When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 197 Extra Story - The Little Master and the Cold Monster 5

Chapter 197 Extra Story - The Little Master and the Cold Monster 5
The young man was wronged for a long time before he raised his eyes to look at her, "Although I hate you very much, are you saving my life?"

"..." Jiang Chenglan frowned, "Just say thank you."

Yan Muqing was a little surprised, "But my mother said that the grace of saving life should be promised by body."

Jiang Chenglan sighed heavily, feeling that these words were indeed something that a godmother could say.

Just as he was about to speak, Yan Muqing said again: "Oh, those who are good-looking should be promised with their bodies, and those who are ugly... will be repaid by being a cow or a horse in the next life."


Jiang Chenglang didn't bother to argue with him about whether he was ugly or good-looking, he just hugged him to the rock and sat down, "Sit well and don't talk."

The young man pursed his lips aggrievedly, and said: "But what I said is true, but I have a marriage contract with you, my mother said, I can't make a promise with my body, I can only marry you. "

Jiang Chenglan looked at him for a while, and felt that this person didn't know what marriage was at all, and was just pretending to talk nonsense here.

She said lightly: "You know that when you get married, you have to eat a piece of each other's meat, right?"

The stupid beauty really believed it, she widened her fox eyes, and looked at Jiang Chenglan in disbelief, "Ah? Then...does it hurt?"

He was most afraid of pain.

I have been afraid of pain since I was a child.

After losing a piece of meat, the bloody scene appeared in Yan Muqing's mind, and he shivered with fright, and asked in a low voice: "Then can you just let me eat your meat, can I prepare a piece of chicken for you? "

Jiang Chenglan lowered his eyes and raised the corners of his lips slightly. It was rare for him to find this idiot cute.

She shook her head and said: "Of course it's not allowed, the godmother will check, if you don't cut your flesh, you won't be allowed to get married."

Yan Muqing's small face immediately collapsed, if the fox's ears were still there at this moment, they must also be drooping.

Thinking of Yan Muqing's real body, Jiang Chenglang's heart softened. His real body was very cute. Jiang Chenglang had never seen a cuter animal than that.

She involuntarily raised her hand to rub Yan Muqing's hair.

The man lifted his eyes up to see her hand, but he didn't refuse Jiang Chenglan's intimacy, he just sighed softly and said, "Then we don't want to get married."

Jiang Chenglan replied calmly: "Yes."

In fact, Jiang Chenglan didn't want to get married either, and even thought that even if he got married, he probably wouldn't marry Yan Muqing.

This kid is really not her type.

Jiang Chenglan's eyes swept over him, looking at that person's soft and cute appearance, he thought again: It's probably not the type I like... Maybe!

Yan Muqing rubbed Jiang Chenglan to dry his clothes with spells, sat on the stone for a while to rest, and then got up to pick fruits with Jiang Chenglan.

The island is filled with the fragrance of flowers, and every plant and tree is very beautiful.

Jiang Chenglan couldn't help but think, this place is really beautiful, it is indeed a suitable place for lovers to retire.

Yan Muqing is even more curious about everything he sees, he can touch this and touch that.

From time to time, he would still look around, talking nonstop, "Why haven't you found it yet? Where did those fruits grow? If I had known, I should have asked my father first."

"Look, look, those trees are very tall, have they grown fruit?" The boy shouted happily.

Jiang Chenglan: "No, the red on the tree is gone."

Only then did the boy remember, "Oh, yes, that fruit is red."

Not long after walking, Yan Muqing pointed to a towering tree again, and shouted: "The red patch on that tree is that one, right?"

"..." Jiang Chenglan said helplessly, "That's a red leaf."

The two of them wandered around the island for less than half an hour, Yan Muqing refused to leave without saying anything, and even sat on the ground with his buttocks lying on the ground, "I won't leave, I won't leave, my feet are all There are bubbles, it hurts."

Jiang Chenglan expressed contempt for his frail body.

He was clearly the one who clamored to pick the fruit, and he was also the one who refused to walk right now!

Originally, Jiang Chenglan was also thinking about her sword skills, so he simply suggested, "Let's go back!"

But the young man sniffed and said, "I've been away for so long, so I just go back like this? I don't want it!"

"..." Jiang Chenglan was silent for a moment, "Keep looking?"

Yan Muqing snorted twice, pointed at her own feet, and said, "My feet hurt like hell, why are you so inhuman?"

Jiang Chenglan's patience was almost worn out by him, "So what? What do you want?"

The girl folded her arms around her chest with an impatient look on her face.

Yan Muqing rolled her eyes, opened her arms with a smile, and said, "You carry me on your back!"

Jiang Chenglan: "..."

She really didn't know how Yan Muqing, a big man who was a head taller than her, could say such a thing?

Although, it's not that Jiang Chenglan can't bear him, but he just feels...a bit ashamed.

Yan Muqing obviously saw the refusal in Jiang Chenglan's expression, so he cried and said: "I'm tired, you don't care about me at all, my feet hurt so bad, don't believe me, look, it's really blistering gone."

After all, that person didn't care what the situation was, who was in front of him, and took off his shoes and socks straight away.

There were really two blisters under a pair of white jade-like feet, one of which was still red, and blood was mixed in the blisters.

For a moment, Jiang Chenglan didn't know whether to call him coquettish or shameless.

Helplessly, Jiang Chenglan sighed, "Put on your shoes, and then... come up."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and turned her back to the boy.

When Yan Muqing heard this, she quickly put on her shoes and socks, and happily jumped onto Jiang Chenglan's back.

Being held by Jiang Chenglan's knees, Yan Muqing felt a surge of spiritual power rushing into his body along the touching skin, and the blisters on his feet immediately stopped hurting.

Yan Muqing smiled and kissed her on the back of the neck, "I knew that Chenglan is the best for me."

After being kissed, Jiang Chenglan froze and coughed irritably, "What are you doing? You forgot what I told you earlier, right?"

Jiang Chenglan's tone was a little irritable and annoyed, so frightened that Yan Muqing shrank her face behind her collar.

The boy's voice came along the bones, "Why are you happy, why are you so angry?"

Jiang Chenglan was silent.

She wasn't angry, but rather...overwhelmed.

Jiang Chenglan's parents are serious people, they behave according to the rules, and they never cross the line in the slightest.

Therefore, they educated Jiang Chenglan as well.

She called those intimate actions... frivolity.

As for Yan Muqing acting so frivolously towards her, Jiang Chenglang just felt that he shouldn't be with... an indescribable feeling.

Neither of them spoke anymore, Jiang Chenglan continued to walk forward with his back on his back.

After passing through a few forests, it can be regarded as finding the fruit.

Jiang Chenglan was already standing under the tree, but the boy on his back didn't jump for joy.

This made Jiang Chenglan couldn't help but reflect in his heart, was he too fierce just now?

really scare him?Do not speak for such a long time!
Jiang Chenglan didn't want to get into an argument with him, so he softened his attitude and wanted to ask him if he wanted to come down and pick the fruit by himself.

But when the words came to his lips, what came out was, "Are you still eating the fruit?"

The tone of voice was blunt, a bit like reprimanding.

Jiang Chenglan realized belatedly that he didn't seem to know how to speak soft words at all.

The man still didn't say a word, Jiang Chenglan turned his head, ready to say something to save the awkward atmosphere, but when he turned his head, he saw the boy fell asleep lying on her shoulder.

The eyes are closed, the long eyelashes are naturally slightly curled up, the bridge of the nose is high, the skin is white jade, the lips are cherry pink, and...

Jiang Chenglan frowned suddenly, this kid was drooling!

Her shoulders were wet.


Jiang Chenglan swore that he was trying his best not to throw him to the ground.

She took several deep breaths before suppressing the anger in her heart.

When Yan Muqing woke up, it was already dark, and he was lying on the couch in the room.

The quilt that was originally covering his body was rolled into a ball when he fell asleep, half of it was pressed under his body, and half of it hung to the ground. In short, there was nothing covering his body.

Yan Muqing fell into a drowsy sleep, and his mind was a little unclear.

How did he sleep in the room?Shouldn't he be picking fruit outside with Jiang Chenglan now?

Are you dreaming?

After sleeping for too long, Yan Muqing felt that his throat was a little dry, so he got up to drink water, only then did he see two big cloth bags on the table.

Yan Muqing took a sip of water and opened the cloth bag, which was full of fruits.

"So many?" Yan Muqing scratched his head, it seemed that he was not dreaming.

He ran out the door and asked the attendant outside, "Has Jiang Chenglan been here?"

The attendant replied truthfully, "Two hours ago, after Miss Jiang carried His Highness back, she left."

Yan Muqing was shocked, "I slept for two hours?"

The servant nodded.

Yan Muqing rubbed his head, but didn't have the slightest impression, probably sent him back while he was asleep.

However, he was too sleepy.

Originally, I wanted to take advantage of today to take a walk outside and have fun, but that's a good thing, it was wasted on sleeping.

He muttered, "It's all Jiang Chenglan's fault, why didn't you wake me up?"

The attendants were all ashamed, and thought: Your Highness, you don't know how dead you are when you sleep, and you don't even feel it when someone steals you. It's too difficult to wake you up.

Yan Muqing entered the room in despair.

Sitting at the table, eating the fruit in the cloth bag, Yan Muqing felt dull.

It's so boring to eat fruit by yourself.

Jiang Chenglan was in the barracks all year round, besides cultivating, Yan Muqing didn't even meet her a few times.

Only during the holidays, when Jiang Chenglang would follow Madam Jiang to his mother's house, did he have the opportunity to sit and talk with Jiang Chenglang.

Although most of the time, he is the one talking.

In fact, Yan Muqing didn't really want to hear her talk, because she usually didn't talk, and if she did, it would be to teach him and reprimand him.

The young man slapped the fruit in his hand on the table, feeling aggrieved in his heart.

Why is she always so fierce to him?

Moreover, it was only fierce to him.

It was clear that she was always affectionate with mother, but she was especially cold towards him.

The more Yan Muqing thought about it, the more he felt that it was not a good taste, so he simply stopped eating, got up and went to Qingwu's room.

The young man was unhappy, and when he entered the door he had a temper and kicked the door open.

Yan Muqing didn't know if he had misread it, the two people who were very close in the room separated in an instant.

Qingwu cleared his throat, and asked awkwardly, "Yanyan, why are you here?"

Yan Chenjue, on the other hand, was displeased, "You don't knock when you come in? Who taught you this?"

Although Yan Muqing grew up, Yan Chenjue would often talk to him very seriously, but Yan Muqing was not afraid of him at all.

His father is a paper tiger, he scolds everyone outside, but when he enters the house and sees his mother, his bones become weak.

The boy didn't have the slightest attitude of admitting his mistake, he just sat down beside his mother, with half of his body leaning on his mother's shoulder.

Yan Muqing didn't realize that the displeasure in his father's eyes was about to turn into a knife.

Qingwu asked a little curiously: "Going out with Chenglan today, how are you getting along?"

He originally came here for Jiang Chenglan, so he came to sue.

Now when he heard her name, the grievance in his heart immediately turned up. He pouted his lips and said, "What else can I do, she will bully me."

Hearing this, Qingwu immediately became interested, the smile in his eyes couldn't be concealed, as if he was watching the excitement, "Oh? Tell me, why did she bully you?"

Obviously, the 'bullying' understood by Qingwu and the bullied by Yan Muqing are not the same thing at all.

Yan Muqing moaned and said, "She just... fiercely attacked me, bullied me, and wanted to beat me."

Qingwu: "..."

Not so much, right?

Qingwu looked down at his own son, his appearance followed his father's, and he was extremely outstanding, especially those fox eyes, which were almost replicas, the same.

How could anyone be willing to bully such a beautiful face?

However, over the years, Yan Muqing has sued Jiang Chenglan not once or twice, and Qingwu still has some doubts about the seriousness of the matter.

Saying 'still want to hit me' sounds like gibberish.

Although Jiang Chenglan's cultivation base was higher, but his temper followed Jiang Mingyun's, he was strict, extremely fair, and very forbearing, and would not fight with anyone casually.

Even in the military camp, Jiang Chenglan would only attack unless his subordinates were too arrogant or violated serious military regulations.

As for... someone as weak as Yan Muqing, Qingwu thinks that it is absolutely impossible for Jiang Chenglan to beat him.

Qingwu patted Yan Muqing's shoulder, and said: "Okay, you, if you had the ability of your father, you would have chased him down long ago."

The young man raised his eyes, gave his mother a dissatisfied look, and said, "Who is chasing her? I don't want her, she... is so fierce and annoying, I don't like her."

No matter how it sounds, it sounds like a coquettish duplicity.

Qingwu likes to tease those duplicity people the most, so he said with a smile: "So you don't like Chenglan? I thought you liked her, so I insisted on matching you up. If that's the case, then you don't need to meet each other in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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