and ate them with gusto. He didn't forget to vaguely remind Jiang Chenglan, "Hold my arm, don't let people wash us away."

Yan Muqing walked ahead, Jiang Chenglan grabbed his arm, and the man really calmed down.

Today is Girl's Day.

For Jiang Chenglan, this kind of festival is unnecessary, and it is unnecessary to be forced by her mother to spend a day of Yan Muqing!
Normally, at this young age, she should be practicing swordsmanship with her father in the martial arts arena.

Jiang Chenglan walked absent-mindedly, all she could think about was the swordsmanship she learned yesterday, among which she had practiced a few times, but she always felt that it was out of hand.

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Chenglan suddenly realized that his hands were empty.

At that time, she realized that the boy whose arm she was holding just now had disappeared.


This person... When did you lose it?
Yan Muqing only focused on walking forward, his eyes were full of the bustling market, his mouth was full, and he ate with great relish, but he didn't notice that the girl beside him had already separated from him.

It wasn't until he stood in front of the juggling stand, finished eating two bunches of candied haws, and wanted Jiang Chenglan to buy him something to eat, that he realized...Jiang Chenglan was gone!
Yan Muqing panicked completely, stood in the crowd and looked around, almost crying.

At this moment, a delicate voice sounded beside him, "This young master, is he single?"

Yan Muqing looked down, only to see a petite and lovely girl looking at him with a blush from the front.

The young man frowned and said, "It's none of your business whether I'm alone or not? Are you trying to laugh at me?"

The girl was stunned by his roar.

Yan Muqing said again: "You think beautifully, you don't even look at your own face, how dare you come and laugh at me? I have a daughter-in-law, but I haven't gotten married yet!"

After finishing speaking, the boy walked away from the girl aggressively.

Yan Muqing was so anxious that he walked through the crowd, looking for traces of Jiang Chenglan.

After searching for about a quarter of an hour, Yan Muqing was extremely wronged, Jiang Chenglang must have found him annoying and left him on purpose.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, he vowed that after returning, he would definitely complain to his godmother!

However, he is a road idiot, without Jiang Chenglang's guidance, he can't even go home, so how can he sue?
The boy sniffed and continued to walk forward, but he didn't notice that there was someone following him all the time.

When Yan Muqing almost turned around the whole street, he sat down on the edge of the pond outside the market, with his head buried between his knees, feeling aggrieved and sad.

Jiang Chenglan is a villain, and he just left him like this.

How to do?
I can't go home anymore!
I will never see my father and mother again.

Mother must be in a hurry...

Yan Muqing thought about it, his mother wished that he would not come home every day, for fear that he would pester his father when he was idle.

Woooooooo...mother doesn't want me either.

Sobbing sobbingly, a hand clapped on his shoulder.

Yan Muqing raised his head fiercely, and it was clear that the beautiful fox eyes were still full of tears, but they were fierce, looking like they were going to bite someone.

But the moment he met Shang Jiang Chenglan's eyes, the young man couldn't hold back anymore, tears streaming down his face.

Except for the few times when Jiang Chenglan beat him up when he was young and ignorant, she had never seen this battle again.

"You... why are you crying?"

Conscience of heaven and earth, Jiang Chenglang swore that he said this to comfort him, but he didn't expect that his voice was originally cold, and these words fell into Yan Muqing's ears and turned into accusations instead.

Yan Muqing cried even harder, feeling that she had been greatly wronged, hiccupped and hiccupped, and said, "You are fierce, and you are still fierce! You left me...leave me alone Here, you are still pissing me...Wow..."

Jiang Chenglan was originally a person who didn't like to make noise, and being sobbed and yelled in his ears, Jiang Chenglan felt that his eardrums were about to be shattered.

"When did I kill you, stop crying!" Jiang Chenglan rubbed his ears and said.

But she didn't know that Yan Muqing couldn't hear the word 'not allowed'.

"You bully me, you bully me, I want to tell my godmother..." He cried even harder.

Jiang Chenglan didn't understand, it was clear that when she was a child, when she beat him up to cry, as long as she said 'stop crying', he would stop crying.

Why did this kid get so big that he didn't listen?

Jiang Chenglan pressed the center of his eyebrows and asked, "Do you want some sugar cake?"

The boy's eyes widened, and he looked at her incredulously, "At this moment, do you think Sugar Cake can make me forgive you?"

Just when Jiang Chenglan wanted to say something, he didn't want to ask him to forgive, but just wanted him to shut up.

Yan Muqing said awkwardly, "Where's the sugar cake?"

Jiang Chenglan was helpless, but she also saved her tongue, and felt relieved, "I'll take you to buy it, at the front."

The young man stood up, holding her hand tightly with one hand, "Don't let go, otherwise, I will ask the godmother to beat you to death."

Jiang Chenglan didn't say anything, and led him to buy two sugar cakes.

Speaking of which, Yan Muqing has been like this since she was a child, she likes to have two copies of everything.

Even if it is something that I can't even finish one serving, I like to ask for two servings.

Therefore, even though Yanmu Qinggui is the prince of the monster clan, the godmother still feels that Yanmuqing is a prodigal, so all the pocket money of Yanmuqing from childhood to adulthood is stored here in Jiangchenglan.

No matter what Yan Muqing wants, what he wants to buy, it must be decided by Jiang Chenglan.

But Ganniang didn't know, she couldn't stand Yan Muqing's little girly chattering, and when he pestered her to chatter, she agreed.

Jiang Chenglan didn't even know if it was because of this that Yan Muqing developed the bad habit of nagging since childhood.

It is clear that neither the Ganniang nor His Majesty the Demon King have this problem, and it should not be born with it.

Yan Muqing ate a piece of sugar cake, and gave Jiang Chenglan another piece to hold, and said plausibly, "Take it, don't try to leave me while I'm eating. You weren't here just now, There is an old woman who wants to laugh at me for being alone, and also wants to take me away and go back to be Mrs. Yazhai."

Listening to his incoherent description, Jiang Chenglan asked helplessly: "The old woman still has a cottage?"

Yan Muqing was stopped by the question, and said: "It's hard to say, that old woman is so fierce, she might be some kind of village master, or some kind of major general."


Jiang Chenglan felt that he seemed to be connoting himself.

Her father was a general in the army, and she followed her father in the barracks to learn swordsmanship and practice spells since she was a child. The monster soldiers all called her major general.

Jiang Chenglan didn't bother to argue with him, he just said: "Understood."

Yan Muqing didn't continue talking, biting the sugar cake in his hand, he dragged Jiang Chenglan forward, and continued to watch the juggling.

At this moment, the exciting part of the show is coming, and someone is walking on the rope.

Yan Muqing said triumphantly: "It's not difficult, I can do it."

Jiang Chenglan glanced at him casually, feeling contemptuous in his heart.

The person who walked was a mortal with no cultivation skills, and he was a monster, so what could be compared?
A few bullies who didn't know where they came from, took advantage of the crowd and squeezed through the crowd, wanting to get a better look at the front row.

When passing by Yan Muqing, the man stepped on Yan Muqing's foot.

The boy frowned in pain, and grabbed the man's back collar.

The bully looked strong and strong, and when he turned his head, he looked even more ferocious.

"Looking for death? Let go!" the bully shouted angrily.

Yan Muqing frowned, and acted coquettishly with Jiang Chenglang, "He yelled at me!"

His sound attracted the attention of many people, and Jiang Chenglan felt a little ashamed.

Although Yan Muqing was born with a fair and tender face, with a delicate and delicate appearance, he is very tall, a full head taller than that bully.

Such a guy who stands out from the crowd, acting like a child like a baby, is really... quite embarrassing.

But Jiang Chenglan knew that if he didn't do something, this person might not know how to torment her later.

As a result, Jiang Chenglan could only be forced to take the bully from Yan Muqing's hands, and said in a deep voice, "Apologize!"

That bully was not a vegetarian either, it was rather embarrassing to be carried around like objects by these two cowardly boys and girls.

But Jiang Chenglan knew that if he didn't do something, this person might not know how to torment her later.

As a result, Jiang Chenglan could only be forced to take the bully from Yan Muqing's hands, and said in a deep voice, "Apologize!"

That bully was not a vegetarian either, it was rather embarrassing to be carried around like objects by these two cowardly boys and girls.

The bully punched Jiang Chenglan in the face with all his teeth and claws. Jiang Chenglan only turned slightly sideways, and the man's fist passed Jiang Chenglan's eyes.

Jiang Chenglan grabbed the man's elbow with his backhand and folded it back. With a click, the bully's arm fell down and dislocated.

Apparently, the bully didn't give up, instead he rushed up more and more courageously, and hit him with another fist.

Yan Muqing ate the sugar cake and watched the play quietly, there was another crisp sound, and both hands of the bully dropped.

The arms hang down, like empty sleeves, without bones.

Seeing this, several other bullies gathered around him.

The originally dense crowd, which surrounded the jugglers on three floors inside and three floors outside, now consciously gave way to a passage.

It is almost centered on Jiang Chenglan, surrounded by a few burly bullies, and then a crowd of spectators.

Yan Muqing was eating sugar cakes, while standing at the innermost side of the crowd, watching Jiang Chenglan fight.

Jiang Chenglan has never been one to fight, and has always liked quick battles.

After all, it is a major general who came out of the Yaozu army camp. Even a slender and thin daughter can defeat hundreds of little monsters, let alone a few bullies who don't have long eyes.

In a short time, a circle of bullies fell at Jiang Chenglan's feet.

Yan Muqing took the lead in applauding with a sugar cake in his mouth.

These bullies are arrogant and domineering on weekdays, and many people suffer from them.

Today someone acted for the heavens and cleaned them up, and everyone applauded along with Yan Muqing.

With this momentum, even the side jugglers were robbed of the limelight.

Jiang Chenglan likes to enjoy the joy of victory, this is what her father taught her, glory!

With this tossing, the arrogance of the young boys looking at Jiang Chenglan's pretty face and wanting to talk to them disappeared instantly.

They were probably afraid that the girl lost control of her strength and broke their arms.

On the contrary, Yan Muqing gained a lot of popularity.

On the one hand, it was the advantage brought by his outstanding appearance, on the other hand... it was just now that he and Jiang Chenglan were seen holding hands, and they regarded them as a couple.

After seeing Jiang Chenglan's fierceness, the girls felt that they were gentle and lovely again, and it was worth a try.

Yan Muqing was surrounded by the little girls, and they took out their purses as if they were courting them, and wanted to give them to Yan Muqing.

Jiang Chenglan looked at the foolish look of the man with sugar cake crumbs still on the corner of his mouth, feeling a little uncomfortable for no reason.

It is well known that Yan Muqing has been sought after since she was a child.

He is good-looking, and although his personality is terrible, it is within the range that his face can make up for.

In fact, Jiang Chenglang didn't like Yan Muqing's character very much. If there was someone in the military camp with this attitude, she would have beaten him up mercilessly, making him a bit manly.

It's true...she did it when she was young.

But Yan Muqing was the only one around her who, after all these years, still dared to be such a bitch.

Jiang Chenglang was thinking that he was the object of his betrothal marriage after all, and he should keep those girls away from him out of reason and reason.

Before Jiang Chenglan could open her mouth, she heard the young straight man say, "What is this? Did you show off with your feet? It's too ugly. Why do you give me such an ugly thing? Use it as a Is it a foot cloth?"

Jiang Chenglan: "..."

It seems that she is worrying too much!

The girls were ridiculed by Yan Muqing, and ran away aggrieved with their purses in their hands.

Yan Muqing still refused to let go and said: "What, the messy ugly things are not as good-looking as my father's."

Jiang Chenglan frowned, "Your Majesty the Demon King? Will he still do this?"

The young man lifted his chin triumphantly, and said: "Of course, my father is amazing. He can make any kind of fruit, purse, and pastry."

Jiang Chenglan: "..."

Is this something to be proud of?

Your Majesty the Demon King, if you do these things and spread the word, you may be laughed at.

Jiang Chenglan said helplessly: "Well, it's amazing, don't say any more."

Yan Muqing didn't stop there, but said: "My mother's craftsmanship is not very good, I have seen the purse she showed my father, good guy, that thing... I really don't know how my father put that ugly thing I've carried it with me for so many years."

Jiang Chenglan said in a deep voice, "Mu Qing! Don't talk about the godmother."

The young man snorted, and said: "That's my mother, not your mother, you're not happy about it. Why, I'm going to say, she's not good at embroidery, and the things she makes are terrible. Don't let people tell you?"

Jiang Chenglang stared at Yan Muqing so hard that his heart was a little hairy.

(End of this chapter)

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